Ask Difference

Fit vs. Fix — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 26, 2024
Fit involves adapting or being suitable for a purpose, while fix relates to repairing or resolving a problem.
Fit vs. Fix — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Fit and Fix


Key Differences

Fit refers to the suitability or appropriateness of something for a specific purpose, such as clothes matching a person's size or an action being right for a situation. Whereas, fix is about making something that is broken or not working correctly operational again, or solving a problem.
When considering clothing, to fit means the garment is the correct size and shape for the body, highlighting the importance of physical dimensions. On the other hand, to fix a piece of clothing would imply repairing it, such as sewing a tear or replacing a button, focusing on restoration.
In software development, fit could refer to a feature or solution being appropriate for the user's needs or integrating well with existing systems. Fix, however, would be used when addressing bugs or defects within the software, emphasizing correction and improvement.
Fit also describes the state of being in good health, especially in terms of physical condition. Fix does not apply in this context; instead, it's more about resolving health-related issues, such as fixing a broken bone, which is about treatment and recovery.
In the context of puzzle pieces, fit would describe how the pieces correctly come together without gaps or force. Fix, in contrast, would be used if a piece were damaged and needed to be repaired to fit properly again, focusing on the act of restoring the piece to its original state.

Comparison Chart


Suitability for a purpose or matching in size.
Repairing or resolving a problem.


Appropriateness, compatibility, health.
Repair, solution, restoration.


Suitability and condition.
Correction and improvement.


Clothing size, software features, physical health.
Broken objects, software bugs, health issues.


"This dress fits you perfectly."
"I need to fix this broken vase."

Compare with Definitions


Suitable in size or appropriate.
The role was a perfect fit for her skills.


To repair something that is broken.
Can you fix my watch?


Compatible with.
This software is a good fit for our project requirements.


To make a situation right.
Let's fix this misunderstanding.


Meeting the necessary standards.
Their proposal was fit for approval.


To prepare or make ready.
I'll fix us some lunch.


Being in good health.
He stays fit by cycling daily.


To set something firmly in place.
Fix the shelf to the wall with screws.


Properly aligned or adjusted.
The new battery fits into the compartment easily.


To arrange or plan.
We fixed a meeting for Thursday.


Of a suitable quality, standard, or type to meet the required purpose
The house was not fit for human habitation
Is the water clean and fit to drink?


To correct or set right; adjust
Fix a misspelling.
Fix the out-of-date accounts.


In good health, especially because of regular physical exercise
The measures would ensure a leaner, fitter company
My family keep fit by walking and cycling


To restore to proper condition or working order; repair
Fix a broken machine.


Be of the right shape and size for
Those jeans still fit me
The shoes fitted better after being stretched


To make ready for a specific purpose, as by altering or combining elements; prepare
Fixed the room for the guests.
Fix lunch for the kids.


Install or fix (something) into place
They fitted smoke alarms to their home


To spay or castrate (an animal).


Be compatible or in agreement with; match
The landlord had not seen anyone fitting that description


To influence the outcome or actions of (something) by improper or unlawful means
Fix a prizefight.
Fix a jury.


Have an epileptic fit
He started fitting uncontrollably


(Informal) To take revenge upon (someone); get even with.


The particular way in which something, especially a garment or component, fits
The dress was a perfect fit


To place securely; make stable or firm
Fixed the tent poles in the ground.


A sudden attack of convulsions and/or loss of consciousness, typical of epilepsy and some other medical conditions
The child had frequent fits


To secure to another; attach
Fixing the notice to the board with tacks.


A sudden short period of uncontrollable coughing, laughter, etc.


To put into a stable or unalterable form
Tried to fix the conversation in her memory.


A section of a poem.


To make (a chemical substance) nonvolatile or solid.


To be the proper size and shape for
These shoes fit me.


(Biology) To convert (nitrogen or carbon) into stable, biologically assimilable compounds.


To cause to be the proper size and shape
The tailor fitted the trousers by shortening them.


To prevent discoloration of (a photographic image) by washing or coating with a chemical preservative.


To measure for proper size
She fitted me for a new jacket.


To direct steadily
Fixed her eyes on the road ahead.


To be appropriate to; suit
Music that fits your mood.


To capture or hold
The man with the long beard fixed our attention.


To be in conformity or agreement with
Observations that fit the theory nicely.


To set or place definitely; establish
Fixed her residence in a coastal village.


To make suitable; adapt
Fitted the shelves for large books.


To determine with accuracy; ascertain
Fixed the date of the ancient artifacts.


To make ready; prepare
Specialized training fitted her for the job.


To agree on; arrange
Fix a time to meet.


To equip; outfit
Fit out a ship.


