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Fondant vs. Royal Icing — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 25, 2023
Fondant is a smooth, pliable sugar dough used to cover cakes, while Royal Icing is a hard-drying, glossy icing made from egg whites and sugar, used for decorations and gluing.
Fondant vs. Royal Icing — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Fondant and Royal Icing


Key Differences

Fondant is primarily recognized for its smooth texture and ability to give cakes a polished, elegant appearance. It's often rolled out and used to cover entire cakes, offering a seamless finish. On the other hand, Royal Icing is a white, glossy mixture, typically composed of egg whites and powdered sugar. Its primary purpose is to create intricate designs, decorations, and can also act as an edible adhesive.
The pliability of Fondant makes it a favorite among cake decorators who aim to craft unique 3D designs or shapes on their cakes. Its moldable nature allows it to be fashioned into a variety of figures and embellishments. Conversely, Royal Icing is much more fluid when fresh but dries hard, making it ideal for detailed work like piping, flooding, and creating delicate decorations such as flowers and lacework.
Fondant often has a chewy texture and a sweet flavor, making it a distinct layer on cakes. While many appreciate its taste, some might find it overly sweet. Royal Icing, given its primary ingredients of egg whites and sugar, also presents a sweet flavor, but its primary appeal lies in its ability to dry hard and glossy, ensuring decorations remain intact.
When considering storage, cakes covered in Fondant usually fare well in various environments, but it's best to avoid excessive moisture as it can make the fondant sticky. Royal Icing, after drying, is very stable and can be stored for longer periods, but it's crucial to keep it away from moisture to prevent it from softening.
Lastly, both Fondant and Royal Icing have found their niches in the world of cake decorating. Fondant, with its flexibility, is excellent for achieving a sleek, modern look, while Royal Icing, with its precision and stability, is unparalleled for intricate designs and details.

Comparison Chart


Smooth, pliable dough.
Fluid when wet, dries hard and glossy.

Primary Use

Covering cakes.
Detailed decorations and gluing.


Sugar, water, gelatin, glycerol.
Egg whites, powdered sugar.


Sweet, sometimes chewy.
Sweet, hardens upon drying.


Avoid moisture.
Stable but must be kept away from moisture.

Compare with Definitions


A pliable sugar dough for cake covering.
She covered the cake in pink Fondant for a smooth finish.

Royal Icing

Acts as an edible adhesive for cake decorations.
She glued gingerbread pieces together using Royal Icing.


Provides a seamless, elegant cake appearance.
The Fondant gave the wedding cake a polished look.

Royal Icing

Commonly used for detailed piping and decorations.
Intricate flowers were piped onto the cake using Royal Icing.


Often used for creating 3D cake decorations.
He molded the Fondant into small roses.

Royal Icing

A glossy icing that hardens upon drying.
She used Royal Icing to create delicate lacework on the cookies.


Sometimes removed before eating due to its chewy texture.
Some guests peeled off the Fondant before enjoying their slice.

Royal Icing

Made primarily from egg whites and powdered sugar.
The Royal Icing recipe required only three ingredients.


A sweet creamy sugar paste used in candies and icings.

Royal Icing

Requires careful storage to maintain its hardness.
The decorations, made of Royal Icing, were stored in a dry place.


A candy containing this paste.


A flavored, creamy sugar preparation, used for icing cakes or as a base for candies.


(countable) A candy or cake filled with such a preparation.


(food) A sugar dough, usually prepared as large sheets (rolled fondant), used in place of icing to cover large areas of cakes, composed of sugar, water, gelatin, glycerine.


Fondant chocolate
Fondant cheese


The base or flux, in enamel, which is colored throughout by metallic oxide while in a state of fusion.


(slang) Facial makeup (cosmetics), when used excessively.


(heraldry) Stooping, as for prey: said of an eagle, a falcon, etc.


A kind of soft candy, made of a thick creamy sugar paste by boiling solutions to the point of crystallization, and usually molded; as, cherry fondant.


Candy made of a thick creamy sugar paste


Can be flavored or colored as desired.
Vanilla-flavored blue Fondant was draped over the dessert.

Common Curiosities

Does Fondant dry hard like Royal Icing?

No, Fondant remains soft and pliable, whereas Royal Icing dries hard.

Can you flavor Fondant?

Yes, Fondant can be flavored and colored as per preference.

Can I make vegan Royal Icing?

Yes, by replacing egg whites with aquafaba or other alternatives.

Can I use Royal Icing to cover a cake?

While possible, Royal Icing is typically used for detailed decorations, not cake covering.

How long can Fondant-covered cakes be stored?

They can last several days, but it's best to avoid excessive moisture.

How can I thin out Royal Icing for flooding?

Adding a bit of water can help achieve the desired consistency for flooding.

What's the main use of Fondant?

Fondant is primarily used to cover cakes for a smooth finish.

Is Fondant suitable for all cake types?

While versatile, cakes with a lot of moisture might make the Fondant sticky.

Is it challenging to work with Fondant?

It requires practice, but with the right tools and techniques, it becomes manageable.

How does Royal Icing harden?

Royal Icing dries naturally, forming a hard, glossy surface.

Why is Royal Icing preferred for cookie decorating?

Its ability to dry hard and glossy makes it ideal for detailed cookie decorations.

Can Fondant and Royal Icing be used together on a cake?

Absolutely! A Fondant-covered cake can be embellished with Royal Icing decorations.

Can Royal Icing decorations be made in advance?

Yes, they can be prepared ahead and stored in a dry place.

What are the main ingredients in Fondant?

Fondant typically contains sugar, water, gelatin, and glycerol.

Do I need any special tools for Royal Icing decorations?

Piping bags and various tips are beneficial for detailed work with Royal Icing.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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