Hail vs. Rain — What's the Difference?
By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on May 6, 2024
Hail consists of ice pellets formed during thunderstorms, while rain is liquid precipitation that falls from clouds in droplets.
Difference Between Hail and Rain
Table of Contents
Key Differences
Hail forms in strong thunderstorm clouds with intense updrafts, where water droplets freeze into ice pellets. Rain, on the other hand, occurs in a variety of cloud types as water vapor condenses into liquid droplets that fall due to gravity.
Hail typically occurs during severe weather conditions and can vary in size from small pellets to golf balls. Rain is more common and falls uniformly, ranging from light drizzles to heavy downpours.
Hail is characterized by its potential to cause damage to crops, vehicles, and buildings due to its size and density. Rain, whereas, is essential for water supply and agriculture but can also cause flooding and erosion when intense.
The occurrence of hail is generally less frequent and more localized compared to rain, which can fall over extensive areas and is a regular phenomenon in various climates.
The temperature within the cloud plays a crucial role in the formation of hail, requiring a freezing environment. Rain forms in both cold and warm conditions, depending on the atmospheric temperature at cloud level.
Comparison Chart
Forms in strong updrafts within cumulonimbus clouds.
Forms in various types of clouds.
Size and Shape
Ice pellets, can be pea-sized to larger than golf balls.
Liquid droplets, uniform in size.
Frequency and Duration
Less frequent, usually during specific seasons.
More common, occurs throughout the year.
Weather Association
Associated with severe thunderstorms.
Associated with varied weather conditions.
Can cause significant damage and injury.
Essential for ecological and agricultural processes, but can cause flooding.
Compare with Definitions
Less common than rain and more localized.
Hail storms are rare in this region, unlike the frequent rains.
Can range from light showers to heavy downpours.
The rain escalated into a torrential downpour by evening.
Solid precipitation in the form of ice balls or pellets.
The storm brought a brief but intense hail that left dents on cars.
Essential for ecosystems and human activities.
Farmers rely on consistent rain to irrigate crops.
Occurs during thunderstorms with strong updrafts.
The meteorologist warned of possible hail as the thunderstorm approached.
Can cause issues like flooding and erosion.
Continuous rain caused the river to overflow, leading to flooding in nearby areas.
Can cause damage to crops, vehicles, and structures.
Farmers assess the damage after last night's hail shattered windows and damaged roofs.
Liquid precipitation in the form of water droplets.
Gentle rain fell throughout the day, nourishing the thirsty plants.
Varies in size from pea-sized to larger than golf balls.
Golf ball-sized hail pelted the area during the storm.
Occurs from various cloud types.
The overcast sky finally brought some much-needed rain.
To precipitate in pellets of ice and hard snow.
The descent of such water.
Hail is a form of solid precipitation. It is distinct from ice pellets (American English "sleet"), though the two are often confused.
Rain is liquid water in the form of droplets that have condensed from atmospheric water vapor and then become heavy enough to fall under gravity. Rain is a major component of the water cycle and is responsible for depositing most of the fresh water on the Earth.
Precipitation in the form of spherical or irregular pellets of ice larger than 5 millimeters (0.2 inch) in diameter, usually associated with thunderstorms.
The condensed moisture of the atmosphere falling visibly in separate drops
It's pouring with rain
The rain had not stopped for days
Something that falls with the force and quantity of a shower of ice and hard snow
A hail of pebbles.
A hail of criticism.
Rain falls
It was beginning to rain
The act of greeting or acclaiming.
Water condensed from atmospheric vapor and falling in drops.
A shout made to catch someone's attention or to greet.
A fall of such water; a rainstorm.
Hailing distance
Told me to stay within hail.
Rainy weather.
To fall like hailstones
Condemnations hailed down on them.
Rains A rainy season.
To pour (something) down or forth
They hailed insults at me.
A heavy or abundant fall
A rain of fluffy cottonwood seeds.
A rain of insults.
To salute or greet.
To fall in drops of water from the clouds.
To greet or acclaim enthusiastically
The crowds hailed the boxing champion.
To fall like rain
Praise rained down on the composer.
To call out or yell in order to catch the attention of
Hail a cabdriver.
To release rain.
To signal or call to a passing ship as a greeting or identification.
To send or pour down.
Used to express a greeting or tribute.
To give abundantly; shower
Rain gifts.
Rain curses upon their heads.
S or pieces of ice falling as precipitation, often in connection with a thunderstorm.
Condensed water falling from a cloud.
We've been having a lot of rain lately.
The rains came late that year.
An occurrence of this type of precipitation; a hailstorm.
(figuratively) Any matter moving or falling, usually through air, and especially if liquid or otherwise figuratively identifiable with raindrops.
A rapid, intense barrage by a large number of projectiles or other objects.
(figuratively) An instance of particles or larger pieces of matter moving or falling through air.
A rain of mortar fire fell on our trenches.
(impersonal) Of hail, to fall from the sky.
