Hold vs. Castle — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 2, 2024
A hold is a fortified structure within a castle, serving as the last line of defense, while a castle is a larger fortified residence or stronghold encompassing various buildings.

Difference Between Hold and Castle
Table of Contents
Key Differences
A hold, often referred to as a keep, is a central tower within a castle that serves as a final refuge and defensive stronghold during sieges. In contrast, a castle is an entire fortified complex, typically including walls, towers, a courtyard, and sometimes multiple holds, serving both residential and military purposes.
The hold is strategically placed to maximize defense, often situated at the highest point of a castle or at a location that best utilizes natural landscapes for protection. On the other hand, the castle itself is designed to provide a first line of defense through its perimeter walls and strategically placed defensive structures like moats and gates.
In terms of architecture, holds are usually massive, with thick walls and minimal windows, designed primarily for protection rather than comfort. Whereas castles include more varied architectural features, catering to both defensive needs and the comfort of its residents, including halls, chambers, and often lavish decorations.
The hold is primarily a defensive structure with the capacity to withstand prolonged sieges. Conversely, the castle serves a broader range of functions, including as a seat of government, a ceremonial place, and a residence for nobility, providing facilities for both everyday living and defense.
The development of holds and castles reflects the evolution of medieval warfare and architectural techniques. Holds were often the earliest form of secure habitation in a castle, while over time, the defensive techniques incorporated into castle design became more sophisticated, including the integration of multiple holds or towers for enhanced protection.
Comparison Chart
A fortified tower within a castle, used as a last refuge.
A fortified residence or complex with defensive structures.
Central or strategically placed for optimal defense.
Encompasses a larger area with multiple defensive and residential structures.
Characterized by thick walls and minimal windows.
Includes a variety of structures with both defensive and residential features.
Primarily defensive, used during sieges.
Serves as a residence, government seat, and defensive stronghold.
Historical Role
Evolved from simple fortifications to complex defensive structures.
Developed as centers of administration and symbols of power.
Compare with Definitions
A strong tower within a castle used as a last defensive stance.
The hold was designed to be impregnable, even if the rest of the castle fell.
A large fortified building or set of buildings.
The castle overlooked the village, its walls standing tall against the landscape.
The innermost and strongest structure in medieval fortifications.
The enemy forces never breached the hold, despite days of siege.
A symbol of feudal power and authority.
The castle stood as a testament to the lord’s dominion over his lands.
Often used as a place of last resort during attacks.
The inhabitants of the castle retreated to the hold when the outer walls were compromised.
Often used as a residence for nobility and a military stronghold.
The castle served both as the king’s home and the military command center.
Typically the last line of defense in a castle.
The hold stood firm against the onslaught, safeguarding its occupants.
Incorporates multiple defensive mechanisms like moats, gates, and towers.
The castle’s defenses included a deep moat and several imposing watchtowers.
A place of refuge and defense within a larger castle.
As the battle intensified, the defenders retreated into the hold.
Centers for administration and governance in medieval times.
The castle’s hall was often bustling with advisers and servants, managing the day-to-day affairs.
To have and keep in one's grasp
Held the reins tightly.
A castle is a type of fortified structure built during the Middle Ages predominantly by the nobility or royalty and by military orders. Scholars debate the scope of the word castle, but usually consider it to be the private fortified residence of a lord or noble.
To aim or direct; point
Held a hose on the fire.
A large fortified building or group of buildings with thick walls, usually dominating the surrounding country.
To keep from falling or moving; support
A nail too small to hold the mirror.
Hold the horse steady.
Papers that were held together with staples.
A fortified stronghold converted to residential use.
To sustain the pressure of
The old bridge can't hold much weight.
A large ornate building similar to or resembling a fortified stronghold.
To keep from departing or getting away
Hold the bus! Hold the dog until I find the leash.
A place of privacy, security, or refuge.
To keep in custody
Held the suspect for questioning.
(Games) See rook2.
To retain (one's attention or interest)
Televised sports can't hold my interest.
To move the king in chess from its own square two empty squares to one side and then, in the same move, bring the rook from that side to the square immediately past the new position of the king.
To avoid letting out or expelling
The swimmer held her breath while underwater.
To place in or as if in a castle.
To be filled by; contain
This drawer holds socks.
(Games) To move (the king in chess) by castling.
To be capable of holding
A pitcher that holds a quart.
A large residential building or compound that is fortified and contains many defences; in previous ages often inhabited by a nobleman or king. Also, a house or mansion with some of the architectural features of medieval castles.
To have as a chief characteristic or quality
The film holds many surprises.
