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HB Pencil vs. No. 2 Pencil — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 15, 2023
An HB pencil is a medium-hardness pencil used worldwide. A No. 2 pencil is the American equivalent of the HB pencil, both commonly used for writing and standardized testing.
HB Pencil vs. No. 2 Pencil — What's the Difference?

Difference Between HB Pencil and No. 2 Pencil


Key Differences

HB pencils and No. 2 pencils are tools that have been instrumental in writing, sketching, and drafting. The HB pencil, recognized by its marking, signifies a balance between hard and soft graphite. This middle ground makes it versatile, perfect for general-purpose writing and drawing where neither too dark nor too light a mark is desired.
On the other hand, the No. 2 pencil is an identifier predominantly used in the United States. When you think of standardized tests or multiple-choice answer sheets, the No. 2 pencil is often the recommended tool. Its graphite core is essentially equivalent in hardness and darkness to the HB pencil.
Internationally, the pencil grading scale often ranges from H (hard) to B (black or soft), with HB being centrally located on this scale. Meanwhile, in the United States, a numerical grading system is more common, with No. 2 pencils being the standard for most applications, closely mirroring the characteristics of the HB pencil.
So, while the terminology may differ based on region — HB pencils in many global contexts and No. 2 pencils in the U.S. — their function and core composition are virtually identical. Both pencils provide reliable, consistent marks, making them staples in classrooms, offices, and artists' studios.

Comparison Chart

Nomenclature Origin

International grading scale (H to B).
U.S. numerical grading system.

Graphite Hardness

Medium (equivalent to HB).

Primary Use

General writing and drawing.
General writing, drawing, standardized tests.

Regional Popularity

Globally recognized.
Predominantly U.S. recognized.

Mark Darkness

Medium-dark (similar to HB).

Compare with Definitions

HB Pencil

The midpoint between hard and soft pencils.
For his math homework, he always preferred the HB pencil.

No. 2 Pencil

The U.S. equivalent of the medium-hard HB pencil.
Students were reminded to bring a No. 2 pencil for the test.

HB Pencil

Neither too dark nor too light, perfect for varied tasks.
Artists often start sketches with an HB pencil due to its versatility.

No. 2 Pencil

The standard for American standardized testing.
Scantrons often require answers to be filled in with a No. 2 pencil.

HB Pencil

A universally recognized pencil for general-purpose writing.
The HB pencil is a staple in classrooms around the world.

No. 2 Pencil

Predominantly recognized and used in the United States.
While traveling abroad, she noticed fewer references to the No. 2 pencil.

HB Pencil

A medium-hard pencil in the international grading system.
She sketched the portrait using an HB pencil for balanced shading.

No. 2 Pencil

A pencil with medium darkness and hardness, perfect for general use.
Her desk drawer always had a stash of No. 2 pencils.

HB Pencil

Represents a balance in the pencil grading scale.
When unsure which pencil to use, an HB pencil is a safe bet.

No. 2 Pencil

Synonymous in performance with the international HB pencil.
He found no difference writing with a No. 2 pencil or an HB pencil.

Common Curiosities

How is the hardness of a pencil determined?

It's determined by the composition of the graphite and clay mixture in the pencil's core.

What does "HB" stand for in HB pencil?

"HB" signifies a balance between hard (H) and black or soft (B) graphite.

Which pencil is more popular globally, HB or No. 2?

The HB pencil is globally recognized, while No. 2 is predominantly U.S. recognized.

Is there a difference between an HB pencil and a No. 2 pencil in terms of hardness?

No, they are essentially equivalent in hardness and darkness.

Why is the No. 2 pencil recommended for standardized tests in the U.S.?

Its consistent medium-dark mark is easily read by electronic grading machines.

Can I use an HB pencil in place of a No. 2 pencil?

Yes, since they are virtually identical in performance.

Can both HB and No. 2 pencils be used for art?

Yes, both are versatile and suitable for sketching and shading.

Are there pencils softer than HB?

Yes, pencils graded with higher B numbers (e.g., 2B, 4B) are softer.

What comes after a No. 2 pencil in the U.S. grading system?

A No. 3 pencil, which is harder and lighter than a No. 2.

Do all manufacturers produce pencils with consistent HB or No. 2 hardness?

While standards exist, slight variations can occur between manufacturers.

Are there other pencils in the H to B scale aside from HB?

Yes, the scale ranges from hard pencils (e.g., H, 2H) to soft pencils (e.g., B, 2B).

How can I tell if a pencil is an HB or No. 2 if it's not labeled?

It's challenging without the label, but typically, medium-hard pencils with similar marks can be considered equivalent.

Can an HB pencil be used for both writing and drawing?

Absolutely, its balanced hardness makes it versatile for both tasks.

Why is the No. 2 pencil so commonly found in American schools?

Its reliability and suitability for standardized tests have made it a staple.

Why don't all countries use the No. 2 grading system?

Different regions have historically adopted different grading systems for pencils.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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