They say it's going to hail tomorrow.
(impersonal) To have rain fall from the sky.
Judging by the black cloud, it will rain later today.
(intransitive) To send or release hail.
The cloud would hail down furiously within a few minutes.
(intransitive) To fall as or like rain.
Tears rained from her eyes.
Leaves rained from the tree.
Bombs rained from the sky.
To pour down in rapid succession.
(transitive) To issue (something) in large quantities.
The boxer rained punches on his opponent's head.
(transitive) To greet; give salutation to; salute.
(transitive) To name; to designate; to call.
He was hailed as a hero.
Water falling in drops from the clouds; the descent of water from the clouds in drops.
Rain is water by the heat of the sun divided into very small parts ascending in the air, till, encountering the cold, it be condensed into clouds, and descends in drops.
Fair days have oft contracted wind and rain.
(transitive) To call out loudly in order to gain the attention of.
Hail a taxi.
To fall in drops from the clouds, as water; - used mostly with it for a nominative; as, it rains.
The rain it raineth every day.
To indicate, from a designated stop or otherwise, to the driver of a public transport vehicle that one wishes to board and travel on the vehicle, usually using hand signals such as waving.
In Melbourne, you would usually have to hail a tram when you are travelling late at night and there are no other passengers waiting at your stop.
To fall or drop like water from the clouds; as, tears rained from their eyes.
(transitive) To signal in order to initiate communication with.
To pour or shower down from above, like rain from the clouds.
Then said the Lord unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you.
(obsolete) Healthy, whole, safe.
To bestow in a profuse or abundant manner; as, to rain favors upon a person.
An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting.
Water falling in drops from vapor condensed in the atmosphere
Small roundish masses of ice precipitated from the clouds, where they are formed by the congelation of vapor. The separate masses or grains are called hailstones.
Thunder mixed with hail,Hail mixed with fire, must rend the Egyptian sky.
Drops of fresh water that fall as precipitation from clouds
A wish of health; a salutation; a loud call.
The angel hail bestowed.
Anything happening rapidly or in quick successive;
A rain of bullets
A pelting of insults
To pour down particles of ice, or frozen vapors.
Precipitate as rain;
If it rains much more, we can expect some flooding
To pour forcibly down, as hail.
To call loudly to, or after; to accost; to salute; to address.
To name; to designate; to call.
And such a son as all men hailed me happy.
To declare, by hailing, the port from which a vessel sails or where she is registered; hence, to sail; to come; - used with from; as, the steamer hails from New York.
To report as one's home or the place from whence one comes; to come; - with from.
Healthy. See Hale (the preferable spelling).
An exclamation of respectful or reverent salutation, or, occasionally, of familiar greeting.
Precipitation of ice pellets when there are strong rising air currents
Enthusiastic greeting
Praise vociferously;
The critics hailed the young pianist as a new Rubinstein
Be a native of;
She hails from Kalamazoo
Call for;
Hail a cab
Greet enthusiastically or joyfully
Precipitate as small ice particles;
It hailed for an hour
Common Curiosities
What is the difference in impact between hail and rain?
Hail can cause physical damage due to its hardness and size, while rain's impact is generally beneficial but can include flooding.
What are the safety precautions during a hailstorm?
It is advised to seek shelter indoors, away from windows, and protect vehicles and sensitive outdoor equipment.
How does rain benefit the environment?
Rain is vital for replenishing water sources, supporting plant growth, and maintaining ecological balance.
Can hail occur during any season?
While possible in various seasons, hail is most common in spring and summer when thunderstorm activity is highest.
How do meteorologists predict hail?
Meteorologists use radar and satellite data to identify potential hail-producing storms by monitoring for strong updrafts.
How long does a typical hailstorm last?
Hailstorms are usually brief, lasting from a few minutes to half an hour.
Why does rain vary in acidity?
Rain's acidity can vary due to the presence of pollutants like sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere.
What measures can be taken to mitigate flood risks from heavy rain?
Proper urban planning, efficient drainage systems, and barriers can help manage and mitigate flood risks.
What conditions are necessary for hail to form?
Hail forms in cumulonimbus clouds with strong updrafts and below-freezing temperatures at cloud level.
Are there any environmental drawbacks to hail?
Besides physical damage, hail can also disrupt ecosystems temporarily, especially in sensitive or agricultural areas.
Is hail edible?
Technically yes, but it's not advisable due to potential contamination from atmospheric pollutants.
What role does rain play in the water cycle?
Rain is a crucial component of the water cycle, helping to recharge groundwater and surface water bodies.
What types of clouds are most likely to produce rain?
Nimbostratus and cumulus clouds are common rain-producing types.
How does hail size get determined?
Hail size is determined by the duration it stays within the updraft in a thunderstorm cloud.
Can hailstorms be predicted with accuracy?
Predicting hailstorms has improved with advances in meteorological technology, but small-scale predictions remain challenging.
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Written by
Fiza RafiqueFiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at AskDifference.com, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat