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Handsome vs. Pretty — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 12, 2023
Handsome often describes a strong, masculine beauty, while pretty refers to a delicate, feminine attractiveness.
Handsome vs. Pretty — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Handsome and Pretty


Key Differences

Handsome traditionally pertains to a form of attractiveness often associated with masculinity, while pretty is commonly used to describe a softer, delicate, or feminine form of beauty.
When one describes a man as handsome, it frequently implies a strong, distinguished form of beauty, while labeling someone pretty typically suggests a more gentle, pleasing aesthetic.
The word handsome can also be utilized to portray various non-physical attributes, like deeds or amounts, while pretty isn't employed similarly in standard usage.
Handsome can sometimes be used to describe women when highlighting a certain dignified, striking beauty, whereas pretty is rarely used to describe men, aligning more with traditional feminine connotations.
Both handsome and pretty can be subjective and context-dependent, sometimes being utilized interchangeably, despite their differing traditional connotations.

Comparison Chart

Traditional Gender Association

Often associated with men
Usually associated with women

Type of Beauty

Strong, dignified
Delicate, pleasing

Application to Non-Physical Attributes

Can describe deeds or amounts (e.g., a handsome sum)
Rarely used for non-physical attributes

Common Usage

May describe both men and women
Predominantly describes women or objects

Underlying Connotation

May imply sophistication
Often implies sweetness

Compare with Definitions


Having an attractive, well-proportioned, and imposing appearance.
The actor was considered very handsome.


Pleasing by delicacy or grace.
The painting depicted a pretty landscape.


Marked by skill or cleverness.
It was a handsome maneuver on the soccer field.


(of a person, especially a woman or child) attractive in a delicate way without being truly beautiful
A pretty little girl with an engaging grin


Generous or noble in behavior or actions.
He gave a handsome donation to the charity.


Used ironically to express annoyance or displeasure
He led me a pretty dance


Strikingly impressive especially in beauty or excellence.
She wore a handsome gown to the event.


To a moderately high degree; fairly
He looked pretty fit for his age
It was a pretty bad injury


Pleasing in form or appearance, especially having strong or distinguished features
A handsome man.
A woman with a handsome face.


An attractive thing, especially a trinket
He buys her lots of pretties—bangles and rings


Having stately or attractive proportions or appearance; impressive
A handsome manor.
A sleek, handsome car.


Make pretty or attractive
She'll be all prettied up and ready to go in an hour


Large in amount or measure; generous or considerable
A handsome reward.
Won by a handsome margin.


Pleasing or attractive in a graceful or delicate way.


Marked by or requiring skill or dexterity
Did some handsome maneuvers on the skating rink.


Clever; adroit
A pretty maneuver.


Appropriate or fitting
A handsome location for the new school.


Very bad; terrible
In a pretty predicament.
A situation that has reached a pretty pass.


Having a pleasing appearance, good-looking, attractive, particularly
That is one handsome tree you've got there.


Ostensibly or superficially attractive but lacking substance or conviction
Full of pretty phrases.


Attractively manly, having a pleasing face and overall effect.
I was tripping over his own feet coming in out of the surf.


(Informal) Considerable in size or extent
A pretty fortune.


Statuesque, beautiful in a masculine or otherwise imposing way.
She was either handsome or her uniform created a flattering effect but—being very nearsighted—he couldn't tell from this distance.


To a fair degree; moderately
A pretty good student.


Good, appealing, appropriate.


In a pretty manner; prettily or pleasingly.


(of weather) Fine, clear and bright.


One that is pretty.


Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; appropriate.
A handsome style


Pretties Delicate clothing, especially lingerie.


Generous or noble in character.
Handsome is as handsome does.


To make pretty
Pretty up the house.


Ample; moderately large.
A handsome salary


Pleasant to the sight or other senses; attractive, especially of women or children.


Dexterous; skillful.


Of objects or things: nice-looking, appealing.


To render handsome.


Fine-looking; only superficially attractive; initially appealing but having little substance; see petty.


Dexterous; skillful; handy; ready; convenient; - applied to things as persons.
That they [engines of war] be both easy to be carried and handsome to be moved and turned about.
For a thief it is so handsome as it may seem it was first invented for him.


Cunning; clever, skilful.


Agreeable to the eye or to correct taste; having a pleasing appearance or expression; attractive; having symmetry and dignity; comely; - expressing more than pretty, and less than beautiful; as, a handsome man or woman; a handsome garment, house, tree, horse.