(chess) An instance of castling.
To have in store
Let's see what the future holds.
A rook; a chess piece shaped like a castle tower.
To have and maintain in one's possession
Holds a great deal of property.
(shogi) A defense structure in shogi formed by defensive pieces surrounding the king.
To have as a responsible position or a privilege
Held the governorship for six years.
(obsolete) A close helmet.
To have in recognition of achievement or superiority
Holds the record for the one-mile race.
Holds the respect of her peers.
(dated) Any strong, imposing, and stately palace or mansion.
To maintain control over
Thieves held the stolen painting for ransom.
(dated) A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant's back.
To maintain occupation of by force or coercion
Protesters held the embassy for a week.
The wicket.
To withstand the efforts or advance of (an opposing team, for example).
(transitive) To house or keep in a castle.
To maintain in a given condition, situation, or action
The storyteller held the crowd spellbound.
To protect or separate in a similar way.
To impose control or restraint on; curb
She held her temper.
(obsolete) To make into a castle: to build in the form of a castle or add (real or imitation) battlements to an existing building.
To stop the movement or progress of
Hold the presses!.
To move the king 2 squares right or left and, in the same turn, the nearest rook to the far side of the king. The move now has special rules: the king cannot be in, go through, or end in check; the squares between the king and rook must be vacant; and neither piece may have been moved before castling.
To reserve or keep back from use
Please hold two tickets for us. Hold the relish on that hamburger.
To create a similar defensive position in Japanese chess through several moves.
To defer the immediate handling of
The receptionist held all calls during the meeting.
(cricket) To bowl a batsman with a full-length ball or yorker such that the stumps are knocked over.
To own or have title to.
A fortified residence, especially that of a prince or nobleman; a fortress.
The house of every one is to him castle and fortress, as well for his defense againts injury and violence, as for his repose.
Our castle's strengthWill laugh a siege to scorn.
To be in possession of, whether legally entitled or not
Holds an interest in the company.
Any strong, imposing, and stately mansion.
To bind by a contract.
A small tower, as on a ship, or an elephant's back.
To adjudge or decree
The court held that the defendant was at fault.
A piece, made to represent a castle, used in the game of chess; a rook.
To make accountable; obligate
He held me to my promise.
To move the castle to the square next to king, and then the king around the castle to the square next beyond it, for the purpose of covering the king.
To keep in the mind or convey as a judgment, conviction, or point of view
Holds that this economic program is the only answer to high prices.
A large and stately mansion
To assert or affirm, especially formally
This doctrine holds that people are inherently good.
A large building formerly occupied by a ruler and fortified against attack
To regard in a certain way
I hold you in high esteem.
(chess) the piece that can move any number of unoccupied squares in a direction parallel to the sides of the chessboard
To cause to take place; carry on
Held the race in Texas.
Hold a yard sale.
Interchanging the positions of the king and a rook
To assemble for and conduct the activity of; convene
Held a meeting of the board.
Move the king two squares toward a rook and in the same move the rook to the square next past the king
To carry or support (the body or a bodily part) in a certain position
Can the baby hold herself up yet? Hold up your leg.
To cover (the ears or the nose, for example) especially for protection
Held my nose against the stench.
To maintain a grasp or grip on something.
To stay securely fastened
The chain held.
To maintain a desired or accustomed position or condition
Hopes the weather will hold.
To withstand stress, pressure, or opposition
The defense held. We held firm on the negotiations.
To continue in the same direction
The ship held to an easterly course.
To be valid, applicable, or true
The observation still holds in cases like this.
To halt an intended action. Often used in the imperative.
To stop the countdown during a missile or spacecraft launch.
(Slang) To have in one's possession illicit or illegally obtained material or goods, especially narcotics
The suspect was holding.
The act or a means of grasping.
A manner of grasping an opponent, as in wrestling or aikido
A neck hold.
An arm hold.
Something that may be grasped or gripped, as for support.
A control or adjustor on a television that keeps the screen image in proper position
Adjusted the horizontal hold.
A telephone service that allows one to temporarily interrupt a call without severing the connection.
A bond or force that attaches or restrains, or by which something is affected or dominated
A writer with a strong hold on her readership.
Complete control
Has a firm hold on the complex issues.
Full understanding
Has a good hold on physics.
The sustaining of a note longer than its indicated time value.
The symbol designating this pause; a fermata.
A direction or indication that something is to be reserved or deferred.
A temporary halt, as in a countdown.
A prison cell.
The state of being in confinement; custody.
(Archaic) A fortified place; a stronghold.
