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Hand Dryer vs. Paper Towels — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on November 19, 2023
Hand Dryers use electric power to blow air and dry hands; Paper Towels use absorbent sheets for drying.
Hand Dryer vs. Paper Towels — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hand Dryer and Paper Towels


Key Differences

Hand Dryers are electronic devices that push out warm or cool air to dry hands. On the other hand, Paper Towels are absorbent sheets made from paper used for the same purpose of drying hands.
Using a Hand Dryer is often seen as more environmentally friendly because it reduces paper waste. Conversely, Paper Towels, once used, become waste and can contribute to environmental concerns if not recycled.
Hand Dryers require an initial investment and electricity to operate. In contrast, Paper Towels need regular replenishing, but don't consume electricity per use.
Hygiene is a point of debate between the two. While Hand Dryers blow air which can disperse bacteria, Paper Towels provide a physical means to wipe off and remove microbes from hands.
In terms of user preference, some people prefer the quick efficiency of Hand Dryers. However, others lean towards Paper Towels, citing they feel cleaner and drier after use.

Comparison Chart


Blows air to dry hands.
Absorbs moisture to dry hands.

Environmental Impact

Reduces paper waste.
Creates paper waste.

Operation Cost

Electricity consumption.
Regular replenishment needed.

Hygiene Concerns

Can disperse bacteria via air.
Can physically remove microbes.

User Preference

Some find it efficient.
Some feel cleaner and drier using them.

Compare with Definitions

Hand Dryer

A restroom fixture used for drying hands post-washing.
The Hand Dryer in the bathroom was surprisingly fast.

Paper Towels

Absorbent sheets made of paper for drying hands or cleaning spills.
I grabbed some Paper Towels to clean the spilled juice.

Hand Dryer

An alternative to paper towels in public restrooms.
Instead of paper, the restroom only had a Hand Dryer.

Paper Towels

An alternative to hand dryers in public restrooms.
Some people prefer using Paper Towels over hand dryers for drying.

Hand Dryer

A sustainable option in restrooms to minimize paper waste.
They installed a Hand Dryer to promote eco-friendly practices.

Paper Towels

Paper products designed for single-use drying or cleaning.
I always keep Paper Towels handy for unexpected messes.

Hand Dryer

An electric device that emits air to dry wet hands.
I placed my hands under the Hand Dryer after washing them.

Paper Towels

Woven fiber sheets intended for absorbing moisture.
After washing my hands, I reached for the Paper Towels.

Hand Dryer

An electronic appliance blowing warm or cool air for drying purposes.
The Hand Dryer was so powerful that my hands were dry in seconds.

Paper Towels

A disposable product found in kitchens and restrooms.
Can you pass me a Paper Towel from the dispenser?

Common Curiosities

How do Paper Towels differ from Hand Dryers in function?

Paper Towels absorb moisture to dry hands, whereas Hand Dryers blow air to achieve the same.

What are the environmental concerns with using Paper Towels?

Paper Towels create paper waste, which can contribute to deforestation and landfill issues if not recycled.

Do Hand Dryers require a lot of maintenance?

Hand Dryers generally require less maintenance than replenishing Paper Towels but might need occasional servicing.

What's the primary function of a Hand Dryer?

A Hand Dryer's primary function is to blow air to dry wet hands after washing

Are Hand Dryers considered environmentally friendly?

Hand Dryers are often seen as more environmentally friendly as they reduce paper waste, though they do consume electricity.

Do all public restrooms offer both Hand Dryers and Paper Towels?

Not all. Some restrooms might only have one option depending on the management's decision regarding cost, hygiene, and environmental concerns.

Can Paper Towels be recycled?

While some Paper Towels are recyclable, many used in restrooms and kitchens are soiled and should not be recycled.

Why might someone prefer a Hand Dryer over Paper Towels?

Some prefer Hand Dryers for their efficiency, environmental benefits, and reduced waste.

Which is more hygienic, Hand Dryers or Paper Towels?

It's debated: Hand Dryers can disperse bacteria via air, while Paper Towels physically remove microbes from hands.

Is it cost-effective to use Hand Dryers?

Over time, Hand Dryers can be more cost-effective than constantly replenishing Paper Towels, though there's an initial investment.

Which dries hands faster, Hand Dryer or Paper Towels?

It varies. Some modern Hand Dryers can dry hands very quickly, but many people feel Paper Towels dry hands faster and more thoroughly.

What powers a Hand Dryer?

Hand Dryers are typically powered by electricity.

Can I use Paper Towels in cooking?

Yes, Paper Towels are often used in cooking to drain excess oil from fried foods or to clean surfaces.

Are there eco-friendly Paper Towels?

Yes, there are eco-friendly Paper Towels made from recycled materials or sustainable sources.

Are Paper Towels only used for hand drying?

No, Paper Towels are also commonly used for cleaning spills, wiping surfaces, and other cleaning tasks.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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