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Fitbit Versa 2 vs. Fitbit Versa Lite — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 20, 2024
Fitbit Versa 2 is a more advanced smartwatch with features like voice control, sleep tracking, and an always-on display option, while Fitbit Versa Lite is a more basic, affordable version with core fitness and smart features.
Fitbit Versa 2 vs. Fitbit Versa Lite — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Fitbit Versa 2 and Fitbit Versa Lite


Key Differences

The Fitbit Versa 2 is an advanced smartwatch offering comprehensive health and fitness tracking, including heart rate monitoring, sleep tracking, and built-in Amazon Alexa for voice commands. The Fitbit Versa Lite is a simplified version of the Versa series, offering essential health and fitness features like activity tracking and smartphone notifications but lacking some of the advanced features of the Versa 2.
Fitbit Versa 2 includes an always-on display option, allowing users to see the time and notifications at a glance. The Fitbit Versa Lite does not have an always-on display feature, focusing instead on a more basic user experience with a lower price point.
In terms of design, the Fitbit Versa 2 has a slightly more premium look with a variety of band options and colors. Fitbit Versa Lite offers a more limited selection but maintains a similar design that is lightweight and comfortable.
Fitbit Versa 2 supports on-device music storage and Spotify control, enhancing the user experience during workouts. Fitbit Versa Lite, meanwhile, does not support music storage or Spotify controls.
Fitbit Versa 2 has a longer battery life, typically lasting up to 6 days, while Fitbit Versa Lite has a slightly shorter battery life. Both watches include features like water resistance and compatibility with the Fitbit app for tracking and data analysis.

Comparison Chart

Advanced Features

Voice control, sleep tracking, always-on display
Basic fitness and smart features


Premium look, more color and band options
Simplified design, limited color options

Music and Spotify Control

Supports music storage and Spotify control
No music storage or Spotify control


Always-on display option
No always-on display

Battery Life

Up to 6 days
Slightly shorter battery life

Compare with Definitions

Fitbit Versa 2

Includes built-in Amazon Alexa for voice commands.
I use Alexa on my Fitbit Versa 2 to set reminders.

Fitbit Versa Lite

Lightweight and comfortable design.
The Fitbit Versa Lite is so light, I barely notice it on my wrist.

Fitbit Versa 2

Supports on-device music storage and Spotify control.
I listen to Spotify directly from my Fitbit Versa 2 during workouts.

Fitbit Versa Lite

Simplified and affordable version of the Fitbit Versa.
I chose the Fitbit Versa Lite for its affordability and essential features.

Fitbit Versa 2

Long battery life of up to 6 days.
My Fitbit Versa 2 lasts almost a week on a single charge.

Fitbit Versa Lite

Has a slightly shorter battery life compared to Versa 2.
I charge my Fitbit Versa Lite every few days due to its shorter battery life.

Fitbit Versa 2

Features an always-on display option.
The always-on display on my Versa 2 helps me check time quickly.

Fitbit Versa Lite

Focuses on basic user experience.
The Versa Lite is perfect for me because it covers all my basic fitness tracking needs.

Fitbit Versa 2

Advanced smartwatch with comprehensive health tracking.
My Fitbit Versa 2 tracks my sleep patterns and heart rate.

Fitbit Versa Lite

Offers core fitness and smart features.
My Versa Lite tracks my daily steps and sends smartphone notifications.

Common Curiosities

Can I store music on my Fitbit Versa Lite?

No, the Fitbit Versa Lite does not support on-device music storage.

What is the main difference between Fitbit Versa 2 and Versa Lite?

The main difference is that Versa 2 has more advanced features like voice control and an always-on display, while Versa Lite focuses on basic fitness tracking.

Is the Fitbit Versa 2 more expensive than the Versa Lite?

Yes, generally, the Fitbit Versa 2 is priced higher due to its additional features.

Is the battery life significantly different between the two models?

The Versa 2 typically has a longer battery life of up to 6 days, while the Versa Lite has a slightly shorter battery life.

Does Fitbit Versa Lite support Amazon Alexa?

No, Amazon Alexa is not supported on the Fitbit Versa Lite.

Do both models track heart rate?

Yes, both the Fitbit Versa 2 and Versa Lite include heart rate tracking.

Can I use Spotify on the Fitbit Versa Lite?

No, the Versa Lite does not have Spotify control capabilities.

Are both Fitbit Versa 2 and Versa Lite water-resistant?

Yes, both models are water-resistant, suitable for swimming and showering.

Does the Versa Lite have an always-on display feature?

No, the always-on display feature is exclusive to the Fitbit Versa 2.

Can I change the bands on both Fitbit models?

Yes, both the Versa 2 and Versa Lite offer interchangeable bands.

Which Fitbit model is better for serious athletes?

The Fitbit Versa 2 might be more suitable for serious athletes due to its advanced features.

Can I receive text notifications on both devices?

Yes, both the Versa 2 and Versa Lite can receive text and call notifications.

Are both models compatible with the Fitbit app?

Yes, both models work seamlessly with the Fitbit app for tracking and data analysis.

Does the Fitbit Versa Lite track sleep?

Yes, both the Versa Lite and Versa 2 have sleep tracking capabilities.

Is the Fitbit Versa 2 suitable for casual fitness enthusiasts?

Yes, the Fitbit Versa 2 is versatile and suitable for both casual fitness enthusiasts and more serious athletes.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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