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Full Bed vs. Double Bed — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on December 25, 2023
A Full Bed and a Double Bed refer to the same size mattress, typically measuring 54" x 75".
Full Bed vs. Double Bed — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Full Bed and Double Bed


Key Differences

Both a Full Bed and a Double Bed refer to a specific mattress size that lies between a twin and a queen size. They are often used interchangeably in the bedding industry and essentially represent the same dimensions.
When it comes to bedding for a Full Bed or a Double Bed, the linens and covers are typically the same. Both terms are prevalent, though "double" was the older, more traditional term, with "full" becoming more common in modern times.
The Full Bed or Double Bed is ideal for single sleepers who desire more space than a twin bed provides. However, for couples, this size might feel a bit cramped, as each individual would have less space than if they were sleeping on a twin bed.
Historically, the Double Bed was a standard size for couples before the introduction of queen and king sizes. As larger mattresses became more available and popular, the Full Bed designation emerged, perhaps to better describe its more ample size than a twin, though not necessarily spacious enough for modern couples.
Many hotel rooms feature either a Full Bed or a Double Bed for single or double occupancy. While the terminologies might differ based on regional or brand preferences, the size remains consistent between the two terms.

Comparison Chart

Terminology Usage

More common in modern times
Traditional term


Typically 54" x 75"
Typically 54" x 75"

Popularity for Couples

Less popular due to limited space
Historically more popular

Linens and Bedding

Same as Double Bed
Same as Full Bed

Historical Context

Emerged as a modern descriptor
Older standard for couples before queen/king sizes

Compare with Definitions

Full Bed

Common in hotel rooms for single or double occupancy.
She booked a room with a Full Bed for her business trip.

Double Bed

A term interchangeable with Full Bed in the bedding industry.
He wasn't sure if he should buy Double Bed or Full Bed sheets.

Full Bed

A mattress size larger than a twin but smaller than a queen.
For her new apartment, she chose a Full Bed to save space.

Double Bed

Historically, a standard size for couples.
My grandparents always slept on a Double Bed.

Full Bed

Compatible with linens labeled as "full" size.
The Full Bed sheets she bought fit perfectly.

Double Bed

A traditional term for a bed measuring 54" x 75".
The Double Bed took up most of the room's space.

Full Bed

A bed size measuring typically 54" x 75".
The Full Bed is too small for them as a couple.

Double Bed

Precedes the popularity of larger bed sizes like queen or king.
Before they bought a king size, they had a Double Bed.

Full Bed

Often used for single adults or teenagers.
The Full Bed in his dorm room provided ample space.

Double Bed

Suitable for single sleepers wanting more space than a twin bed.
She upgraded from a twin to a Double Bed for more comfort.

Common Curiosities

Do hotels use Full Beds or Double Beds more?

Both terms can be found in hotels, but the actual size remains consistent.

Is a Full Bed or Double Bed suitable for two people?

While it can accommodate two, it might feel cramped compared to queen or king sizes.

Are Full Bed and Double Bed the same size?

Yes, both terms refer to a mattress size typically measuring 54" x 75".

How does a Full Bed compare to a Queen Bed?

A Full Bed or Double Bed is narrower and can be shorter than a queen size.

Can I use Full Bed sheets on a Double Bed?

Yes, the terms are interchangeable, so the sheets should fit.

Why are there two terms for the same bed size?

"Double" is a traditional term, while "full" emerged in modern times, possibly to differentiate it more from twin sizes.

Can I easily find bedding for my Double Bed?

Yes, many stores label their bedding as suitable for both Full Bed and Double Bed.

Are there special types of Double Beds?

The term refers to size. However, mattress materials and features, like memory foam or innerspring, can vary.

Why might someone choose a Full Bed over a Twin?

A Full Bed provides more width, making it more spacious for a single sleeper.

Do all mattress brands offer a Full Bed or Double Bed size?

Most major brands will offer this size, though the naming might vary.

How can I differentiate between a Full Bed and Double Bed in a store?

Typically, you won't need to. They're the same size, and the terms are used interchangeably.

Is a Double Bed the same worldwide?

Dimensions might slightly vary by country, but the term generally refers to a bed larger than a twin but smaller than a queen.

How did the Double Bed get its name?

Historically, it was considered suitable for two people, hence "double".

Can two adults comfortably sleep on a Full Bed or Double Bed?

While possible, some couples might find it cramped and prefer a larger size like queen or king.

Is it more expensive to buy a Full Bed compared to a Double Bed?

Since they're the same size, prices should be comparable, based more on brand and quality.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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