(dated) Moderately large; considerable.


Suitable or fit in action; marked with propriety and ease; graceful; becoming; appropriate; as, a handsome style, etc.
Easiness and handsome address in writing.


(dated) Excellent, commendable, pleasing; fitting or proper (of actions, thoughts etc.).


Evincing a becoming generosity or nobleness of character; liberal; generous.
Handsome is as handsome does.


(ironic) Awkward, unpleasant.


Ample; moderately large.
He . . . accumulated a handsome sum of money.


Somewhat, fairly, quite; sometimes also (by meiosis) very.


To render handsome.


(dialect) Prettily, in a pretty manner.


Pleasing in appearance especially by reason of conformity to ideals of form and proportion;
A fine-looking woman
A good-looking man
Better-looking than her sister
Very pretty but not so extraordinarily handsome
Our southern women are well-favored


A pretty person; a term of address to a pretty person.


Given or giving freely;
Was a big tipper
The bounteous goodness of God
Bountiful compliments
A freehanded host
A handsome allowance
Saturday's child is loving and giving
A liberal backer of the arts
A munificent gift
Her fond and openhanded grandfather


Something that is pretty.
We'll stop at the knife store and look at the sharp pretties.


Large in quantity or degree.
She made a handsome profit from the sale.


To make pretty; to beautify


Pleasing by delicacy or grace; attracting, but not striking or impressing; of a pleasing and attractive form a color; having slight or diminutive beauty; neat or elegant without elevation or grandeur; pleasingly, but not grandly, conceived or expressed; as, a pretty face; a pretty flower; a pretty poem.
This is the prettiest lowborn lass that everRan on the greensward.


Moderately large; considerable; as, he had saved a pretty fortune.


Affectedly nice; foppish; - used in an ill sense.
The pretty gentleman is the most complaisant in the world.


Mean; despicable; contemptible; - used ironically; as, a pretty trick; a pretty fellow.


Stout; strong and brave; intrepid; valiant.
[He] observed they were pretty men, meaning not handsome.


In some degree; moderately; considerably; rather; almost; - less emphatic than very; as, I am pretty sure of the fact; pretty cold weather.
Pretty plainly professes himself a sincere Christian.


Pleasing by delicacy or grace; not imposing;
Pretty girl
Pretty song
Pretty room


(used ironically) unexpectedly bad;
A pretty mess
A pretty kettle of fish


Used as an intensifier (`jolly' is used informally in Britain);
Pretty big
Pretty bad
Jolly decent of him


Tidy or cleanly in appearance or neatness.
The room was pretty and well-organized.


Considerable in quantity or degree.
He ate a pretty large portion of the cake.


Pleasing to the eye or mind aesthetically.
She wore a pretty dress to the party.


Used ironically in phrases like a pretty mess.
Well, this is a pretty situation you’ve gotten us into!

Common Curiosities

Is pretty used for males?

Rarely, "pretty" is predominantly used to describe feminine beauty.

Can handsome be used to describe women?

Yes, "handsome" can describe a woman, typically implying a strong, dignified beauty.

Is pretty applied to non-physical contexts?

Less commonly than handsome, but it can describe considerable amounts, e.g., a "pretty penny."

Is handsome always a compliment?

Typically, yes, but context always matters.

Can pretty be used sarcastically?

Yes, like in "You think you’re pretty smart, don’t you?"

Can pretty describe negative situations, ironically?

Yes, e.g., "a pretty mess" refers to a troublesome situation.

Can handsome refer to objects as well as people?

Yes, like a "handsome car" or "handsome architecture."

Can pretty imply something is smaller or less significant?

Sometimes, e.g., "It’s just a pretty little shop."

Can handsome describe non-physical attributes?

Yes, e.g., a "handsome sum" refers to a generous amount of money.

Can pretty indicate a degree of something?

Yes, like in "He was driving pretty fast."

Is handsome used globally?

Yes, but cultural perceptions of what is "handsome" can vary.

Does handsome always refer to physical appearance?

No, it can also refer to amounts, behaviors, and skill, among others.

Can calling a woman handsome be offensive?

Depending on context, it may be, as "handsome" can be gendered and imply a certain type of beauty.

Is pretty only an adjective?

It’s primarily an adjective but can also be an adverb, e.g., "pretty much."

Is handsome synonymous with beautiful?

They can be similar, but "handsome" often has more masculine and dignified connotations.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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