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Future vs. Swap — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 2, 2023
Future is a standardized contract to buy or sell a specified asset at a set price on a future date; Swap is an agreement to exchange cash flows or assets between two parties.
Future vs. Swap — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Future and Swap


Key Differences

A Future is a financial contract obligating the buyer to purchase, and the seller to sell, a predetermined quantity of an asset at a preset price on a specified future date. A Swap, on the other hand, is a derivative wherein two parties exchange cash flows or other financial instruments. Both instruments are commonly used in financial markets, but for distinct purposes.
The Future contract is standardized and traded on exchanges, making them more transparent and liquid. The Swap is typically customized and can be tailor-made to suit the requirements of both parties. Thus, while Futures are traded on public platforms, Swaps are predominantly OTC (over-the-counter) products.
In terms of risk, a Future contract carries daily mark-to-market risk, meaning the contract is adjusted daily to reflect its current market value. Conversely, a Swap doesn't have this daily adjustment; the cash flows or assets are simply exchanged at predetermined times.
In essence, the Future is a commitment to act on a future date, offering less flexibility once entered. A Swap allows for flexibility in the terms of the contract, offering adaptability in its duration, size, and conditions.
Lastly, Futures usually have a physical or cash settlement, meaning the underlying asset is delivered or its cash equivalent is paid. In a Swap, no actual asset is traded; instead, the cash flows derived from that asset are exchanged.

Comparison Chart

Type of Contract

Standardized, traded on exchanges.
Customized, typically OTC.


Public trading platforms.
Private agreements between parties.


Daily mark-to-market adjustments.
No daily adjustments, predetermined exchanges.


Less flexible once entered.
Tailored to parties' requirements.


Usually physical or cash settled.
Cash flows or asset values exchanged, no physical delivery of asset.

Compare with Definitions


A time yet to come.
We hope for a brighter future.


An event where items are exchanged, often informally.
We're attending a book swap this weekend.


A financial contract obligating a transaction at a later date.
He bought a future in gold.


To give something and receive something else in return.
I decided to swap my apple for her orange.


Relating to or indicating time to come.
The future generations will thank us.


A financial derivative in which cash flows are exchanged.
The banks entered into an interest rate swap.


Expected or scheduled to arrive.
The future president will address the nation.


To trade one thing for another.


The indefinite time yet to come
Will try to do better in the future.


To exchange (one thing) for another.


Something that will happen in time to come
"The future comes apace" (Shakespeare).


An exchange of one thing for another.


A prospective or expected condition, especially one considered with regard to growth, advancement, or development
A business with no future.


A contract in which two parties agree to exchange periodic interest payments, especially when one payment is at a fixed rate and the other varies according to the performance of a reference rate, such as the prime rate.


Often futures A financial instrument that obligates the holder to buy or sell an asset at a set price on a specified date in the future
A market for copper futures.


(transitive) To exchange or give (something) in an exchange (for something else).


The form of a verb used in speaking of action that has not yet occurred or of states not yet in existence.


To hit, to strike.


A verb form in the future tense.


To beat the air, or ply the wings, with a sweeping motion or noise; to flap.


That is to be or to come; of or existing in later time.


To descend or fall; to rush hastily or violently.


The time ahead; those moments yet to be experienced.


An exchange of two comparable things.


Something that will happen in moments yet to come.


(finance) A financial derivative in which two parties agree to exchange one stream of cashflow against another stream.


Goodness in what is yet to come. Something to look forward to.
There is no future in dwelling on the past.


Space available in a swap file for use as auxiliary memory.
How much swap do you need?


The likely prospects for or fate of someone or something in time to come.


(Cantab slang) A social meal at a restaurant between two university societies, usually involving drinking and banter; commonly associated with fining and pennying; equivalent to a crewdate at Oxford University.


(grammar) Verb tense used to talk about events that will happen in the future; future tense.


A blow; a stroke.


(finance) futures


To strike; - with off.


An object that retrieves the value of a promise.


To exchange (usually two things of the same kind); to swop.


(sports) A minor-league prospect.


To fall or descend; to rush hastily or violently.
All suddenly she swapt adown to ground.


Having to do with or occurring in the future.
Future generations will either laugh or cry at our stupidity.


To beat the air, or ply the wings, with a sweeping motion or noise; to flap.


That is to be or come hereafter; that will exist at any time after the present; as, the next moment is future, to the present.


A blow; a stroke.


Time to come; time subsequent to the present (as, the future shall be as the present); collectively, events that are to happen in time to come.


An exchange; a barter.


The possibilities of the future; - used especially of prospective success or advancement; as, he had great future before him.




A future tense.


An equal exchange;
We had no money so we had to live by barter


The time yet to come


Exchange or give (something) in exchange for


A verb tense that expresses actions or states in the future


Move (a piece of a program) into memory, in computer science


Bulk commodities bought or sold at an agreed price for delivery at a specified future date


To substitute one thing for another.
Can you swap these two tires for me?


Yet to be or coming;
Some future historian will evaluate him
The present leader
Articles for present use
The present topic
The present system
Present observations


Effective in or looking toward the future;
He was preparing for future employment opportunities


Coming at a subsequent time or stage;
The future president entered college at the age of 16
Awaiting future actions on the bill
Later developments
Without ulterior argument


(of elected officers) elected but not yet serving;
Our next president


A verb tense or other formation referring to events or states that have not yet happened;
Future auxiliary


Pertaining to the verb tense that expresses actions yet to happen.
In the sentence I will go, will go is in the future tense.

Common Curiosities

What is a Future in financial terms?

A Future is a standardized contract to buy or sell a specified asset at a set price on a future date.

How is a Swap different from a Future?

A Swap is an agreement to exchange cash flows or assets, while a Future is a commitment to buy or sell an asset in the future.

Do Futures have a daily risk adjustment?

Yes, Futures undergo daily mark-to-market adjustments.

Are Swaps always traded over-the-counter (OTC)?

Mostly, yes. Swaps are typically customized and traded OTC.

Are all Future contracts standardized?

Yes, Futures are standardized contracts with set terms and conditions.

Can you provide a simple example of a Future in a sentence?

Sure, "He invested in a gold future expecting the price to rise."

Can Future contracts be traded on any platform?

Futures are typically traded on public trading platforms or exchanges.

What does it mean to swap something in everyday language?

To swap means to exchange one thing for another.

Do Swaps involve the actual exchange of assets?

No, Swaps usually involve the exchange of cash flows or asset values, not the physical assets.

What does the future tense in grammar refer to?

The future tense expresses actions or events that will happen in the future.

What is the primary purpose of a Swap in finance?

Swaps are used to hedge risks or gain exposure to certain financial instruments without owning the actual asset.

Does the term "future" always relate to finance?

No, "future" can also refer to a time that has not yet happened.

How is a Swap typically settled?

Swaps are settled by exchanging cash flows or the values of the underlying assets, not by physical delivery of assets.

Can Swaps be customized?

Yes, Swaps are generally tailored to the specific needs of the parties involved.

Do Swaps have daily mark-to-market adjustments like Futures?

No, Swaps don't have daily mark-to-market adjustments.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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