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Gelato vs. Ice Cream — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 11, 2023
Gelato is an Italian frozen dessert, denser and milkier than ice cream. Ice cream has more fat and air whipped in. Both offer creamy, cold treats but with different textures and flavors.
Gelato vs. Ice Cream — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Gelato and Ice Cream


Key Differences

Gelato originates from Italy and is known for its dense, rich texture and intense flavors. Ice cream, on the other hand, is a more familiar treat in many parts of the world, with a creamier texture due to its higher fat content.
Gelato is primarily made with milk, sugar, and flavorings. It usually contains less fat than ice cream, which is made with cream, making it milkier and less creamy. Ice cream contains a higher percentage of fat, giving it a richer texture and mouthfeel.
Another significant difference between gelato and ice cream is the amount of air churned into them during the freezing process. Gelato is churned at a slower speed, resulting in a denser consistency. Ice cream is churned faster, incorporating more air and making it fluffier.
Temperature also differentiates gelato and ice cream. Gelato is typically served at a slightly warmer temperature than ice cream, allowing it to remain softer and more scoopable. Ice cream is served colder, which solidifies its fatter composition, making it harder straight from the freezer.
Lastly, when it comes to flavors, gelato often boasts more intense, authentic flavors as it has less fat, which can dull taste. Ice cream, with its cream base, may have a more muted flavor profile in comparison, but offers a creamier, richer experience.

Comparison Chart


Various countries

Main Ingredient


Fat Content


Churning Speed

Slower (less air)
Faster (more air)

Serving Temp.

Slightly warmer

Compare with Definitions


Gelato is an Italian-style frozen dessert made primarily from milk.
I tried pistachio gelato in Rome, and it was heavenly.

Ice Cream

Ice cream contains a higher fat content than many other frozen treats.
The richness of this ice cream is evident in every bite.


Gelato contains less fat compared to many other frozen desserts.
If you're watching your fat intake, consider gelato over traditional ice cream.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is known for its creamy texture and variety of flavors.
From mint chocolate chip to rocky road, there's an ice cream flavor for everyone.


Gelato is known for its dense texture and rich flavors.
The chocolate gelato tasted like a concentrated fudge dream.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is a frozen dairy dessert made from cream and sugar.
Vanilla ice cream is a classic topping for warm apple pie.


Gelato is churned slowly, resulting in less air incorporation.
I love the dense consistency of gelato, especially when compared to airy ice creams.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is often served colder and is harder straight from the freezer.
Let the ice cream sit a minute; it's too hard to scoop right now.


Gelato often offers a more intense flavor experience.
The strawberry gelato tasted like freshly picked berries.

Ice Cream

Ice cream is churned rapidly, allowing for more air and a fluffier texture.
I love the light and creamy texture of this ice cream, perfect for a cone!


An Italian ice cream or sorbet.

Ice Cream

A sweet, smooth, frozen dessert made from dairy products such as cream or milk, sugar or other sweeteners, and flavorings.


An Italian variant of ice cream made from milk and sugar, combined with other flavourings. The ingredients are supercooled while stirring to break up ice crystals as they form.

Ice Cream

A serving of this dessert
At the ball game, I bought an ice cream.

Ice Cream

Alternative spelling of ice cream

Common Curiosities

And ice cream?

Ice cream has varied origins, with versions appearing in various countries.

Which one is creamier?

Ice cream is creamier because of its higher fat content.

What's the primary origin of gelato?

Gelato originates from Italy.

Which has a denser consistency, gelato or ice cream?

Gelato is denser due to slower churning and less air.

What's the main ingredient in gelato?

Gelato is primarily made from milk.

How about ice cream?

Ice cream's main ingredient is cream.

How do the flavors of gelato and ice cream differ?

Gelato often has more intense flavors, while ice cream might have creamier but milder flavors.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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