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Genius vs. Ingenius — Which is Correct Spelling?

Genius vs. Ingenius — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Genius or Ingenius

How to spell Genius?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Genius Definitions

A genius is a person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creative productivity, universality in genres, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new discoveries or advances in a domain of knowledge. Geniuses may be polymaths who excel across many diverse subjects or may show high achievements in only a single kind of activity.There is no scientifically precise definition of a genius.
Extraordinary intellectual and creative power
Artistic works of genius.
A person of extraordinary intellect and talent.
A person who has an exceptionally high intelligence quotient, typically above 140.
A strong natural talent, aptitude, or inclination
Has a genius for choosing the right words.
One who has such a talent or inclination
A genius at diplomacy.
The prevailing spirit or distinctive character, as of a place, a person, or an era
The genius of Elizabethan England.
Pl. ge·ni·i (jēnē-ī′) Roman Mythology A tutelary deity or guardian spirit of a person or place.
Someone possessing extraordinary intelligence or skill; especially somebody who has demonstrated this by a creative or original work in science, music, art etc.
Idiot savant
Extraordinary mental capacity.
Inspiration, a mental leap, an extraordinary creative process.
A work of genius
To add a dash of cinnamon amid such umami was pure genius
The tutelary deity or spirit of a place or person.
And the genius of the place: the growing enthusiasm for codified standards in the Army and Navy
(informal) Ingenious, brilliant, very clever, or original.
What a genius idea!
A good or evil spirit, or demon, supposed by the ancients to preside over a man's destiny in life; a tutelary deity; a supernatural being; a spirit, good or bad. Cf. Jinnee.
The unseen genius of the wood.
We talk of genius still, but with thought how changed! The genius of Augustus was a tutelary demon, to be sworn by and to receive offerings on an altar as a deity.
The peculiar structure of mind with which each individual is endowed by nature; that disposition or aptitude of mind which is peculiar to each man, and which qualifies him for certain kinds of action or special success in any pursuit; special taste, inclination, or disposition; as, a genius for history, for poetry, or painting.
Peculiar character; animating spirit, as of a nation, a religion, a language.
Distinguished mental superiority; uncommon intellectual power; especially, superior power of invention or origination of any kind, or of forming new combinations; as, a man of genius.
Genius of the highest kind implies an unusual intensity of the modifying power.
A man endowed with uncommon vigor of mind; a man of superior intellectual faculties and creativity; as, Shakespeare was a rare genius.
Someone who has exceptional intellectual ability and originality;
Mozart was a child genius
He's smart but he's no Einstein
Unusual mental ability
Someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field
Exceptional creative ability
A natural talent;
He has a flair for mathematics
He has a genius for interior decorating

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