To assign; attribute
Fixing the blame.


To provide a place or time for
You can't fit any more toys in the box. The doctor can fit you in today.


(Computers) To convert (data) from floating-point notation to fixed-point notation.


To insert or adjust so as to be properly in place
Fit a handle on a door.


To direct one's efforts or attention; concentrate
We fixed on the immediate goal.


To be the proper size and shape.


To become stable or firm; harden
Fresh plaster will fix in a few hours.


To be suited; belong
Doesn't fit in with these people.


Chiefly Southern US To be on the verge of; to be making preparations for. Used in progressive tenses with the infinitive
We were fixing to leave without you.


To be in harmony; agree
His good mood fit in with the joyful occasion.


The act of adjusting, correcting, or repairing.


Suited, adapted, or acceptable for a given circumstance or purpose
Not a fit time for flippancy.


(Informal) Something that repairs or restores; a solution
No easy fix for an intractable problem.


Appropriate; proper
Do as you see fit.


The position, as of a ship or aircraft, determined by visual observations with the aid of equipment.


Physically sound; healthy
Keeps fit with diet and exercise.


A clear determination or understanding
A briefing that gave us a fix on the current situation.


(Biology) Able to survive and produce viable offspring in a particular environment


An instance of arranging a special consideration, such as an exemption from a requirement, or an improper or illegal outcome, especially by means of bribery.


The state, quality, or way of being fitted
The proper fit of means to ends.


A difficult or embarrassing situation; a predicament
"If we get left on this wreck we are in a fix" (Mark Twain).


The manner in which clothing fits
A jacket with a tight fit.


(Slang) An amount or dose of something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic.


The degree of precision with which surfaces are adjusted or adapted to each other in a machine or collection of parts.


To pierce; now generally replaced by transfix.


A seizure or convulsion, especially one caused by epilepsy.


(Of a piercing look) to direct at someone.
He fixed me with a sickly grin, and said, "I told you it wouldn't work!"


A sudden physical outburst
A fit of coughing.
A fit of laughter.


(transitive) To attach; to affix; to hold in place or at a particular time.
A dab of chewing gum will fix your note to the bulletin board.
A leech can fix itself to your skin without you feeling it.
The Constitution fixes the date when Congress must meet.


A sudden, involuntary physical reaction
A fit of shivering.
A fit of cramps.


To focus or determine (oneself, on a concept); to fixate.
She's fixed on the idea of becoming a doctor.


A sudden, involuntary mental experience
A fit of amnesia.
A fit of déjà vu.


To prevent enemy pawns from advancing by directly opposing the most advanced one with one of one's own pawns so as to threaten to capture any advancing backward pawns.


A sudden outburst of emotion
A fit of jealousy.


(transitive) To mend, to repair.
That heater will start a fire if you don't fix it.
You can't fix stupid.


A sudden period of vigorous activity.


To prepare (food or drink).
She fixed dinner for the kids.


A section of a poem or ballad.


(transitive) To make (a contest, vote, or gamble) unfair; to privilege one contestant or a particular group of contestants, usually before the contest begins; to arrange immunity for defendants by tampering with the justice system via bribery or extortion.
A majority of voters believed the election was fixed in favor of the incumbent.


Suitable, proper.
You have nothing to say about it. I'll do exactly as I see fit.


To surgically render an animal, especially a pet, infertile.
Rover stopped digging under the fence after we had the vet fix him.


Adapted to a purpose or environment.
Survival of the fittest


To map a (point or subset) to itself.


In good shape; physically well.
You don't have to be a good climber for Kilimanjaro, but you do have to be fit.


To take revenge on, to best; to serve justice on an assumed miscreant.
He got caught breaking into lockers, so a couple of guys fixed him after work.


Prepared; ready.


(transitive) To render (a photographic impression) permanent by treating with such applications as will make it insensitive to the action of light.


(transitive) To be suitable for.
It fits the purpose.


To convert into a stable or available form.
Legumes are valued in crop rotation for their ability to fix nitrogen.


(intransitive) To have sufficient space available at some location to be able to be there.
Ten clowns fit in the car, but not a hundred.
A grain of sand will fit in the cave, but an elephant will not.


(intransitive) To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.


(transitive) To conform to in size and shape.
The small shirt doesn't fit me, so I'll buy the medium size.
If I lose a few kilos, the gorgeous wedding dress might fit me.


(intransitive) To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.


(intransitive) To be of the right size and shape
I wanted to borrow my little sister's jeans, but they didn't fit.
That plug fit into the other socket, but it won't go in this one.


A repair or corrective action.
That plumber's fix is much better than the first one's.


To make conform in size and shape.
I want to fit the drapes to the windows.


