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Fleas vs. Lice — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 13, 2023
Fleas are external parasites that bite and feed on blood, often in animals; lice are tiny insects living in hair and feeding on human blood.
Fleas vs. Lice — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Fleas and Lice


Key Differences

Fleas are wingless insects that are known to infest pets and other animals, jumping from host to host. Lice, in contrast, are small, wingless parasites that infest the hair and skin of humans.
Fleas can be found primarily on pets like cats and dogs, and they can jump significant distances relative to their size. Lice are specifically adapted to human hair, holding onto it with hook-like claws and are not known to jump.
While fleas leave red, itchy bite marks often around the ankles or on animals, lice feed on human blood directly from the scalp, causing itching and sometimes leading to infections. Unlike the flea's preference for animal blood, lice have a preference for human blood.
Flea infestations can be treated using various methods including shampoos, powders, and spot-on treatments designed for pets. On the other hand, lice infestations often require specialized shampoos or treatments aimed at human use and meticulous combing to remove both the lice and their eggs, called nits.
Lastly, fleas and lice have different life cycles. Fleas lay their eggs in the environment, leading to various life stages found in carpets, furniture, or outside. Lice eggs, or nits, are often found attached firmly to hair strands near the scalp, making them challenging to remove.

Comparison Chart

Primary Hosts

Pets (e.g., cats and dogs)


Can jump
Cannot jump; crawl


Environment & on hosts
Human hair & scalp

Bite Appearance

Red, itchy bite marks
Scalp itchiness


Shampoos, powders, spot-on treatments
Specialized shampoos, combing

Compare with Definitions


Wingless insects that parasitize mammals.
My dog brought fleas into the house.


Tiny, wingless insects that infest human hair.
She found lice in her daughter's hair.


Known for their ability to jump long distances.
Fleas can jump many times their body length.


Lay eggs, or nits, attached to hair strands.
She combed out the lice and their nits.


Often found in carpets and pet bedding.
We had to clean the carpets to get rid of the fleas.


Can lead to secondary infections from scratching.
Continuous scratching from lice can cause skin infections.


Lay eggs in various environments.
The fleas laid eggs in the dog's bed.


Spread through close personal contact.
Lice outbreaks often occur in schools due to close contact among children.


Cause itchy bites on humans and animals.
I have flea bites all over my ankles.


Feed on human blood from the scalp.
The lice caused severe itching on her scalp.


Any of various small, wingless, bloodsucking insects of the order Siphonaptera that are parasitic on mammals and birds and can jump long distances.


Plural of louse.


Any of various small crustaceans that resemble or move like fleas, such as the water flea.


Plural of flea


Infl of flea

Common Curiosities

Where do lice typically live on humans?

Lice live in human hair, especially on the scalp.

Can fleas jump?

Yes, fleas are known for their ability to jump great distances.

What causes itchiness in lice infestations?

Lice feed on human blood, causing itchiness.

Are fleas and lice visible to the naked eye?

Yes, both fleas and lice are visible, but they are very small.

How long can fleas live without a host?

Fleas can live several months without feeding if in the pupal stage.

Can lice live without a human host?

Lice can only survive for about 24-48 hours without a human host.

What are fleas primarily known to infest?

Fleas primarily infest pets like cats and dogs.

Where do fleas lay their eggs?

Fleas lay eggs in various environments, such as carpets, furniture, and pet bedding.

Do lice fly or jump?

No, lice crawl and do not have the ability to jump or fly.

How do lice spread?

Lice spread through close personal contact and sharing items like combs.

How can one treat lice infestations?

Lice can be treated with specialized shampoos and meticulous combing.

Can lice infest pets?

While lice primarily infest humans, there are specific types of lice that can infest pets.

How can I prevent fleas on my pets?

Regularly using flea treatments and maintaining cleanliness can help prevent fleas.

Is it common for kids to get lice in school?

Yes, lice outbreaks often occur in schools due to close contact among children.

Are there different types of lice?

Yes, including head lice, body lice, and pubic lice.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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