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Fleece vs. Polyester — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on September 25, 2023
Fleece is a soft, warm fabric often used for sweaters, while Polyester is a synthetic fiber used in various textiles. Fleece can be made from Polyester.
Fleece vs. Polyester — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Fleece and Polyester


Key Differences

Fleece, traditionally derived from sheep's wool, is characterized by its plush softness and insulating capabilities. It's popular in cold-weather apparel because of its warmth. On the other hand, Polyester is a man-made, synthetic fiber created from petrochemicals. Its versatility makes it a common choice in various garments and textiles, from shirts to curtains.
While Fleece specifically denotes a kind of fabric known for its warmth and softness, Polyester refers more broadly to a type of polymer used in making synthetic fibers. This distinction means that while all fleece isn't Polyester, fleece fabric can be manufactured using polyester fibers.
The production processes for Fleece and Polyester are distinct. Fleece originally comes from the wool of sheep and is sheared, cleaned, and then processed. Polyester, being synthetic, is made through a chemical process involving petroleum-derived substances. These reactions produce a kind of plastic which is then extruded into fibers and woven into fabric.

Comparison Chart


Traditionally from sheep's wool
Synthetic, derived from petrochemicals


Soft, plush
Varies, can be smooth to rough


Insulating clothing
Diverse textiles, from apparel to linens


Can retain moisture (especially natural fleece)
Resistant to moisture


Sheared from sheep (or synthetic production)
Chemical process

Compare with Definitions


Often used in outdoor apparel due to its warmth.
Hikers prefer Fleece layers for their thermal benefits.


Known for its moisture-wicking capabilities.
Athletes often wear Polyester gear for its sweat-resistant properties.


The woolly covering of a sheep or goat
He clutched the ram by two handfuls of thick fleece
As the sheep came on board, we grabbed their long shaggy fleeces


Used in a variety of textiles, from clothing to home decor.
The Polyester curtains were both decorative and functional.


A soft warm fabric with a texture similar to sheep's wool, used as a lining material
A reversible fleece jacket


Often blended with other fibers for enhanced characteristics.
The Polyester-cotton blend shirt was both soft and durable.


Obtain a great deal of money from (someone), typically by overcharging or swindling them
The city's cab drivers are notorious for fixing fares and fleecing tourists


Resistant to wrinkles and maintains its shape.
Her Polyester dress remained wrinkle-free all day.


Cover as if with a fleece
The sky was half blue, half fleeced with white clouds


A synthetic fiber derived from petrochemicals.
The Polyester shirt was quick-drying and durable.


The coat of wool of a sheep or similar animal.


Polyester is a category of polymers that contain the ester functional group in every repeat unit of their main chain. As a specific material, it most commonly refers to a type called polyethylene terephthalate (PET).


The yield of wool shorn from a sheep at one time.


A synthetic resin in which the polymer units are linked by ester groups, used chiefly to make synthetic textile fibres.


A soft woolly covering or mass.


Any of numerous synthetic polymers produced chiefly by reaction of dicarboxylic acids with dihydric alcohols and used primarily as light, strong, weather-resistant resins in boat hulls, textile fibers, adhesives, and molded parts.


A soft, warm, lightweight, usually synthetic fabric with a deep pile, used primarily for clothing and blankets.


A wrinkle-resistant fabric of fibers made from any of these resins.


A garment, especially a shirt or jacket, made of such fabric.


Any polymer whose monomers are linked together by ester bonds


To defraud of money or property; swindle.


A material or fabric made from polyester polymer


To shear the fleece from.


Of, or consisting of polyesters


To cover with a fleece or similar covering.


Any of numerous synthetic resins; they are light and strong and weather resistant


(uncountable) Hair or wool of a sheep or similar animal


A complex ester used for making fibers or resins or plastics or as a plasticizer


(uncountable) Insulating skin with the wool attached


Any of a large class of synthetic fabrics


(countable) A textile similar to velvet, but with a longer pile that gives it a softness and a higher sheen.


(countable) An insulating wooly jacket


(roofing) Mat or felts composed of fibers, sometimes used as a membrane backer.


Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.


The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.


(transitive) To con or trick (someone) out of money.


(transitive) To shear the fleece from (a sheep or other animal).
During spring shearing we have to fleece all the sheep in just a few days.


(transitive) To cover with, or as if with, wool.


The entire coat of wool that covers a sheep or other similar animal; also, the quantity shorn from a sheep, or animal, at one time.
Who shore meLike a tame wether, all my precious fleece.


Any soft woolly covering resembling a fleece.


The fine web of cotton or wool removed by the doffing knife from the cylinder of a carding machine.


To deprive of a fleece, or natural covering of wool.


To strip of money or other property unjustly, especially by trickery or fraud; to bring to straits by oppressions and exactions.
Whilst pope and prince shared the wool betwixt them, the people were finely fleeced.


To spread over as with wool.


The wool of a sheep or similar animal


Tanned skin of a sheep with the fleece left on; used for clothing


A soft bulky fabric with deep pile; used chiefly for clothing


Outer coat of especially sheep and yaks


Rip off; ask an unreasonable price


Shear the wool from;
Shear sheep


A soft fabric, traditionally made from sheep's wool.
She wore a Fleece jacket to keep warm during winter.


A material known for its insulating properties.
The Fleece blanket provided warmth on the cold night.


Can be made synthetically, often using Polyester.
The synthetic Fleece pullover was both warm and lightweight.


A term also used to refer to a sheep's coat of wool.
The sheep's Fleece was thick and ready to be sheared.

Common Curiosities

Is Polyester a natural fiber?

No, Polyester is a synthetic fiber made from petrochemicals.

Can you blend Fleece with other materials?

Yes, Fleece can be blended, especially when it's synthetic. For instance, Polyester fleece might be blended with cotton.

How do you care for Polyester garments?

Polyester garments are typically machine washable and can be tumble dried on low heat.

Is Fleece always made from wool?

No, while traditional fleece is derived from sheep's wool, there are synthetic varieties made from materials like Polyester.

Can Fleece be used for summer clothing?

While Fleece is primarily used for cold-weather apparel due to its warmth, lightweight fleece might be suitable for cooler summer nights.

Is Polyester UV resistant?

Polyester has some natural resistance to UV rays, making it suitable for some outdoor applications.

Is Polyester breathable?

Polyester is less breathable than natural fibers, but its moisture-wicking properties help in keeping wearers dry.

Does Polyester shrink in the wash?

Polyester is highly resilient and typically doesn't shrink like natural fibers might.

Why is Fleece so warm?

Fleece traps air in its fibers, creating an insulating layer, making it warm.

Can Polyester garments be ironed?

Yes, but it's best to use low heat to prevent damaging the fabric.

Does Fleece have moisture-wicking properties?

Synthetic fleece, like that made from Polyester, can wick moisture, but natural fleece can retain some moisture.

Which is more durable, Fleece or Polyester?

Polyester is generally more durable and resistant to wear, while Fleece might pill or wear out more quickly, especially if it's from natural wool.

Is Fleece environmentally friendly?

Natural fleece is biodegradable, but synthetic fleece, especially if made from Polyester, can have environmental concerns due to microfiber shedding.

Why is Fleece so soft?

The structure of fleece fibers creates a plush surface, resulting in its softness.

How is Polyester made?

Polyester is made through a chemical process using petrochemicals, resulting in a polymer which is then extruded into fibers.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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