A difficult situation; a quandary or dilemma; a predicament.
It rained before we repaired the roof, and were we in a fix!


(transitive) To tailor; to change to the appropriate size.
I had a suit fitted by the tailor.


(informal) A single dose of an addictive drug administered to a drug user.


(transitive) To be in agreement with.
These definitions fit most of the usage.


A prearrangement of the outcome of a supposedly competitive process, such as a sporting event, a game, an election, a trial, or a bid.


(transitive) To adjust.
The regression program fit a line to the data.


A determination of location.
We have a fix on your position.


(transitive) To attach, especially when requiring exact positioning or sizing.


(US) fettlings (mixture used to line a furnace)


(transitive) To equip or supply.
The chandler will fit us with provisions for a month.


Fixed; solidified.


(transitive) To make ready.
I'm fitting the ship for a summer sail home.


To make firm, stable, or fast; to set or place permanently; to fasten immovably; to establish; to implant; to secure; to make definite.
An ass's nole I fixed on his head.
O, fix thy chair of grace, that all my powersMay also fix their reverence.
His heart is fixed, trusting in the Lord.
And fix far deeper in his head their stings.


To be seemly.


To transfix; to pierce.


To be proper or becoming.


To render (an impression) permanent by treating with a developer to make it insensible to the action of light.


(intransitive) To be in harmony.
The paint, the fabrics, the rugs all fit.


To put in order; to arrange; to dispose of; to adjust; to set to rights; to set or place in the manner desired or most suitable; hence, to repair; as, to fix the clothes; to fix the furniture of a room.


To suffer a fit.


To line the hearth of (a puddling furnace) with fettling.


Fight; fought.


To become fixed; to settle or remain permanently; to cease from wandering; to rest.
Your kindness banishes your fear,Resolved to fix forever here.


The degree to which something fits.
This shirt is a bad fit.
Since he put on weight, his jeans have been a tight fit.


To become firm, so as to resist volatilization; to cease to flow or be fluid; to congeal; to become hard and malleable, as a metallic substance.


Conformity of elements one to another.
It's hard to get a good fit using second-hand parts.




The part of an object upon which anything fits tightly.


Informal terms for a difficult situation;
He got into a terrible fix
He made a muddle of his marriage


(advertising) Measure of how well a particular commercial execution captures the character or values of a brand.
The Wonder Bread advertising research results showed the “White Picket Fence” commercial had strong fit ratings.


Something craved, especially an intravenous injection of a narcotic drug;
She needed a fix of chocolate


(statistics) Goodness of fit.


The act of putting something in working order again


(bridge) The quality of a partnership's combined holding of cards in a suit, particularly of trump.
During the auction, it is often a partnership's goal to find an eight-card major suit fit.


An exemption granted after influence (e.g., money) is brought to bear;
Collusion resulted in tax fixes for gamblers


(archaic) A section of a poem or ballad.


A determination of the location of something;
He got a good fix on the target


A seizure or convulsion.
My grandfather died after having a fit.


Restore by replacing a part or putting together what is torn or broken;
She repaired her TV set
Repair my shoes please


(medicine) A sudden and vigorous appearance of a symptom over a short period of time.


Cause to be firmly attached;
Fasten the lock onto the door
She fixed her gaze on the man


A sudden outburst of emotion.
He had a laughing fit which lasted more than ten minutes.
She had a fit and threw all of his clothes out through the window.
He threw a fit when his car broke down.


Decide upon or fix definitely;
Fix the variables
Specify the parameters


A sudden burst (of an activity).


Prepare for eating by applying heat;
Cook me dinner, please
Can you make me an omelette?
Fix breakfast for the guests, please


(informal) An outfit, a set of clothing.
How do you like the fit?


Take vengeance on or get even;
We'll get them!
That'll fix him good!
This time I got him


In Old English, a song; a strain; a canto or portion of a ballad; a passus.
To play some pleasant fit.


Set or place definitely;
Let's fix the date for the party!


The quality of being fit; adjustment; adaptedness; as of dress to the person of the wearer.


Make fixed, stable or stationary;
Let's fix the picture to the frame


The coincidence of parts that come in contact.


Make infertile;
In some countries, people with genetically transmissible disbilites are sterilized


A stroke or blow.
Curse on that cross, quoth then the Sarazin,That keeps thy body from the bitter fit.


Put (something somewhere) firmly;
She posited her hand on his shoulder
Deposit the suitcase on the bench
Fix your eyes on this spot


A sudden and violent attack of a disorder; a stroke of disease, as of epilepsy or apoplexy, which produces convulsions or unconsciousness; a convulsion; a paroxysm; hence, a period of exacerbation of a disease; in general, an attack of disease; as, a fit of sickness.
And when the fit was on him, I did markHow he did shake.


