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Foreword vs. Foreward — Which is Correct Spelling?

Foreword vs. Foreward — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Foreword or Foreward

How to spell Foreword?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Foreword Definitions

A foreword is a (usually short) piece of writing sometimes placed at the beginning of a book or other piece of literature. Typically written by someone other than the primary author of the work, it often tells of some interaction between the writer of the foreword and the book's primary author or the story the book tells.
A short introduction to a book, typically by a person other than the author.
A preface or an introductory note, as for a book, especially by a person other than the author.
An introductory section preceding the main text of a book or other document; a preface or introduction.
A preface.
A short introductory essay preceding the text of a book

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