The lower interior part of a ship or airplane where cargo is stored.
(transitive) To grasp or grip.
Hold the pencil like this.
(transitive) To contain or store.
This package holds six bottles.
(heading) To maintain or keep to a position or state.
(transitive) To have and keep possession of something.
Hold my coat for me.
The general ordered the colonel to hold his position at all costs.
(transitive) To reserve.
Hold a table for us at 7:00.
(transitive) To cause to wait or delay.
Hold the elevator.
(transitive) To detain.
Hold the suspect in this cell.
To be or remain valid; to apply (usually in the third person).
To hold true;
The proposition holds.
To keep oneself in a particular state.
To hold firm
(transitive) To impose restraint upon; to limit in motion or action; to bind legally or morally; to confine; to restrain.
(transitive) To bear, carry, or manage.
He holds himself proudly erect.
Hold your head high.
Not to move; to halt; to stop.
(intransitive) Not to give way; not to part or become separated; to remain unbroken or unsubdued.
To remain continent; to control an excretory bodily function.
To hold one's bladder;
To hold one's breath
(heading) To maintain or keep to particular opinions, promises, actions.
(transitive) To maintain, to consider, to opine.
(transitive) To bind (someone) to a consequence of his or her actions.
He was held responsible for the actions of those under his command.
I'll hold him to that promise.
To maintain in being or action; to carry on; to prosecute, as a course of conduct or an argument; to continue; to sustain.
To accept, as an opinion; to be the adherent of, openly or privately; to persist in, as a purpose; to maintain; to sustain.
(archaic) To restrain oneself; to refrain; to hold back.
To win one's own service game.
To take place, to occur.
To organise an event or meeting (usually in passive voice).
Elections will be held on the first Sunday of next month.
(archaic) To derive right or title.
(imperative) In a food or drink order at an informal restaurant etc., requesting that a component normally included in that order be omitted.
One ham-and-cheese sandwich; hold the mustard.
A martini, please, and hold the olive.
To be in possession of illicit drugs for sale.
A grasp or grip.
Keep a firm hold on the handlebars.
An act or instance of holding.
Can I have a hold of the baby?
A place where animals are held for safety
An order that something is to be reserved or delayed, limiting or preventing how it can be dealt with.
Senator X placed a hold on the bill, then went to the library and placed a hold on a book.
Something reserved or kept.
We have a hold here for you.
Power over someone or something.
The ability to persist.
The property of maintaining the shape of styled hair.
(wrestling) A position or grip used to control the opponent.
He got him in a tight hold and pinned him to the mat.
(exercise) An exercise involving holding a position for a set time
(gambling) The percentage the house wins on a gamble, the house or bookmaker's hold.
The House Hold on the game is 10,000, this is the amount of decision or risk the house wishes to assume.
(gambling) The wager amount, the total hold.
As of Monday night the total Melbourne Cup hold was $848,015
(tennis) An instance of holding one's service game, as opposed to being broken.
The part of an object one is intended to grasp, or anything one can use for grasping with hands or feet.
A fruit machine feature allowing one or more of the reels to remain fixed while the others spin.
A pause facility.
The queueing system on telephones and similar communication systems which maintains a connection when all lines are busy.
(baseball) A statistic awarded to a relief pitcher who is not still pitching at the end of the game and who records at least one out and maintains a lead for his team.
(aviation) A region of airspace reserved for aircraft being kept in a holding pattern.
The cargo area of a ship or aircraft (often holds or cargo hold).
We watched our luggage being loaded into the hold of the plane.
(obsolete) Gracious; friendly; faithful; true.
The whole interior portion of a vessel below the lower deck, in which the cargo is stowed.
The act of holding, as in or with the hands or arms; the manner of holding, whether firm or loose; seizure; grasp; clasp; grip; possession; - often used with the verbs take and lay.
Ne have I not twelve pence within mine hold.
Thou should'st lay hold upon him.
My soul took hold on thee.
Take fast hold of instruction.
The authority or ground to take or keep; claim.
The law hath yet another hold on you.
Binding power and influence.
Fear . . . by which God and his laws take the surest hold of.
Something that may be grasped; means of support.
If a man be upon an high place without rails or good hold, he is ready to fall.
A place of confinement; a prison; confinement; custody; guard.
They . . . put them in hold unto the next day.
King Richard, he is in the mighty holdOf Bolingbroke.
A place of security; a fortified place; a fort; a castle; - often called a stronghold.
New comers in an ancient hold
A character [thus ] placed over or under a note or rest, and indicating that it is to be prolonged; - called also pause, and corona.
