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Helpped vs. Helped — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 21, 2024
"Helpped" is an incorrect spelling. The correct spelling is "Helped," which means assisted or aided.
Helpped vs. Helped — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Helpped or Helped

How to spell Helped?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Recall the phrase: “He helped but didn’t helpp.”
Use the mnemonic: "One person can help; no need for two Ps."
Picture the word "help" with a past "ed" tagged on.
Remember: Verbs with a single syllable ending in "p" just add "ed
Single verbs ending in "p" take a single "p" when adding "ed" – think "jumped" or "clapped."

How Do You Spell Helped Correctly?

Incorrect: I helpped him study for his final exam.
Correct: I helped him study for his final exam.
Incorrect: She really helpped me out when I was in need.
Correct: She really helped me out when I was in need.
Incorrect: The teacher helpped the student understand the concept.
Correct: The teacher helped the student understand the concept.
Incorrect: They helpped organize the community event last year.
Correct: They helped organize the community event last year.
Incorrect: We helpped her move into her new apartment.
Correct: We helped her move into her new apartment.

Helped Definitions

Contributed to a cause or purpose.
The donation helped the charity greatly.
Provided aid in a situation.
He helped the old lady cross the road.
Played a role in improving or alleviating.
The medicine helped relieve the pain.
Assisted or made it easier for someone.
She helped her younger brother with his homework.
Offered support in a task.
The coach helped the team develop new strategies.
To give assistance to (someone); make it easier for (someone) to do something; aid
She helped me with my project. I helped her find her book.
To give material or financial aid to
Help the homeless.
To wait on, as in a store or restaurant
Please help the customer in aisle 20.
To contribute to the effectiveness or improvement of (something); improve or advance
Tax breaks to help create jobs.
New ways to help the environment.
A remark that didn't help the situation.
To ease the pain or discomfort of; relieve
Medication to help your cold.
To refrain from; avoid or resist. Used with can or cannot
Couldn't help laughing.
To be of service; give assistance
I made a cake, and my friend helped.
To be of use or provide relief
He has a bad back, and physical therapy hasn't helped.
The action of helping; assistance
Do you need help with that package?.
One that helps
You've been a great help. A food processor is a help to the serious cook.
(Archaic) A person employed to help, especially a farm worker or domestic servant.
Such employees considered as a group. Often used with the.
Simple past tense and past participle of help

Helped Meaning in a Sentence

My friend helped me understand the math problem.
The guide helped tourists find their way in the city.
Volunteers helped clean up the beach.
The manual helped me fix the machine.
He helped her up after she fell.
The donation helped support the charity's cause.
She helped her brother with his homework.
The medication helped reduce the pain.
The app helped me track my daily steps.
The training sessions helped him improve his skills.
His encouragement helped her pursue her dreams.
They helped each other in times of trouble.
Music helped him concentrate while studying.
The workshop helped improve my writing skills.
They helped set up the equipment for the concert.
The program helped children learn to read.
The teacher helped students prepare for the exam.
The video tutorial helped me learn how to knit.
Reading the book helped me understand the subject better.
The therapy sessions helped her cope with anxiety.
His research helped shed light on the issue.
She helped organize a fundraiser for the school.
Our neighbors helped us during the power outage.
Her advice helped me make a difficult decision.
A kind stranger helped me when I was lost.

Helped Idioms & Phrases

Helped out

Provided assistance or aid, especially in a difficult situation.
Whenever I needed help with the project, my colleagues helped out.

Helped in hand

Offered assistance or contributed to a task.
Many hands helped in hand to make the community garden a reality.

Helped oneself to

Took something for oneself, usually without permission.
He helped himself to the cookies in the kitchen.

Helped to his/her feet

Assisted someone to stand up.
After the fall, a kind stranger helped him to his feet.

Helped along

Assisted to progress or improve in some way.
Her tutoring sessions really helped along my understanding of calculus.

Every little bit helped

Even the smallest contribution or effort was beneficial.
When it came to fundraising, every little bit helped.

Helped off

Assisted someone in removing something, like clothing or equipment.
After the game, he helped off his teammate's gear.

Helped to bridge the gap

Assisted in reducing differences or disparities.
The initiative helped to bridge the gap between the two communities.

Couldn't have helped it

Unable to control or avoid a situation.
I couldn't have helped it when the surprise party was spoiled; someone leaked the secret.

Helped on

Assisted in putting something on, like an article of clothing.
She helped on her little sister's coat.

Helped pave the way

Contributed to making future events or processes easier or possible.
Her research helped pave the way for new scientific discoveries.

Helped to clear the air

Assisted in resolving misunderstandings or reducing tension.
The meeting helped to clear the air between the disagreeing parties.

Helped to break the ice

Provided a means to ease social awkwardness or start conversations.
The team-building activity helped to break the ice at the retreat.

The help that helped

A reference to assistance that was actually effective or beneficial.
The tutoring was the help that helped him pass his exams.

Helped to set the stage

Prepared or established conditions for something to happen.
Early negotiations helped to set the stage for the peace treaty.

Helped along the way

Provided support or assistance during a process or journey.
I had many mentors who helped along the way in my career.

Helped to ease the burden

Contributed to making a difficult situation less challenging.
The community's support helped to ease the burden on the family.

Helped to turn the tide

Contributed to a significant change in direction or outcome.
The new strategy helped to turn the tide in their favor during the campaign.

Helped to open doors

Provided opportunities or made it easier to access new possibilities.
His mentorship helped to open doors in her career.

Helped to make ends meet

Provided assistance that made it possible to survive financially.
Working two jobs helped to make ends meet during tough times.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Helped?

It depends on context, but generally "a" as in "a helped hand."

Why is it called Helped?

It's called "Helped" because it denotes the past action of offering assistance or aid.

What is the pronunciation of Helped?


What is the root word of Helped?


Is Helped a negative or positive word?

Generally positive.

Which preposition is used with Helped?

By, as in "helped by someone."

What is the verb form of Helped?


What is the plural form of Helped?

Not applicable; "helped" is a verb form.

Is Helped a vowel or consonant?

It's a word containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Helped a collective noun?


What is the singular form of Helped?

Helped (as it's a verb, it doesn't have a typical singular/plural distinction).

What part of speech is Helped?

Verb (past tense).

Which conjunction is used with Helped?

Conjunction use is context-dependent.

Is Helped an adverb?


Is the Helped term a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically.

Is the word Helped imperative?


What is the second form of Helped?


What is the third form of Helped?


Is Helped a noun or adjective?

Verb (past tense).

Is Helped an abstract noun?


How many syllables are in Helped?

One syllable.

How do we divide Helped into syllables?


What is the opposite of Helped?


Which determiner is used with Helped?

Depends on context; "the," "this," and "that" can be used.

What is the first form of Helped?


Is Helped a countable noun?

No, it's a verb.

What is a stressed syllable in Helped?


What is another term for Helped?


How is Helped used in a sentence?

He helped me fix my computer last night.

Which article is used with Helped?

It depends on the context, but generally "a."

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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