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GDP Per Capita vs. Income Per Capita — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 30, 2023
GDP Per Capita measures the average economic output per person, while Income Per Capita represents the average income earned per person. Both reflect economic health but from different perspectives.
GDP Per Capita vs. Income Per Capita — What's the Difference?

Difference Between GDP Per Capita and Income Per Capita


Key Differences

Economic Indicators: GDP Per Capita is an indicator that represents the total economic output of a country divided by its population. In contrast, Income Per Capita refers to the total earnings of individuals in a nation, averaged out per person.
Measurement: GDP Per Capita is calculated by dividing a country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by its population. Income Per Capita, on the other hand, is calculated by dividing the total personal income by the number of individuals in the population.
Usefulness: GDP Per Capita is a useful metric to gauge the overall economic productivity of a country, which can indicate its development status and global rank. Income Per Capita can shed light on the average living standards and financial well-being of its citizens.
Variables Considered: While GDP Per Capita encompasses all production within a country (including businesses and government output), Income Per Capita strictly focuses on what individuals earn, be it from wages, investments, or other sources.
Implications: A high GDP Per Capita doesn't always mean high Income Per Capita. If GDP grows but only a segment of the population benefits, Income Per Capita might not reflect the same growth, highlighting income inequality.

Comparison Chart


Economic output per person
Average income earned per person

Calculation Basis

Total GDP ÷ population
Total personal income ÷ population


Economic productivity & development
Average living standard & financial well-being


Includes all production (business, government)
Focuses on individual earnings

Indication of Inequality

Might not highlight disparities
Directly reflects income distribution

Compare with Definitions

GDP Per Capita

A measure of a country's economic productivity per person.
Many use GDP Per Capita to compare the economic prowess of nations.

Income Per Capita

Average income reflecting living standards of citizens.
To ensure prosperity, governments aim for a steady increase in Income Per Capita.

GDP Per Capita

An indicator of national economic health and development.
Developing nations aim to improve their GDP Per Capita over time.

Income Per Capita

The monetary earnings of individuals averaged per person.
Despite its natural resources, the country had a low Income Per Capita due to wealth disparities.

GDP Per Capita

A country's total economic output divided by its population.
Switzerland's high GDP Per Capita reflects its strong economy.

Income Per Capita

Average earnings of individuals in a country.
The rise in Income Per Capita showed that citizens were generally earning more.

GDP Per Capita

Average economic production for each individual in a nation.
With advancements in technology, Japan saw a rise in its GDP Per Capita.

Income Per Capita

Total personal income of a nation divided by its population.
Countries with high education levels often have a higher Income Per Capita.

GDP Per Capita

Total GDP of a country adjusted for its population size.
Even with a large population, the U.S. maintains a competitive GDP Per Capita.

Income Per Capita

Measure of the financial well-being of a country's residents.
A drop in Income Per Capita can indicate economic challenges.

Common Curiosities

What does a rising GDP Per Capita typically indicate?

It typically indicates economic growth and development.

How is GDP Per Capita calculated?

It's the total GDP divided by the population of the country.

What does Income Per Capita represent?

It represents the average income earned per individual in a country.

Which is a better indicator of individual well-being?

Income Per Capita is more direct in reflecting individual financial health.

Can a country have high GDP Per Capita but low Income Per Capita?

Yes, if the GDP is high but income distribution is unequal.

Can GDP Per Capita and Income Per Capita be the same?

Theoretically, yes, but typically they vary due to factors like business profits and taxes.

Is GDP Per Capita a good measure of individual prosperity?

Not always, as it doesn't account for income distribution.

Which countries typically have the highest GDP Per Capita?

Often, developed countries or those with significant natural resources or industries.

Does Income Per Capita consider all forms of income?

Yes, it includes wages, investments, and other sources of individual income.

How can Income Per Capita help policymakers?

It can highlight areas of economic disparity and guide redistribution efforts.

How often are these metrics updated?

They are usually updated annually based on economic reports.

Is a sudden change in these metrics a cause for concern?

Yes, it can indicate economic challenges or rapid growth.

Why is it useful to compare these metrics internationally?

They offer insights into global economic standings and development levels.

Why might two countries have the same GDP Per Capita but different Income Per Capita?

Differences in income distribution, business profits, and tax structures can cause this.

Can Income Per Capita be negative?

No, it represents an average income, which cannot be negative.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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