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Gown vs. Gawn — Which is Correct Spelling?

Gown vs. Gawn — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Gown or Gawn

How to spell Gown?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Gown Definitions

A gown, from the Saxon word, gunna, is a usually loose outer garment from knee- to full-length worn by men and women in Europe from the Early Middle Ages to the 17th century, and continuing today in certain professions; later, gown was applied to any full-length woman's garment consisting of a bodice and attached skirt. A long, loosely fitted gown called a Banyan was worn by men in the 18th century as an informal coat.
A long elegant dress worn on formal occasions
A silk ball gown
Be dressed in a gown
She was gowned in luminous silk
A long loose flowing garment, such as a robe or nightgown.
A long, usually formal dress.
A robe or smock worn in operating rooms and other parts of hospitals as a guard against contamination.
A distinctive outer robe worn on ceremonial occasions, as by scholars or clerics.
The faculty and student body of a university
Perfect accord between town and gown.
To clothe (oneself or another) with a gown.
A loose, flowing upper garment.
A woman's ordinary outer dress, such as a calico or silk gown.
The official robe of certain professionals, clerics, and scholars, such as university students and officers, barristers, judges, etc.
The dress of civil officers, as opposed to military officers.
(by metonymy) The university community, especially as contrasted with the local populace.
In the perennial town versus gown battles, townies win some violent battles, but the collegians are winning the war.
A loose wrapper worn by gentlemen within doors; a dressing gown.
Any sort of dress or garb.
The robe worn by a surgeon.
To dress in a gown, to don or garb with a gown.
A loose, flowing upper garment
He Mars deposed, and arms to gowns made yield.
Long, usually formal, woman's dress
Protective garment worn by surgeons during operations
Outerwear consisting of a long flowing garment used for official or ceremonial occasions
Dress in a gown

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