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Heartedly vs. Heartily — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Urooj Arif — Updated on March 25, 2024
Heartedly expresses emotion depth, while heartily signifies vigor or enthusiasm.
Heartedly vs. Heartily — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Heartedly and Heartily


Key Differences

Heartedly is often used in compound words (e.g., wholeheartedly) to describe actions done with deep emotion or sincerity. Whereas heartily is used to describe actions performed with enthusiasm, vigor, or hearty approval, often related to eating, laughing, or welcoming.
Heartedly implies a deep, emotional commitment or agreement, often indicating full and sincere endorsement, such as in "wholeheartedly." On the other hand, heartily can imply a robust, cheerful concurrence or participation, often used to describe a vigorous handshake or a laugh.
While heartedly emphasizes the emotional depth behind actions or commitments, heartily focuses on the physical or outward expression of warmth and enthusiasm. For example, one might support a cause "wholeheartedly" but congratulate someone "heartily."
Heartedly, in its usage, conveys a sense of sincerity and depth of feeling, highlighting the emotional aspect of an engagement. Heartily, conversely, often pertains to physical acts or gestures of enthusiasm and is frequently associated with expressions of good health or appetite.
The distinction also reflects in contexts where heartedly usually forms part of compound adjectives, enhancing emotional sincerity, while heartily stands alone, accentuating vigorous, enthusiastic actions.

Comparison Chart

Primary Connotation

Emotional depth and sincerity
Enthusiasm and vigor

Common Usage

Often in compounds (e.g., wholeheartedly)
Alone (e.g., laughing heartily)


Depth of emotion or sincerity
Physical expression of warmth, enthusiasm

Typical Contexts

Commitments, endorsements
Greetings, eating, laughing

Associated Expressions

Wholeheartedly (full emotional agreement)
Heartily welcome (warm, enthusiastic greeting)

Compare with Definitions


She wholeheartedly supported the charity, dedicating her time and resources.


Congratulating heartily.
He heartily congratulated the winner, showing genuine happiness.


They welcomed the newcomers openheartedly, making them feel at home.


Eating heartily.
After the hike, they ate heartily, replenishing their energy.


The nurse tenderheartedly cared for her patients, showing great empathy.


Agreeing heartily.
She heartily agreed with the proposal, excited by its potential.


He halfheartedly agreed to the plan, unsure of its success.


Applauding heartily.
The audience applauded heartily, impressed by the performance.


The team stoutheartedly faced their challenges, showing resilience.


Laughing heartily.
The joke made everyone laugh heartily, lightening the mood.


In a hearted manner.


In a hearty manner
She laughed heartily
They dined heartily


To a great degree; very (especially with reference to personal feelings)
They were heartily sick of the whole subject


In a cordial manner; with warmth and sincerity
She greeted us heartily.


Thoroughly; completely
Wished heartily that they would leave.


With zest or enthusiasm.


With great appetite or enjoyment
Eat heartily.


In a hearty manner.
Eat heartily
Greet someone heartily


From the heart; with all the heart; with sincerity.
I heartily forgive them.


With zeal; actively; vigorously; willingly; cordially; as, he heartily assisted the prince.


With gusto and without reservation;
The boy threw himself heartily into his work


In a hearty manner;
`Yes,' the children chorused heartily
We welcomed her warmly

Common Curiosities

What does eating heartily imply?

Eating heartily implies eating with enthusiasm and good appetite, often after being hungry or as part of a celebration.

Can heartedly and heartily be used interchangeably?

No, because heartedly relates to emotional depth, while heartily pertains to enthusiasm and vigor.

What are common phrases using heartedly?

Common phrases include "wholeheartedly" and "halfheartedly," indicating full or partial emotional engagement, respectively.

How does one show agreement heartily?

Showing agreement heartily involves expressing enthusiastic or vigorous approval, often vocally or through actions.

Is heartily ever used in negative contexts?

Rarely, as heartily generally conveys positive enthusiasm and vigor.

What does it mean to do something heartedly?

To do something heartedly means to do it with deep emotional commitment or sincerity.

How does heartily differ from heartedly in usage?

Heartily is used to describe actions done with enthusiasm and vigor, often physically, whereas heartedly emphasizes emotional depth.

What does it mean to welcome someone heartily?

To welcome someone heartily means to greet them with warm enthusiasm and openness.

How do you use heartedly in a sentence?

"She embraced the idea wholeheartedly, ready to contribute her best effort."

Is heartily related to health?

Yes, heartily can be associated with good health, especially when referring to a hearty appetite or laugh.

Can actions other than eating or laughing be done heartily?

Yes, actions like agreeing, applauding, and congratulating can also be done heartily.

How can one identify heartily versus heartedly in expressions?

Heartily often involves physical actions or expressions of enthusiasm, whereas heartedly pertains to the emotional sincerity behind actions.

Can heartedly express partial commitment?

Yes, for example, "halfheartedly" implies a lack of full commitment or enthusiasm.

Does heartedly always involve emotional depth?

Yes, heartedly involves a depth of emotion, sincerity, or commitment in its applications.

What does laughing heartily indicate?

Laughing heartily indicates genuine, robust laughter, often shared in moments of joy or humor.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.

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