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Forefit vs. Forfeit — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
Forefit is incorrect. The right spelling is Forfeit, meaning to lose or be deprived of something due to an error, crime, or failure.
Forefit vs. Forfeit — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Forefit or Forfeit

How to spell Forfeit?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Visualize someone handing over (for) a fit punishment: Forfeit.
Remember, there’s no extra “e” before “fit” in Forfeit.
"Forfeit" begins with "for" as in "for a reason."
Think of "fit" at the end, as in "it doesn’t fit to misspell."
"Forefit" has an unnecessary prefix. Strip it down to "Forfeit."

How Do You Spell Forfeit Correctly?

Incorrect: They decided to forefit their rights to the property.
Correct: They decided to forfeit their rights to the property.
Incorrect: He had to forefit his place in the competition.
Correct: He had to forfeit his place in the competition.
Incorrect: Forefit the match due to lack of players.
Correct: Forfeit the match due to lack of players.
Incorrect: You will forefit your deposit if you cancel now.
Correct: You will forfeit your deposit if you cancel now.
Incorrect: She chose to forefit her chance to go to the concert.
Correct: She chose to forfeit her chance to go to the concert.

Forfeit Definitions

To lose or give up as a penalty.
He had to forfeit his winnings.
Something to which the right is lost.
The deposit was a forfeit for damages.
A fine or penalty.
The team paid a forfeit for not showing up.
To lose a right as a result of wrongdoing.
They forfeited the game by cheating.
To be deprived of something.
He forfeited his chance to compete.
To lose or give up (something) on account of an offense, error, or failure to fulfill an agreement
The other team did not show up in time and so forfeited the game.
To subject to seizure as a forfeit.
Something that is lost or given up on account of an offense, error, or failure to fulfill an agreement.
The act of forfeiting
The team lost the game by forfeit.
In parlor games, an item placed in escrow and redeemed by paying a fine or performing an appointed task.
Forfeits A game in which forfeits are demanded.
Lost or subject to loss through forfeiture.
A penalty for or consequence of a misdemeanor.
A thing forfeited; that which is taken from somebody in requital of a misdeed committed; that which is lost, or the right to which is alienated, by a crime, breach of contract, etc.
He who murders pays the forfeit of his own life.
Something deposited and redeemable by a sportive fine as part of a game.
Injury; wrong; mischief.
To suffer the loss of something by wrongdoing or non-compliance
He forfeited his last chance of an early release from jail by repeatedly attacking another inmate.
To lose a contest, game, match, or other form of competition by voluntary withdrawal, by failing to attend or participate, or by violation of the rules
Because only nine players were present, the football team was forced to forfeit the game.
To be guilty of a misdeed; to be criminal; to transgress.
To fail to keep an obligation.
Lost or alienated for an offense or crime; liable to penal seizure.
A thing forfeit or forfeited; what is or may be taken from one in requital of a misdeed committed; that which is lost, or the right to which is alienated, by a crime, offense, neglect of duty, or breach of contract; hence, a fine; a mulct; a penalty; as, he who murders pays the forfeit of his life.
Thy slanders I forgive; and therewithalRemit thy other forfeits.
Something deposited and redeemable by a sportive fine; - whence the game of forfeits.
Country dances and forfeits shortened the rest of the day.
To lose, or lose the right to, by some error, fault, offense, or crime; to render one's self by misdeed liable to be deprived of; to alienate the right to possess, by some neglect or crime; as, to forfeit an estate by treason; to forfeit reputation by a breach of promise; - with to before the one acquiring what is forfeited.
[They] had forfeited their property by their crimes.
Undone and forfeited to cares forever!
In the condition of being forfeited; subject to alienation.
Once more I will renewHis lapsèd powers, though forfeite.
Something that is lost or surrendered as a penalty;
A penalty for a fault or mistake that involves losing or giving up something;
The contract specified forfeits if the work was not completed on time
The act of losing or surrendering something as a penalty for a mistake or fault or failure to perform etc.
Lose or lose the right to by some error, offense, or crime
Surrendered as a penalty

Forfeit Meaning in a Sentence

If you break the rules, you must forfeit the game.
To forfeit your right to vote is a serious decision.
Students may forfeit their scholarships if they fail to maintain their grades.
The team was forced to forfeit the match due to a technicality.
The player had to forfeit his winnings due to cheating.
He chose to forfeit his salary to support the company.
The law required them to forfeit all proceeds from the illegal deal.
Without the required documentation, they had to forfeit their claim.
In chess, not moving in time means you forfeit the game.

Forfeit Idioms & Phrases

Forfeit the game

To lose or give up something as a penalty for wrongdoing.
If you cheat, you must forfeit the game.

Forfeit by default

To lose a contest because of failure to comply with the rules or failure to show up.
The team had to forfeit by default because they didn't have enough players.

A forfeit fee

A fee paid as a penalty for not fulfilling a commitment.
Canceling the booking last minute incurred a forfeit fee.

Forfeit your rights

To give up one's rights voluntarily.
By not voting, you effectively forfeit your rights to complain about the government.

To forfeit the chance

To lose the opportunity to do something, usually due to one's own actions.
By arriving late, he forfeited the chance to see the beginning of the play.

A forfeit match

A sports game lost as a penalty for a team's failure to meet the necessary conditions for participation.
The basketball team had a forfeit match due to uniform violations.

Common Curiosities

What is the root word of Forfeit?

Derived from Old French "forfait."

Which conjunction is used with Forfeit?

No specific conjunction is exclusively paired with "forfeit."

What is the verb form of Forfeit?

Forfeit can be both a verb (to forfeit) and a noun.

Is Forfeit an abstract noun?

It can be considered abstract when referring to the concept of losing a right.

Which vowel is used before Forfeit?

The word "a" as in "a forfeit."

Is Forfeit a noun or adjective?

It can be both a noun and a verb.

What is the plural form of Forfeit?


Is Forfeit a negative or positive word?

Generally negative, as it implies a loss or penalty.

Why is it called Forfeit?

It originates from Old French "forfait," meaning "crime," referring to a penalty for wrongdoing.

What is the pronunciation of Forfeit?


Is Forfeit a vowel or consonant?

Forfeit is a word, not a letter.

Is the Forfeit term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically to describe losing something intangible.

What is the singular form of Forfeit?


Is the word Forfeit a gerund?


What is another term for Forfeit?

Surrender or relinquish.

Which determiner is used with Forfeit?

"The" as in "the forfeit."

Which preposition is used with Forfeit?

"Of" as in "forfeit of rights."

Is the word “Forfeit” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Forfeit" can be used as a direct object, depending on the sentence.

What is a stressed syllable in Forfeit?

The first syllable, "For."

Is Forfeit a countable noun?


Is Forfeit a collective noun?


How many syllables are in Forfeit?

Two syllables.

What part of speech is Forfeit?

Both a noun and a verb.

What is the second form of Forfeit?


Which article is used with Forfeit?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, depending on context.

Is the word Forfeit imperative?


How do we divide Forfeit into syllables?


Is Forfeit an adverb?


What is the opposite of Forfeit?

Retain or gain.

What is the first form of Forfeit?

Forfeit (as it’s both a noun and verb in its base form).

What is the third form of Forfeit?


How is Forfeit used in a sentence?

"He had to forfeit the match due to his injury."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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