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Genetic Variation vs. Environmental Variation — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 16, 2023
Genetic Variation arises from differences in DNA sequences; Environmental Variation arises from external factors.
Genetic Variation vs. Environmental Variation — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Genetic Variation and Environmental Variation


Key Differences

Genetic Variation refers to the differences in the DNA sequences among individuals within a population. These variations are often heritable and can be passed down to the next generation. On the other hand, Environmental Variation is the difference among individuals brought about by differences in the environment they are exposed to. Both types of variation play significant roles in the diversity of a species.
Genetic Variation is the foundation of the evolutionary process. This is because organisms with different DNA sequences can display different traits, which might give them an advantage in a particular environment. In contrast, Environmental Variation can cause organisms with the same DNA to display different traits. For instance, two genetically identical plants can grow to different sizes if one gets more sunlight than the other.
Genetic Variation can be seen in the distinct traits individuals exhibit, such as eye color, hair color, and height. These variations come from the combination of genes they inherit from their parents. Environmental Variation, however, might determine how those genes are expressed. For instance, nutrition can influence height, even if tallness is in one's genes.
In populations, Genetic Variation is crucial for adaptability. When there's a change in the environment, a population with more variation is more likely to have individuals that can thrive. While Genetic Variation provides the raw material for evolution, Environmental Variation can direct which genetic variants are favorable.
Finally, both Genetic Variation and Environmental Variation contribute to the overall phenotypic variation seen in a population. While genes might provide the blueprint, the environment can influence how that blueprint is realized.

Comparison Chart


Arises from differences in DNA sequences.
Arises from external factors like temperature, nutrition, and upbringing.


Often heritable and passed to the next generation.
Not directly heritable, but can influence gene expression.

Role in Evolution

Provides raw material for natural selection.
Directs which genetic variants are favorable.

Impact on Phenotype

Can determine potential traits an organism might have.
Influences how those potential traits manifest.


Relatively stable, barring mutations.
Can change frequently depending on external conditions.

Compare with Definitions

Genetic Variation

Genetic Variation is the diversity in DNA sequences among individuals.
The presence of blue and brown eyes in humans is due to Genetic Variation.

Environmental Variation

Environmental Variation is the phenotypic difference due to external factors.
Twin siblings, despite sharing their DNA, might have height differences due to Environmental Variation in nutrition.

Genetic Variation

Genetic Variation is the genetic difference both within and among populations.
Genetic Variation in a population of butterflies can result in different wing colors.

Environmental Variation

Environmental Variation is the non-genetic factors that cause differences in the phenotype.
The varying patterns on a chameleon's body are partly due to Environmental Variation.

Genetic Variation

Genetic Variation refers to the presence of different alleles of genes in a population.
Genetic Variation ensures that not everyone is susceptible to the same diseases.

Environmental Variation

Environmental Variation encompasses changes caused by external conditions like light, temperature, or nutrition.
The Environmental Variation in rainfall can affect the color of hydrangea flowers.

Genetic Variation

Genetic Variation is the total number of genetic characteristics that differentiate individuals.
Genetic Variation can be studied to understand population dynamics and evolutionary patterns.

Environmental Variation

Environmental Variation results in differences among organisms with identical genotypes.
Environmental Variation can cause genetically identical plants to grow differently in varied soils.

Genetic Variation

Genetic Variation encompasses the differences in base pairs, genes, or whole chromosomes in an organism.
The Genetic Variation in crops has been manipulated for centuries to produce better yields.

Environmental Variation

Environmental Variation affects how genes are expressed, often modifying genetic potentials.
Due to Environmental Variation, a well-nourished child might be taller than a malnourished sibling, even with similar genetics.

Common Curiosities

How is Genetic Variation introduced in a population?

Through processes like mutation, recombination, and gene flow.

What is Genetic Variation?

Genetic Variation is the diversity in DNA sequences among individuals.

How does Environmental Variation differ from Genetic Variation?

Environmental Variation arises from external factors, while Genetic Variation arises from differences in DNA sequences.

What's a common example of Genetic Variation in humans?

Eye color, with variations like blue, green, and brown, is a result of Genetic Variation.

Can Environmental Variation influence gene expression?

Yes, Environmental Variation can influence how genes are expressed, modifying their genetic potentials.

Why is Genetic Variation important for evolution?

Genetic Variation provides the raw material for natural selection, enabling populations to adapt over time.

How can Environmental Variation impact the same genotype differently?

External conditions like nutrition, light, or temperature can cause differences in phenotypes of organisms with identical genotypes.

Can Genetic Variation be harmful?

Yes, some genetic variations can lead to diseases or be maladaptive in certain environments.

How stable is Genetic Variation?

Barring mutations, it's relatively stable across generations.

Do both Genetic and Environmental Variations contribute to an organism's phenotype?

Yes, while genes provide a blueprint, the environment determines how that blueprint is expressed.

Is Environmental Variation heritable?

Not directly, but it can influence the expression of heritable genes.

What's an example of Environmental Variation in plants?

A plant receiving more sunlight might grow taller than one in the shade, even if they have the same genetic makeup.

Can organisms adapt to Environmental Variation?

Yes, organisms can exhibit phenotypic plasticity, adjusting their traits in response to Environmental Variation.

Can Environmental Variation influence evolution?

Yes, by directing which genetic variants are favorable in a given environment.

How is Genetic Variation measured in populations?

Through methods like allele frequency calculations and genetic diversity indexes.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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