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Henious vs. Heinous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
Henious is a misspelling of the correct term "heinous", which refers to something utterly wicked or despicable.
Henious vs. Heinous — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Henious or Heinous

How to spell Heinous?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the phrase "he is no us" as a mnemonic, where "he is" hints at "hei-" and "no" hints at "-nous".
The word starts with "hei-" just like "heist", which is also associated with crimes.
Associate the word with “hein” in French which means “huh”, and add “-ous” to mean “huh, it’s awful”.
Think of it as "he in us", picturing the wickedness within someone committing a heinous act.
Note that it ends in "-ous", a common ending for adjectives in English.

How Do You Spell Heinous Correctly?

Incorrect: The news reported on the henious crime that shocked the community.
Correct: The news reported on the heinous crime that shocked the community.
Incorrect: The crime he committed was henious in nature.
Correct: The crime he committed was heinous in nature.
Incorrect: It's hard to believe someone could be capable of such a henious act.
Correct: It's hard to believe someone could be capable of such a heinous act.
Incorrect: The villain's plans were truly henious.
Correct: The villain's plans were truly heinous.
Incorrect: She was found guilty of committing a henious offense.
Correct: She was found guilty of committing a heinous offense.

Heinous Definitions

Something referred to as heinous stands out due to its monstrous and vile nature.
The news reported a heinous act of terrorism in the city.
Heinous describes an act shockingly wicked or reprehensible.
The judge condemned the heinous crime committed by the accused.
To label an action as heinous is to signify its deep wickedness and cruelty.
The entire neighborhood was in shock after the heinous event.
A heinous deed is characterized by its utter malevolence and immorality.
The documentary highlighted the heinous deeds of the tyrant.
Heinous often relates to actions that are morally atrocious and extremely wicked.
The lawyer argued that the defendant's heinous actions warranted a life sentence.
Wicked; abominable
A heinous crime.
(Informal) Very unappealing; ugly
Showed up wearing that heinous shirt.
Totally reprehensible.
I hope they catch the person responsible for that heinous crime.
The perpetrators of this heinous act must be brought to justice.
Hateful; hatefully bad; flagrant; odious; atrocious; giving great offense; - applied to deeds or to character.
It were most heinous and accursed sacrilege.
How heinous had the fact been, how deservingContempt!
Shockingly brutal or cruel;
Murder is an atrocious crime
A grievous offense against morality
A grievous crime
No excess was too monstrous for them to commit

Heinous Meaning in a Sentence

The judge described the defendant's actions as heinous and unforgivable.
Heinous acts of terrorism have led to increased security measures worldwide.
The documentary explored the heinous acts committed during the war.
Law enforcement agencies work tirelessly to prevent heinous crimes.
Society must stand against heinous behavior to maintain justice and order.
Heinous crimes often leave a lasting impact on the victims and their families.
International courts prosecute individuals responsible for heinous violations of human rights.
The heinous incident was a wake-up call for the need for stricter safety regulations.
The heinous plot was uncovered just in time to prevent a tragedy.
Public figures condemned the heinous acts, calling for unity and peace.
The film depicted the heinous realities of life in a dystopian society.
The novel's antagonist was involved in heinous conspiracies against the protagonist.
Survivors of heinous attacks often require long-term support and counseling.
Investigators were shocked by the heinous details of the case.
The heinous nature of the crime prompted an outcry from the community.
The heinous act of vandalism caused widespread damage to the historic site.
Educators emphasize the importance of understanding history to prevent heinous mistakes of the past.
Historical records document the heinous treatment of prisoners during the conflict.
The heinous crime spree ended with the arrest of the suspect.
Leaders from around the world denounced the heinous actions and offered support.
Heinous and cowardly, the attack shocked the entire nation.
The community came together to heal after the heinous tragedy.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called heinous?

It is called heinous, stemming from the Old French word "haine" meaning hatred, describing acts that are hatefully or shockingly evil.

What is the root word of heinous?

The root word is the Old French "haine", which means "hate".

Which vowel is used before heinous?

The letter 'a' is often used before heinous (a heinous).

Which preposition is used with heinous?

The preposition "of" is commonly used with heinous, as in "heinous of crimes".

What is the singular form of heinous?

Heinous itself is an adjective and does not have a singular or plural form.

What is the plural form of heinous?

Heinous is an adjective and does not have a plural form.

Is heinous an abstract noun?

No, heinous is an adjective, not an abstract noun.

Is heinous a negative or positive word?

Heinous is a negative word as it describes extremely wicked or cruel acts.

What is the verb form of heinous?

Heinous is an adjective, and it does not have a standard verb form.

What is the pronunciation of heinous?

The pronunciation is "hay-nuhs".

Which conjunction is used with heinous?

Conjunctions like "and" can be used with heinous, as in "heinous and cruel".

Which article is used with heinous?

The article "the" can be used with heinous, as in "the heinous crime".

Is heinous an adverb?

No, heinous is not an adverb.

What is a stressed syllable in heinous?

The stressed syllable is "hein".

Which determiner is used with heinous?

Determiners such as "this" or "that" can be used with heinous.

Is heinous a collective noun?

No, heinous is an adjective, not a collective noun.

How do we divide heinous into syllables?

Heinous can be divided into syllables as: hei-nous.

What is the first form of heinous?

As an adjective, heinous does not have different forms as verbs do.

Is heinous a noun or adjective?

Heinous is an adjective.

Is heinous a vowel or consonant?

The word "heinous" starts with a consonant.

Is heinous a countable noun?

No, heinous is an adjective, not a noun.

What is another term for heinous?

Another term for heinous is "atrocious".

What is the third form of heinous?

Heinous is an adjective and does not have different forms.

How is heinous used in a sentence?

Heinous is used to describe something shockingly evil, as in: "The community was outraged by the heinous crime."

Is the heinous term a metaphor?

No, the term heinous is not a metaphor; it is used to describe actual horrific acts.

How many syllables are in heinous?

Heinous has two syllables.

What part of speech is heinous?

Heinous is an adjective.

What is the opposite of heinous?

The opposite of heinous could be "noble" or "virtuous".

Is the word heinous is imperative?

No, the word heinous is not an imperative; it is an adjective.

What is the second form of heinous?

Heinous is an adjective and does not have different forms.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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