To cause to remain in a given situation, position, or relation, within certain limits, or the like; to prevent from falling or escaping; to sustain; to restrain; to keep in the grasp; to retain.
The loops held one curtain to another.
Thy right hand shall hold me.
They all hold swords, being expert in war.
In vain he seeks, that having can not hold.
France, thou mayst hold a serpent by the tongue, . . . A fasting tiger safer by the tooth,Than keep in peace that hand which thou dost hold.
To retain in one's keeping; to maintain possession of, or authority over; not to give up or relinquish; to keep; to defend.
We mean to hold what anciently we claimOf deity or empire.
To have; to possess; to be in possession of; to occupy; to derive title to; as, to hold office.
This noble merchant held a noble house.
Of him to hold his seigniory for a yearly tribute.
And now the strand, and now the plain, they held.
To maintain in being or action; to carry on; to prosecute, as a course of conduct or an argument; to continue; to sustain.
Hold not thy peace, and be not still.
Seedtime and harvest, heat and hoary frost,Shall hold their course.
To prosecute, have, take, or join in, as something which is the result of united action; as to, hold a meeting, a festival, a session, etc.; hence, to direct and bring about officially; to conduct or preside at; as, the general held a council of war; a judge holds a court; a clergyman holds a service.
I would hold more talk with thee.
To receive and retain; to contain as a vessel; as, this pail holds milk; hence, to be able to receive and retain; to have capacity or containing power for.
Broken cisterns that can hold no water.
One sees more devils than vast hell can hold.
To accept, as an opinion; to be the adherent of, openly or privately; to persist in, as a purpose; to maintain; to sustain.
Stand fast and hold the traditions which ye have been taught.
But still he held his purpose to depart.
To consider; to regard; to esteem; to account; to think; to judge.
I hold him but a fool.
I shall never hold that man my friend.
The Lord will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
To bear, carry, or manage; as he holds himself erect; he holds his head high.
Let him hold his fingers thus.
O, fie! to receive favors, return falsehoods,And hold a lady in hand.
In general, to keep one's self in a given position or condition; to remain fixed. Hence:
Not to move; to halt; to stop; - mostly in the imperative.
And damned be him that first cries, "Hold, enough!"
Not to give way; not to part or become separated; to remain unbroken or unsubdued.
Our force by land hath nobly held.
Not to fail or be found wanting; to continue; to last; to endure a test or trial; to abide; to persist.
While our obedience holds.
The rule holds in land as all other commodities.
Not to fall away, desert, or prove recreant; to remain attached; to cleave; - often with with, to, or for.
He will hold to the one and despise the other.
To restrain one's self; to refrain.
His dauntless heart would fain have heldFrom weeping, but his eyes rebelled.
To derive right or title; - generally with of.
My crown is absolute, and holds of none.
His imagination holds immediately from nature.
The act of grasping;
He released his clasp on my arm
He has a strong grip for an old man
She kept a firm hold on the railing
Understanding of the nature or meaning or quality or magnitude of something;
He has a good grasp of accounting practices
Power by which something or someone is affected or dominated;
He has a hold over them
Time during which some action is awaited;
Instant replay caused too long a delay
He ordered a hold in the action
A state of being confined (usually for a short time);
His detention was politically motivated
The prisoner is on hold
He is in the custody of police
A stronghold
A cell in a jail or prison
The appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it;
He grabbed the hammer by the handle
It was an old briefcase but it still had a good grip
The space in a ship or aircraft for storing cargo
Organize or be responsible for;
Hold a reception
Have, throw, or make a party
Give a course
Keep in a certain state, position, or activity; e.g.,
Keep clean
Hold in place
She always held herself as a lady
The students keep me on my toes
Have or hold in one's hands or grip;
Hold this bowl for a moment, please
A crazy idea took hold of him
To close within bounds, limit or hold back from movement;
This holds the local until the express passengers change trains
About a dozen animals were held inside the stockade
The illegal immigrants were held at a detention center
The terrorists held the journalists for ransom
Have rightfully; of rights, titles, and offices;
She bears the title of Duchess
He held the governorship for almost a decade
Have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense;
She has $1,000 in the bank
He has got two beautiful daughters
She holds a Master's degree from Harvard
Keep in mind or convey as a conviction or view;
Take for granted
View as important
Hold these truths to be self-evident
I hold him personally responsible
Contain or hold; have within;
The jar carries wine
The canteen holds fresh water
This can contains water
Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits;
Moderate your alcohol intake
Hold your tongue
Hold your temper
Control your anger
Remain in a certain state, position, or condition;
The weather held
They held on the road and kept marching
Maintain (a theory, thoughts, or feelings);
Bear a grudge
Entertain interesting notions
Harbor a resentment
Assert or affirm;
Rousseau's philosophy holds that people are inherently good
Remain committed to;
I hold to these ideas
Secure and keep for possible future use or application;
The landlord retained the security deposit
I reserve the right to disagree
Be the physical support of; carry the weight of;
The beam holds up the roof
He supported me with one hand while I balanced on the beam
What's holding that mirror?
