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Google Drive vs. Google Docs — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 10, 2023
Google Drive is a cloud storage platform, while Google Docs is a web-based word processing tool within Drive.
Google Drive vs. Google Docs — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Google Drive and Google Docs


Key Differences

Google Drive is a comprehensive storage solution offered by Google, enabling users to store various file types, such as documents, images, and videos, in the cloud. In contrast, Google Docs is a specific tool within Google Drive designed for creating, editing, and collaborating on text documents.
Within the Google Drive ecosystem, there are multiple apps available for different tasks, such as Google Sheets for spreadsheets and Google Slides for presentations. Google Docs, being one of these apps, focuses solely on word processing, allowing users to draft essays, reports, and other textual content.
On the one hand, Google Drive's primary function is to serve as a storage medium, ensuring users can access their files from any device with an internet connection. On the other hand, Google Docs facilitates real-time collaboration, where multiple users can simultaneously work on a document, making edits and suggestions.
Google Drive offers features like file sharing, file version history, and the ability to organize files into folders. Google Docs, as a subset of Drive, inherits these features but also introduces capabilities specific to word processing, such as formatting options, spell check, and document templates.
In essence, while Google Drive is the overarching cloud platform where all files reside, Google Docs is a specialized tool for word processing that sits within the Drive environment, offering users an advanced way to create and edit textual documents.

Comparison Chart

Primary Function

Cloud storage platform.
Web-based word processing tool.

File Types Supported

Multiple (Docs, Sheets, Slides, Images, Videos, etc.)
Text documents.


File sharing and access management.
Real-time collaborative editing of documents.

Integration with Other Apps

Houses Google Workspace apps (Docs, Sheets, Slides, etc.)
Integrated within Google Drive.


Accessible on various devices via app or browser.
Accessible through Google Drive or direct URL.

Compare with Definitions

Google Drive

Google Drive is a platform within Google Workspace.
You can access various apps like Docs and Sheets through Google Drive.

Google Docs

Google Docs offers various formatting and editing features.
I utilized the table of contents feature in Google Docs for my research paper.

Google Drive

Google Drive allows file sharing and collaboration.
I shared the project folder with my team on Google Drive.

Google Docs

Google Docs supports exporting documents in various formats.
I exported my Google Docs file as a PDF for submission.

Google Drive

Google Drive is a cloud-based storage solution.
I saved my photos and documents on Google Drive for backup.

Google Docs

Google Docs facilitates real-time collaboration on documents.
My team and I edited the report simultaneously on Google Docs.

Google Drive

Google Drive offers various organization tools, like folders.
I organized my files into different folders on Google Drive.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a part of the Google Drive suite.
After writing in Google Docs, I saved the file directly to my Google Drive.

Google Drive

Google Drive provides storage for various file types.
From presentations to images, I store everything on Google Drive.

Google Docs

Google Docs is a digital word processing tool.
I wrote my essay using Google Docs.

Common Curiosities

What is Google Drive primarily used for?

Google Drive is primarily used for cloud-based storage of files.

Is Google Docs a standalone application?

No, Google Docs is integrated within Google Drive but can be accessed directly.

Can you store non-Google file types on Google Drive?

Yes, Google Drive supports various file types, not just Google Workspace files.

Is there a storage limit on Google Drive?

Yes, Google Drive offers a free storage limit, with more storage available for purchase.

How do sharing permissions work on Google Drive?

Google Drive allows users to set specific sharing permissions for each file or folder.

How is data security managed on Google Drive?

Google Drive provides encryption for stored data and during transfer.

What's a key feature of Google Docs?

Real-time collaborative editing is a standout feature of Google Docs.

Can I access Google Drive offline?

With certain settings enabled, you can access and edit Google Drive files offline.

Do Google Docs have built-in templates?

Yes, Google Docs offers a variety of templates for different document types.

Is there a word count limit in Google Docs?

No, there isn't a strict word count limit, but performance may vary with extremely long documents.

How do I convert a Microsoft Word file to Google Docs format?

By uploading a Word file to Google Drive and opening it, it can be converted to Google Docs format.

Are Google Docs files automatically saved to Google Drive?

Yes, documents created in Google Docs are automatically saved in Google Drive.

Are changes in Google Docs tracked?

Yes, Google Docs has a version history feature that tracks changes and allows users to revert to previous versions.

Can Google Docs be accessed on mobile devices?

Yes, there's a Google Docs app available for smartphones and tablets.

Can you sync local files to Google Drive automatically?

Yes, using the Backup and Sync tool, you can sync local files to Google Drive.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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