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HD Ready vs. Full HD — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Urooj Arif — Published on August 20, 2024
HD Ready offers resolutions up to 720p, suitable for basic viewing, while Full HD provides sharper 1080p resolution, ideal for detailed content.
HD Ready vs. Full HD — What's the Difference?

Difference Between HD Ready and Full HD


Key Differences

HD Ready, also known as 720p, represents a resolution of 1280x720 pixels. It's considered the entry-level standard for high-definition displays, offering a significant improvement over standard definition (SD) but with fewer pixels than higher HD resolutions. On the other hand, Full HD, or 1080p, with a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels, delivers clearer and more detailed images, making it the preferred choice for larger screens and for viewers who consume a lot of high-definition or Blu-ray content.
When it comes to content availability, HD Ready displays can easily upscale standard definition content to fit the screen, while still being capable of playing HD content without the full clarity that Full HD offers. Conversely, Full HD screens are designed to showcase high-definition content in its native resolution, from HD television broadcasts to Blu-ray movies, offering a more immersive viewing experience with finer details.
In terms of compatibility, HD Ready TVs and monitors can support both SD and HD inputs, making them versatile for various media types. Full HD devices, while also compatible with both SD and HD inputs, are optimized for HD content, ensuring that HD and Full HD media are displayed at their best quality.
The price difference between HD Ready and Full HD has narrowed over time, with Full HD becoming more affordable and widespread. While HD Ready devices may still be cheaper, the cost difference is often small enough that many consumers opt for Full HD for the enhanced viewing experience.
Choosing between HD Ready and Full HD often comes down to the user's specific needs, including the types of content they view, the size of the display they prefer, and their budget. For general television watching and in smaller rooms or on smaller screens, HD Ready may suffice. However, for those who prioritize image quality, especially for gaming, streaming high-definition content, or Blu-ray movies, Full HD is the better option.

Comparison Chart


1280x720 pixels
1920x1080 pixels

Content Quality

Suitable for SD and basic HD
Optimized for detailed HD content

Screen Size

Better for smaller screens
Ideal for larger screens


SD and HD inputs
SD, HD, and Full HD inputs


Generally cheaper
Slightly more expensive but offers better clarity

Compare with Definitions

HD Ready

Often found in smaller displays.
The 24-inch monitor is HD Ready, ideal for small desks.

Full HD

A higher resolution standard at 1920x1080 pixels.
The new laptop's Full HD screen displays sharp and vivid images.

HD Ready

More affordable HD option.
Opting for HD Ready can save money on a tight budget.

Full HD

Common in medium to large screens.
The 40-inch Full HD TV is great for the living room.

HD Ready

Upscales SD content well.
The HD Ready TV makes standard-definition channels look better.

Full HD

Provides superior clarity and detail.
The difference in detail on a Full HD display is noticeable in high-definition games.

HD Ready

A resolution standard offering 1280x720 pixels.
The compact TV is HD Ready, providing clear images for its size.

Full HD

Slightly more expensive but valuable for quality.
Investing in Full HD offers a noticeable upgrade for movie enthusiasts.

HD Ready

Suitable for basic HD viewing.
For everyday TV shows, an HD Ready screen is perfectly adequate.

Full HD

Ideal for detailed content like movies and games.
Watching Blu-ray movies on a Full HD TV is a visual treat.

Common Curiosities

What does HD Ready mean?

HD Ready refers to displays capable of handling a minimum 720p resolution, suitable for basic high-definition viewing.

Is Full HD the same as 1080p?

Yes, Full HD is another term for 1080p resolution, indicating a display capable of showing 1920x1080 pixels.

For gaming, should I choose HD Ready or Full HD?

For gaming, especially on consoles or PCs that support high-definition graphics, Full HD is the recommended choice for a better visual experience.

What factors should I consider when choosing between HD Ready and Full HD?

Consider factors like the types of content you consume, screen size preference, viewing distance, and budget when choosing between the two.

Does the difference between HD Ready and Full HD matter on small screens?

On smaller screens, the difference may not be as noticeable, but Full HD provides sharper images, which can enhance the viewing experience even on small displays.

Can I watch Full HD content on an HD Ready TV?

You can watch Full HD content on an HD Ready TV, but it will be downscaled to fit the lower resolution.

Are HD Ready TVs still worth buying?

HD Ready TVs can still be a good choice for certain situations, such as smaller rooms, secondary TVs, or for those on a strict budget.

How does streaming content look on HD Ready vs. Full HD?

Streaming content in HD or Full HD looks clearer and more detailed on Full HD displays, while HD Ready can still provide a satisfactory viewing experience for less detailed content.

Is there a significant price difference between HD Ready and Full HD displays?

The price gap has narrowed, but Full HD displays may still be slightly more expensive. The decision should be based on the balance between cost and desired image quality.

Will DVDs look better on HD Ready or Full HD TVs?

DVDs, which are standard definition, can look good on both but may benefit from the upscaling capabilities of HD Ready TVs designed to enhance lower-resolution content.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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