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Flood-Fill Algorithm vs. Boundary Fill Algorithm — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 5, 2024
The Flood-Fill Algorithm fills a connected area from a given point, regardless of boundaries, whereas the Boundary Fill Algorithm fills an area enclosed by a specified boundary color.
Flood-Fill Algorithm vs. Boundary Fill Algorithm — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Flood-Fill Algorithm and Boundary Fill Algorithm


Key Differences

The Flood-Fill Algorithm is used in computer graphics to fill a contiguous area with a single color, starting from a specified point. It continues filling until it reaches pixels that are not part of the area. The Boundary Fill Algorithm, in contrast, fills an area bounded by a particular color, stopping the fill process when it encounters the boundary color.
Flood-Fill Algorithm works well for areas where the boundary is not clearly defined or varies in color. It is like filling a shape that doesn’t have a solid outline. The Boundary Fill Algorithm, however, requires a clear and distinct boundary color to define where the fill should stop, akin to coloring within the lines in a coloring book.
In the Flood-Fill Algorithm, the initial seed point is crucial as it determines the area that will be filled. This algorithm is less concerned with the boundaries and more with the connectedness of the pixels. Conversely, the Boundary Fill Algorithm begins at a point within the desired area and fills until it hits pixels of the boundary color, making the boundary's color crucial.
The Flood-Fill Algorithm is often used for filling large, irregular, or non-uniform areas. It’s effective in scenarios where boundaries are implied rather than explicitly defined. The Boundary Fill Algorithm is suitable for more controlled environments where the boundary is well-defined and uniform in color.
Implementations of the Flood-Fill Algorithm may vary, with some versions considering diagonally connected pixels as part of the area, while others may not. The Boundary Fill Algorithm generally relies on the assumption that the boundary pixels form a closed loop, ensuring no fill color leaks outside the intended area.

Comparison Chart

Basis of Filling

Fills connected area from a point
Fills area within a specific boundary color

Boundary Definition

Does not require a defined boundary
Requires a clearly defined boundary color

Seed Point Importance

Seed point determines the area to be filled
Seed point must be inside the boundary

Area of Application

Suitable for irregular, undefined areas
Best for areas with a uniform boundary

Handling of Boundaries

Ignores boundaries, focuses on area connectivity
Strictly respects the boundary color

Compare with Definitions

Flood-Fill Algorithm

Flood-Fill Algorithm fills an area in a digital image from a given point.
The flood-fill algorithm can be used to change the color of an entire connected region in a graphic design program.

Boundary Fill Algorithm

It requires a distinct boundary color.
To color a cartoon character, the boundary fill algorithm can be used, respecting the character's outline.

Flood-Fill Algorithm

It operates by spreading out from a seed point.
The flood-fill algorithm can fill the background of an image by starting from a corner pixel.

Boundary Fill Algorithm

Boundary Fill Algorithm fills an area enclosed by a specific color.
The boundary fill algorithm is used in a drawing program to fill an enclosed shape with color.

Flood-Fill Algorithm

It is used to fill contiguous areas.
In a coloring app, the flood-fill algorithm quickly colors a region without a distinct boundary.

Boundary Fill Algorithm

Boundary Fill Algorithm stops at defined boundaries.
In graphic design, the boundary fill algorithm can fill an area without crossing the border lines.

Flood-Fill Algorithm

Flood-Fill Algorithm is indifferent to boundaries.
The flood-fill algorithm can be used to highlight all connected cells of the same type in a spreadsheet.

Flood-Fill Algorithm

Flood-Fill Algorithm is used in graphics and gaming.
In a game, the flood-fill algorithm can be used to dynamically change the terrain's appearance.

Common Curiosities

How does the Boundary Fill Algorithm work?

The Boundary Fill Algorithm fills an area in an image bounded by a specified color, stopping when it encounters this boundary color.

Can the Flood-Fill Algorithm fill non-contiguous areas?

No, it only fills contiguous areas from a start point and cannot jump across non-connected regions.

How does the Boundary Fill Algorithm handle complex shapes?

As long as the shape is fully enclosed by the boundary color, the algorithm can handle complex shapes effectively.

What programming languages support the Flood-Fill Algorithm?

Most programming languages with graphics support, like Python with PIL or C++ with graphics libraries, can implement the Flood-Fill Algorithm.

What are typical applications of the Boundary Fill Algorithm?

It's commonly used in graphics programs for filling areas with a well-defined boundary, like coloring within lines in a digital image.

Are these algorithms used in modern graphics software?

Yes, both algorithms are fundamental and widely used in various graphics software and applications.

Does the Flood-Fill Algorithm have variations?

Yes, variations include the four-way and eight-way flood-fill, determining how pixel connectivity is defined (including diagonal connections in the latter).

Can the Boundary Fill Algorithm be used for 3D models?

It’s primarily used for 2D images. For 3D models, more complex algorithms are generally required.

What is the Flood-Fill Algorithm?

The Flood-Fill Algorithm is a method used in computer graphics to fill a connected region in an image starting from a given point.

When should I use the Flood-Fill Algorithm?

Use the Flood-Fill Algorithm when you need to fill an area that is connected but doesn’t have a clearly defined or uniform boundary.

Is the Boundary Fill Algorithm suitable for filling areas with multiple boundary colors?

It’s best used for areas enclosed by a single, uniform boundary color; multiple colors can complicate the fill process.

What happens if the boundary color in the Boundary Fill Algorithm is not uniform?

The fill might leak into unwanted areas if the boundary color varies or if there are gaps.

Does the Boundary Fill Algorithm require a specific starting point?

Yes, the start point should be within the area you want to fill and not on the boundary color.

What is a seed point in the context of the Flood-Fill Algorithm?

A seed point is the starting pixel from where the flood-fill begins to spread.

Can the Flood-Fill Algorithm work with gradient colors?

It can be challenging, as the algorithm typically looks for a specific color or range of colors to stop filling.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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