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Feture vs. Feature — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Feture" is a misspelling. The correct spelling is "Feature," which refers to a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
Feture vs. Feature — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Feture or Feature

How to spell Feature?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall "feature film" in the cinema.
Associate "feature" with "creature," both have "eature."
Remember "t" comes after "a" in "feature."
Remember "fea" like "feast" because features are often celebrated.
Visualize a featured item being displayed prominently.

How Do You Spell Feature Correctly?

Incorrect: Can you tell me about the feture updates?
Correct: Can you tell me about the feature updates?
Incorrect: What's the best feture of this software?
Correct: What's the best feature of this software?
Incorrect: Each apartment has a unique feture that sets it apart.
Correct: Each apartment has a unique feature that sets it apart.
Incorrect: The new phone has an amazing feture.
Correct: The new phone has an amazing feature.
Incorrect: The camera's night vision is its standout feture.
Correct: The camera's night vision is its standout feature.

Feature Definitions

A feature is a distinctive attribute or aspect of something.
One feature of the software is its user-friendly interface.
In technology, a feature represents a specific functionality or capability of a software product.
The new feature allows automatic updates.
Any of the distinct parts of the face, as the eyes, nose, or mouth.
Often features The overall appearance of the face or its parts.
A prominent or distinctive part, quality, or characteristic
A feature of one's personality.
A feature of the landscape.
A property of linguistic units or forms
Nasality is a phonological feature.
In generative linguistics, any of various abstract entities that specify or combine to specify phonological, morphological, semantic, and syntactic properties of linguistic forms and that act as the targets of linguistic rules and operations.
The main film presentation at a theater.
A long, narrative movie, typically lasting more than one hour.
A special attraction at an entertainment.
A prominent or special article, story, or department in a newspaper or periodical.
An item advertised or offered as particularly attractive or as an inducement
A washing machine with many features.
Outward appearance; form or shape.
Physical beauty.
To give special attention to; display, publicize, or make prominent.
To have or include as a prominent part or characteristic
The play featured two well-known actors.
To depict or outline the features of.
(Informal) To picture mentally; imagine
Can you feature her in that hat?.
(obsolete) One's structure or make-up: form, shape, bodily proportions.
An important or main item.
(media) A long, prominent article or item in the media, or the department that creates them; frequently used technically to distinguish content from news.
(film) feature film
Any of the physical constituents of the face (eyes, nose, etc.).
(computing) A beneficial capability of a piece of software.
The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic.
One of the features of the landscape
(archaeology) Something discerned from physical evidence that helps define, identify, characterize, and interpret an archeological site.
A feature of many Central Texas prehistoric archeological sites is a low spreading pile of stones called a rock midden. Other features at these sites may include small hearths.
(engineering) Characteristic forms or shapes of parts. For example, a hole, boss, slot, cut, chamfer, or fillet.
An individual measurable property or characteristic of a phenomenon being observed; the input of a model.
(music) The act of being featured in a piece of music.
(linguistics) The elements into which linguistic units can be broken down.
(transitive) To ascribe the greatest importance to something within a certain context.
(transitive) To star, to contain.
(intransitive) To appear, to make an appearance.
To have features resembling.
The make, form, or outward appearance of a person; the whole turn or style of the body; esp., good appearance.
What needeth it his feature to descrive?
Cheated of feature by dissembling nature.
The make, cast, or appearance of the human face, and especially of any single part of the face; a lineament. (pl.) The face, the countenance.
It is for homely features to keep home.
The cast or structure of anything, or of any part of a thing, as of a landscape, a picture, a treaty, or an essay; any marked peculiarity or characteristic; as, one of the features of the landscape.
And to her service bind each living creatureThrough secret understanding of their feature.
A form; a shape.
So scented the grim feature, and upturnedHis nostril wide into the murky air.
A prominent aspect of something;
The map showed roads and other features
Generosity is one of his best characteristics
The characteristic parts of a person's face: eyes and nose and mouth and chin;
An expression of pleasure crossed his features
His lineaments were very regular
The principal (full-length) film in a program at a movie theater;
The feature tonight is `Casablanca'
A special or prominent article in a newspaper or magazine;
They ran a feature on retirement planning
An article of merchandise that is displayed or advertised more than other articles
Have as a feature;
This restaurant features the most famous chefs in France
Wear or display in an ostentatious or proud manner;
She was sporting a new hat
Feature refers to a part of the face, such as the eyes, nose, or mouth.
He has sharp features.
Feature can mean a newspaper or magazine article or a broadcast program on a particular subject.
She wrote a feature on travel destinations.
In cinema, a feature is a full-length film.
The film festival showcased several new feature films.

Feature Meaning in a Sentence

The water park's main feature is the giant wave pool.
Her favorite feature of the new app is the customizable interface.
Landscape architects will add a water feature to the garden design.
One feature of this house is its energy-efficient design.
A key feature of the program is its user-friendly setup.
The device's compact size is an important feature for travelers.
The feature film at the festival won several awards.
The conference will feature speakers from around the world.
The laptop's best feature is its long battery life.
He's known for his sharp wit, a feature of his writing style.
The phone's waterproof feature is perfect for outdoor adventures.

Feature Idioms & Phrases

A standout feature

A characteristic or part of something that is particularly noticeable or impressive.
The standout feature of the new museum is its interactive exhibits.

To feature prominently

To be a significant or leading part of something.
Environmental sustainability features prominently in their corporate mission.


Referring to a movie or program that is long enough to be considered a main or full-length film, typically around 90 minutes or more.
She directed her first feature-length documentary last year.

Feature presentation

The main or highlighted presentation or performance in a series or event.
The feature presentation tonight at the film festival is a highly anticipated premiere.

Feature set

The collection of features or capabilities that a product, especially software or electronic devices, offers.
The smartphone's feature set includes facial recognition and wireless charging.

Common Curiosities

What is the verb form of Feature?

"To feature."

Is Feature an abstract noun?

No, it's a concrete noun when referring to a specific aspect, but can be seen as abstract when discussing a concept.

Is Feature a negative or positive word?

Neutral, but context can give it a positive or negative connotation.

What is the pronunciation of Feature?

It is pronounced as /ˈfiːtʃər/.

What is the root word of Feature?

The root is from Latin "factura."

Which vowel is used before Feature?

The indefinite article "a" as in "a feature."

Is Feature a noun or adjective?

Primarily a noun, but can be used as an adjective, as in "feature film."

Why is it called Feature?

It derives from the Latin "factura," meaning a form or a making, indicating the distinct aspect or characteristic of something.

Which article is used with Feature?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Which preposition is used with Feature?

Commonly, "of" as in "feature of the product."

Is Feature a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "There are several features in this model."

Is Feature a collective noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Feature?

The first syllable, "Fea."

What part of speech is Feature?

Noun, but can also be used as a verb.

What is another term for Feature?

Attribute, characteristic.

What is the first form of Feature?

As a verb, "feature."

What is the singular form of Feature?


What is the plural form of Feature?


Which conjunction is used with Feature?

Any conjunction can be used with "feature" based on context; common ones include "and" or "or."

Is Feature an adverb?

No, "feature" is not an adverb.

Is the word Feature is Gerund?


Which determiner is used with Feature?

Common determiners include "this," "that," "each," "every."

Is Feature a vowel or consonant?

"Feature" is a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is the word Feature is imperative?


Is the word “Feature” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on the sentence.

How many syllables are in Feature?

Two syllables.

What is the opposite of Feature?

Flaw (in certain contexts).

Is the Feature term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but can be used metaphorically in literature.

How do we divide Feature into syllables?


What is the second form of Feature?


What is the third form of Feature?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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