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Gouvernment vs. Government — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
"Gouvernment" is an incorrect spelling. The right spelling is "Government," denoting the governing body of a nation, state, or community.
Gouvernment vs. Government — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Gouvernment or Government

How to spell Government?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of "government" as a body that GOVERns, emphasizing the "Gover."
Recall that there's no "u" after "o" in "Government."
Visualize a government building to solidify the correct spelling.
Focus on "Gover" as in "Governing" to remember the start of "Government."
Associate "Gouvernment" with the French word for government and remember English omits the "u."

How Do You Spell Government Correctly?

Incorrect: We need to trust our gouvernment in times of crisis.
Correct: We need to trust our government in times of crisis.
Incorrect: The gouvernment has announced new policies.
Correct: The government has announced new policies.
Incorrect: She works for the federal gouvernment.
Correct: She works for the federal government.
Incorrect: The local gouvernment is responsible for these services.
Correct: The local government is responsible for these services.

Government Definitions

The means by which community rules are enforced.
The government imposed new regulations.
The manner or system of rule.
Many prefer a democratic government.
Control or authority in an organization.
The school's government set new policies.
The act or process of governing, especially the control and administration of public policy in a political unit.
The office, function, or authority of a governing individual or body.
Exercise of authority in a political unit; rule.
The agency or apparatus through which a governing individual or body functions and exercises authority.
The ruling political party or coalition of political parties in a parliamentary system.
The cabinet in a parliamentary system.
The persons who make up a governing body.
A system or policy by which a political unit is governed.
Administration or management of an organization, business, or institution.
Political science.
(Grammar) The influence of a word over the morphological inflection of another word in a phrase or sentence.
The body with the power to make and/or enforce laws to control a country, land area, people or organization.
British government has historically centred exclusively on London.
The relationship between a word and its dependents.
The state and its administration viewed as the ruling political power.
If the citizens must follow the law, then the government must follow the constitution.
(uncountable) The management or control of a system.
The tenure of a chief of state.
The act of governing; the exercise of authority; the administration of laws; control; direction; regulation; as, civil, church, or family government.
The mode of governing; the system of polity in a state; the established form of law.
That free government which we have so dearly purchased, free commonwealth.
The right or power of governing; authority.
I here resign my government to thee.
The person or persons authorized to administer the laws; the ruling power; the administration.
When we, in England, speak of the government, we generally understand the ministers of the crown for the time being.
The body politic governed by one authority; a state; as, the governments of Europe.
Management of the limbs or body.
The influence of a word in regard to construction, requiring that another word should be in a particular case.
The organization that is the governing authority of a political unit;
The government reduced taxes
The matter was referred to higher authorities
(government) the system or form by which a community or other political unit is governed;
Tyrannical government
The act of governing; exercising authority;
Regulations for the governing of state prisons
He had considerable experience of government
The study of government of states and other political units
The system or group governing an organized community.
The U.S. government is based in Washington, D.C.
The body of persons governing a state.
The government decided on economic reforms.

Government Meaning in a Sentence

The role of government in education has been a topic of debate.
Government agencies are coordinating relief efforts in the affected area.
Local government officials met to discuss the budget for the next fiscal year.
The government is implementing reforms to improve healthcare.
She aspires to work in government and make a difference in her community.
Government grants are available for research in renewable energy.
Transparency in government operations is crucial for democracy.
The new government initiative aims to support small businesses.
The government is under pressure to address the housing crisis.
The government issued a warning about travel to certain countries.
Government employees are subject to ethics guidelines.
Voters have expressed their dissatisfaction with the current government.
Government regulations on pollution have become stricter.
The federal government plays a significant role in national defense.
The importance of voting in government elections cannot be overstated.
Government spending on infrastructure projects is expected to increase.
The government has imposed taxes on imported goods.
The state government declared a state of emergency following the natural disaster.

Government Idioms & Phrases

Government watchdog

An organization or person that monitors government activities to ensure they are legal and ethical.
The government watchdog released a report highlighting the need for more transparency.

Big government

A term used to describe a government that is involved in many aspects of citizens' lives, often implying excessive regulation and control.
Critics of big government argue for reduced regulation and increased personal freedom.

Government bonds

Debt securities issued by a government to support government spending and obligations.
Investors consider government bonds to be a safe investment compared to stocks.

Government bailout

Financial support provided by the government to prevent the collapse of an institution or industry deemed vital to the economy.
The government bailout of the banks during the financial crisis was controversial.

Shadow government

A group of politicians who hold no office but propose themselves as the government-in-waiting should they win the next election.
The shadow government criticized the official government's approach to healthcare.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Government?

The indefinite article "a" is used, as in "a government."

What is the verb form of Government?

The related verb is "govern."

Why is it called Government?

It's called "Government" from Latin "gubernare," meaning "to steer" or "to direct."

What is the pronunciation of Government?

Government is pronounced as /ˈɡʌvərnˌmɛnt/.

Which conjunction is used with Government?

Any conjunction can be used based on the sentence structure.

What is the root word of Government?

The root word is "govern."

What is the singular form of Government?

Government itself is singular.

Which preposition is used with Government?

Prepositions like "of," "by," or "under" can be used, depending on context.

Which article is used with Government?

Both "a" and "the" can be used, e.g., "a government agency" or "the government."

Is Government a negative or positive word?

Government is neutral; its perception depends on context.

Is the word Government imperative?

No, Government is not imperative.

How many syllables are in Government?

Government has three syllables.

What is the plural form of Government?

The plural is "governments."

Is Government a vowel or consonant?

Government is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

Which determiner is used with Government?

Determiners like "this," "that," or "each" can be used.

What is the first form of Government?

Being a noun, it remains "Government."

Is Government an abstract noun?

Yes, in many contexts, it's an abstract noun.

What is the second form of Government?

Nouns don't have verb forms; it remains "Government."

How is Government used in a sentence?

The government is implementing new healthcare policies.

Is Government a noun or adjective?

Government is primarily a noun.

Is Government an adverb?

No, Government is not an adverb.

Is Government a countable noun?

Yes, e.g., "several governments."

Is Government a collective noun?

Yes, as it can refer to a group of people governing.

How do we divide Government into syllables?


What is a stressed syllable in Government?

The first syllable, "Gov," is stressed.

What is the opposite of Government?

Anarchy or lack of governance.

Is the Government term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Government Gerund?

No, it's not a gerund.

Is the word “Government” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Government" can serve as either, depending on the sentence.

What part of speech is Government?

Government is primarily a noun.

What is another term for Government?

Administration or regime.

What is the third form of Government?

As a noun, it remains "Government."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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