Hold the attention of;
The soprano held the audience
This story held our interest
She can hold an audience spellbound
Keep from exhaling or expelling;
Hold your breath
Support or hold in a certain manner;
She holds her head high
He carried himself upright
Have room for; hold without crowding;
This hotel can accommodate 250 guests
The theater admits 300 people
The auditorium can't hold more than 500 people
Be capable of holding or containing;
This box won't take all the items
The flask holds one gallon
Be valid, applicable, or true;
This theory still holds
Take and maintain control over, often by violent means;
The dissatisfied students held the President's office for almost a week
Protect against a challenge or attack;
Hold that position behind the trees!
Hold the bridge against the enemy's attacks
Declare to be;
She was declared incompetent
Judge held that the defendant was innocent
Have as a major characteristic;
The novel holds many surprises
The book holds in store much valuable advise
Cause to stop;
Halt the engines
Arrest the progress
Halt the presses
Bind by an obligation; cause to be indebted;
He's held by a contract
I'll hold you by your promise
Cover as for protection against noise or smell;
She held her ears when the jackhammer started to operate
Hold one's nose
Drink alcohol without showing ill effects;
He can hold his liquor
He had drunk more than he could carry
Be pertinent or relevant or applicable;
The same laws apply to you!
This theory holds for all irrational numbers
The same rules go for everyone
Arrange for and reserve (something for someone else) in advance;
Reserve me a seat on a flight
The agent booked tickets to the show for the whole family
Please hold a table at Maxim's
Resist or confront with resistance;
The politician defied public opinion
The new material withstands even the greatest wear and tear
The bridge held
Keep from departing;
Hold the taxi
Hold the horse
Stop dealing with;
Hold all calls to the President's office while he is in a meeting
Aim, point, or direct;
Hold the fire extinguisher directly on the flames
Be in accord; be in agreement;
We agreed on the terms of the settlement
I can't agree with you!
I hold with those who say life is sacred
Both philosophers concord on this point
Common Curiosities
What architectural features define a hold?
Holds are characterized by thick walls, few windows, and a design focused on maximizing defense.
How does a castle differ from a hold?
A castle is a larger fortified structure that includes a hold among other buildings, serving both residential and defensive purposes.
Can a castle have more than one hold?
Yes, some larger castles have multiple holds or towers, each serving as a strong defensive point.
What types of buildings are found in a castle?
Castles can include holds, towers, living quarters, halls, chapels, and sometimes specialized buildings like stables or armories.
What is the primary function of a hold?
The primary function of a hold is defense, particularly as a stronghold during enemy attacks and sieges.
What is a hold in a castle?
A hold is a fortified tower within a castle designed for defense and used as a final refuge during sieges.
How did the role of castles evolve over time?
Over time, castles evolved from simple military fortresses to centers of administration, governance, and symbols of power.
Did all medieval castles have holds?
Most medieval castles included a hold or a similar strongpoint, though designs could vary significantly.
What is the difference between a castle’s defensive and residential functions?
A castle’s defensive functions focus on protection and military strategy, while its residential functions cater to the living and comfort needs of its inhabitants.
What was the strategic importance of a hold within a castle?
The hold was strategically important as the safest and strongest place within a castle, often used in the direst circumstances.
How were castles used in medieval society?
Castles were used as residences for nobility, military strongholds, and centers for local government and administration.
How do the designs of holds and castles reflect their purposes?
The designs reflect their dual purposes: holds are utilitarian and robust for defense, while castles blend these features with more habitable and administrative spaces.
Were holds used for anything other than defense?
While primarily defensive, holds could also be used for storage or as a place of last refuge during times of peace.
How are holds and castles preserved today?
Many holds and castles are preserved as historical sites, often undergoing restoration to maintain their structural integrity and historical value.
What significance did holds and castles hold in historical warfare?
Holds and castles were crucial in historical warfare, often determining the outcome of sieges and conflicts through their strength and strategic design.
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Written by
Tayyaba RehmanTayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to askdifference.com. As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

Co-written by
Fiza RafiqueFiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at AskDifference.com, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.