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Glauber Salt vs. Common Salt — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 14, 2023
Glauber Salt is sodium sulfate (Na2SO4), often used in detergents, while Common Salt is sodium chloride (NaCl), primarily used as a seasoning and preservative.
Glauber Salt vs. Common Salt — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Glauber Salt and Common Salt


Key Differences

Glauber Salt and Common Salt are both salts, but they serve distinct purposes and have different chemical structures.
Glauber Salt, technically termed as sodium sulfate, has historically been used for medicinal purposes and is presently employed in various industrial applications, such as the production of detergents. Conversely, Common Salt, known scientifically as sodium chloride, is a staple in the culinary world. Most households use Common Salt for cooking or preservation purposes.
Glauber Salt, when consumed, can have a laxative effect, unlike Common Salt which, in controlled amounts, is essential for human health.
Both salts, in different contexts, have economic importance, with Common Salt having a rich history in trade and Glauber Salt in industries.

Comparison Chart

Chemical Composition

Sodium sulfate (Na2SO4)
Sodium chloride (NaCl)

Primary Uses

Detergents, medicinal purposes, industrial processes.
Seasoning, preservation, essential nutrient.



Effect When Consumed

Laxative effect
Essential for body functions; high amounts harmful.

Historical Importance

Medicinal and industrial uses
Culinary use, trade, and preservation.

Compare with Definitions

Glauber Salt

Glauber Salt is chemically sodium sulfate.
Glauber Salt is often found in some types of detergents.

Common Salt

Common Salt is necessary for various body functions.
Lack of Common Salt can lead to electrolyte imbalance.

Glauber Salt

Glauber Salt was named after the German chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber.
Johann Rudolf Glauber was the first to describe the properties of Glauber Salt.

Common Salt

Common Salt is used primarily for seasoning food.
A pinch of Common Salt can enhance the flavor of dishes.

Glauber Salt

Glauber Salt is used in the glass-making industry.
The introduction of Glauber Salt can modify the properties of glass.

Common Salt

Common Salt plays a crucial role in preserving food.
Meats were traditionally preserved using generous amounts of Common Salt.

Glauber Salt

Glauber Salt has medicinal properties, acting as a laxative.
In earlier times, Glauber Salt was consumed for its purgative effects.

Common Salt

Common Salt is chemically known as sodium chloride.
Common Salt is an essential component of our diet.

Glauber Salt

Glauber Salt can be found in nature in mineral form.
Glauber Salt, in its mineral state, is known as thenardite.

Common Salt

Common Salt is found in seawater and salt mines.
Seawater is evaporated to obtain Common Salt in many coastal regions.

Common Curiosities

Why is Common Salt essential for the human body?

Common Salt helps maintain fluid balance, nerve transmission, and muscle function in the body.

How does Common Salt differ from Glauber Salt in taste?

Common Salt has a salty taste, while Glauber Salt tastes bitter.

Can Glauber Salt be used in cooking?

It's not advisable to use Glauber Salt in cooking due to its laxative effect and bitter taste.

What is the chemical composition of Glauber Salt?

Glauber Salt is chemically sodium sulfate (Na2SO4).

Is there a difference in the appearance of Glauber Salt and Common Salt?

Both may appear as white crystals, but their chemical properties and uses are distinct.

What happens if one consumes large amounts of Common Salt?

Excessive consumption can lead to health issues like hypertension and water retention.

Why is Common Salt used for food preservation?

Common Salt prevents the growth of bacteria, fungi, and other microorganisms, thereby preserving food.

Who discovered Glauber Salt?

Glauber Salt was named after the German chemist Johann Rudolf Glauber, who described its properties.

Is it safe to consume Glauber Salt?

Glauber Salt can act as a laxative, so it should be consumed with caution and not as a regular salt substitute.

How was Common Salt historically sourced?

Common Salt was historically sourced from salt mines or by evaporating seawater.

Is Common Salt only obtained from the sea?

No, Common Salt can be sourced from both seawater and underground salt mines.

How can one differentiate between Glauber Salt and Common Salt?

Through chemical analysis or tasting (with caution), as Glauber Salt has a distinct bitter taste.

Can I replace Glauber Salt with Common Salt in a recipe?

No, due to their different tastes and effects on the body, they are not interchangeable.

What are the industrial applications of Glauber Salt?

Glauber Salt is used in detergents, glass making, and the pulp and paper industry, among others.

Is Glauber Salt present in everyday products?

Yes, Glauber Salt is often found in certain detergents and industrial products.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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