Make ready or suitable or equip in advance for a particular purpose or for some use, event, etc;
Get the children ready for school!
Prepare for war
I was fixing to leave town after I paid the hotel bill


A mood of any kind which masters or possesses one for a time; a temporary, absorbing affection; a paroxysm; as, a fit of melancholy, of passion, or of laughter.
All fits of pleasure we balanced by an equal degree of pain.
The English, however, were on this subject prone to fits of jealously.


A passing humor; a caprice; a sudden and unusual effort, activity, or motion, followed by relaxation or inaction; an impulsive and irregular action.
The fits of the season.


A darting point; a sudden emission.
A tongue of light, a fit of flame.


Adapted to an end, object, or design; suitable by nature or by art; suited by character, qualitties, circumstances, education, etc.; qualified; competent; worthy.
That which ordinary men are fit for, I am qualified in.
Fit audience find, though few.


Prepared; ready.
So fit to shoot, she singled forth amongher foes who first her quarry's strength should feel.


Conformed to a standart of duty, properiety, or taste; convenient; meet; becoming; proper.
Is it fit to say a king, Thou art wicked?


To make fit or suitable; to adapt to the purpose intended; to qualify; to put into a condition of readiness or preparation.
The time is fitted for the duty.
The very situation for which he was peculiarly fitted by nature.


To bring to a required form and size; to shape aright; to adapt to a model; to adjust; - said especially of the work of a carpenter, machinist, tailor, etc.
The carpenter . . . marketh it out with a line; he fitteth it with planes.


To supply with something that is suitable or fit, or that is shaped and adjusted to the use required.
No milliner can so fit his customers with gloves.


To be suitable to; to answer the requirements of; to be correctly shaped and adjusted to; as, if the coat fits you, put it on.
That's a bountiful answer that fits all questions.
That time best fits the work.


To be proper or becoming.
Nor fits it to prolong the feast.


To be adjusted to a particular shape or size; to suit; to be adapted; as, his coat fits very well.


A display of bad temper;
He had a fit
She threw a tantrum
He made a scene


A sudden uncontrollable attack;
A paroxysm of giggling
A fit of coughing
Convulsions of laughter


The manner in which something fits;
I admired the fit of her coat


A sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason);
A burst of applause
A fit of housecleaning


Be agreeable or acceptable to;
This suits my needs


Be the right size or shape; fit correctly or as desired;
This piece won't fit into the puzzle


Satisfy a condition or restriction;
Does this paper meet the requirements for the degree?


Make fit;
Fit a dress
He fitted other pieces of paper to his cut-out


Insert or adjust several objects or people;
Can you fit the toy into the box?
This man can't fit himself into our work environment


Be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics;
The two stories don't agree in many details
The handwriting checks with the signature on the check
The suspect's fingerprints don't match those on the gun


Conform to some shape or size;
How does this shirt fit?


Provide with (something) usually for a specific purpose;
The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities


Make correspond or harmonize;
Match my sweater


Meeting adequate standards for a purpose;
A fit subject for discussion
It is fit and proper that you be there
Water fit to drink
Fit for duty
Do as you see fit to


(usually followed by `to' or `for') on the point of or strongly disposed;
In no fit state to continue
Fit to drop
Laughing fit to burst
She was fit to scream
Primed for a fight
We are set to go at any time


Physically and mentally sound or healthy;
Felt relaxed and fit after their holiday
Keeps fit with diet and exercise

Common Curiosities

What does fix mean?

Fix involves repairing, resolving, or correcting a problem or situation.

Can fit and fix be used interchangeably?

No, they serve different purposes: fit is about suitability, while fix is about making repairs or corrections.

How does fix relate to solution?

Fix is about finding a solution to a problem, often implying a process of repair or correction to restore functionality.

Is fixing always related to physical objects?

No, fixing can also apply to abstract situations, like resolving misunderstandings or scheduling events.

What does fit mean?

Fit refers to something being the right size, suitable, or appropriate for a purpose.

Can fit imply a process?

Fit can imply a process of selection or adjustment to ensure suitability or appropriateness.

What does it mean to fix something in a software context?

In software, fixing refers to identifying and correcting bugs or issues that prevent the software from functioning correctly.

How do fit and fix relate to problem-solving?

Fit involves determining if something is suitable for a situation, while fix is directly involved in the problem-solving process to correct issues.

Is fit related to compatibility?

Yes, fit often involves compatibility, such as items or solutions being well-suited for each other or a particular use.

How does fit apply to physical health?

Fit describes being in good physical condition or health through exercise or diet.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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