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Horisontal vs. Horizontal — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 19, 2024
"Horisontal" is an incorrect spelling, while "Horizontal" is correct, referring to something aligned with the horizon or parallel to the ground.
Horisontal vs. Horizontal — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Horisontal or Horizontal

How to spell Horizontal?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Think of “a” as in “horizon” to recall the middle "a" in "horizontal".
Picture a “horizontal horizon” as a memory aid.
The “-al” ending often indicates an adjective, as in “horizontal”.
"Horizontal" has an "i" after the “z”, remember it as "zit" (like the acne).
Use the phrase "Horizontal has a zonal approach" to remember the "z" and "a" placement.

How Do You Spell Horizontal Correctly?

Incorrect: She drew a horisontal line across the page to separate the sections.
Correct: She drew a horizontal line across the page to separate the sections.
Incorrect: The picture was hung horisontal to the floor.
Correct: The picture was hung horizontal to the floor.
Incorrect: The horizon appeared perfectly horisontal at sunset.
Correct: The horizon appeared perfectly horizontal at sunset.

Horizontal Definitions

Parallel to the horizon.
The shelf is horizontal.
Of or relating to the horizon.
Horizontal sunlight.
Operating or extending in the same plane.
Horizontal divisions.
Spread evenly across a space.
A horizontal distribution of food.
Of, relating to, or near the horizon.
Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon.
At right angles to a vertical line.
Occupying or restricted to the same level in a hierarchy
A horizontal study of verbal ability.
A horizontal transfer by an employee.
(Medicine) Of or relating to transmission of infection by contact with or physical proximity to an infected individual or fomite.
Something, such as a line, plane, or object, that is horizontal.
Perpendicular to the vertical; parallel to the plane of the horizon; level, flat.
Horizontal lines
(marketing) Relating to horizontal markets
(archaic) Pertaining to the horizon.
(wine) Involving wines of the same vintages but from different wineries.
Having the two notes sound successively.
Relating to sexual intercourse.
Horizontal tango
A horizontal component of a structure.
(geology) Horizon.
A Tasmanian shrub or small tree whose main trunk tends to lean over and grow horizontally, Anodopetalum biglandulosum
Pertaining to, or near, the horizon.
Parallel to the horizon; on a level; as, a horizontalline or surface.
Measured or contained in a plane of the horizon; as, horizontal distance.
Something that is oriented horizontally
Parallel to or in the plane of the horizon or a base line;
A horizontal surface
A vertical camera angle
The monument consists of two vertical pillars supporting a horizontal slab
Measure the perpendicular height
Positioned left-to-right.
Horizontal writing.

Horizontal Meaning in a Sentence

The teacher asked them to draw a horizontal line under the title.
She prefers horizontal blinds for her windows.
Make sure the ladder is horizontal before climbing on it.
In the game, the player must navigate through a series of horizontal platforms.
The horizontal axis on the graph shows the time elapsed.
The horizontal stripes on the wall made the room look wider.
Horizontal lines are used in art to suggest calmness and stability.
He adjusted the projector to ensure the image was horizontal.
The horizontal layout of the garden maximizes the use of space.
The bookshelf should be perfectly horizontal to prevent books from sliding off.
The horizontal tail of the aircraft helps stabilize flight.
He noticed the horizontal crack in the foundation and knew it was serious.
When viewing the mountain range, the horizontal line was unbroken.
The play's stage was set with several horizontal platforms.
Horizontal integration can help companies expand their market presence.
The horizontal spread of the disease was quickly contained.
Adjust the horizontal alignment of the text for a cleaner look.
The architect emphasized horizontal lines in the design of the building.
Ensure the wallpaper pattern runs horizontal for the best effect.
The horizontal position is often the most comfortable for resting.
The camera's horizontal panorama mode captures wide landscapes beautifully.
The bridge was designed with horizontal beams for added strength.
Horizontal drilling techniques have revolutionized the oil industry.
The horizontal movement of the stock prices indicated a stable market.
The horizontal trim added a decorative touch to the room.

Horizontal Idioms & Phrases

Horizontal expansion

The process of a company increasing its product range or market reach.
The company's horizontal expansion included launching a new line of beverages.

Keep it on the horizontal

To keep something level or even.
When hanging the shelves, make sure to keep it on the horizontal.

A horizontal move

A career move that does not involve a promotion or demotion.
He accepted a horizontal move to gain experience in another area.

Horizontal leap

A jump made straight across from one point to another.
The athlete's horizontal leap broke the school record.

Horizontal transfer

Moving an employee to a different department or role at the same level.
Her skills were better utilized after her horizontal transfer to marketing.

Horizontal collaboration

Working together across different departments or fields.
The project succeeded thanks to horizontal collaboration between the teams.

On a horizontal plane

Something that is level or flat.
The sculpture was installed on a horizontal plane for stability.

Lie horizontal

To lay down flat.
After the long hike, he could only lie horizontal and rest.

Horizontal market

A market that sells to a wide variety of industries.
Software companies often operate in horizontal markets.

Stretch out horizontal

To lay down fully.
He stretched out horizontal on the grass to watch the clouds.

Horizontal rain

Rain that appears to move horizontally due to strong winds.
The storm brought with it a daunting horizontal rain.

Horizontal visibility

The clearness of the view across a horizontal plane.
The pilot reported good horizontal visibility during the flight.

Horizontal leadership

A leadership style that emphasizes collaboration and shared decision-making.
Their company thrives under a model of horizontal leadership.

Horizontal learning

Learning from peers or across different departments or organizations.
The conference facilitated horizontal learning among professionals from diverse fields.

Horizontal integration

A strategy where a company acquires or merges with competitors.
The tech firm's horizontal integration made it a market leader.

Go horizontal

To lay down or to go to bed.
After the day's work, all I want to do is go horizontal.

Horizontal analysis

Financial analysis comparing historical data line by line.
The accountant performed a horizontal analysis to spot trends.

Horizontal approach

Tackling a project or problem from a broad, integrative perspective.
The team adopted a horizontal approach to address the complex issue.

Make it horizontal

To lay something down flat.
Please make it horizontal before you cover it with the cloth.

Horizontal relationship

A relationship between equals in an organization.
Fostering good horizontal relationships can improve workplace morale.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Horizontal?


Why is it called Horizontal?

It's derived from "horizon", emphasizing a parallel alignment with it.

What is the root word of Horizontal?


Which vowel is used before Horizontal?

Typically, "a" as in "a horizontal line".

What is the singular form of Horizontal?


What is the plural form of Horizontal?


What is the verb form of Horizontal?

Horizontal is not a verb and thus has no verb form.

Is the Horizontal term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically.

Which conjunction is used with Horizontal?

"And" as in "horizontal and vertical".

Is Horizontal a noun or adjective?


What is another term for Horizontal?


Which preposition is used with Horizontal?

"To" as in "parallel to the horizontal axis".

Is Horizontal a collective noun?


Is the word “Horizontal” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Neither, it's typically an adjective.

How many syllables are in Horizontal?


What is the opposite of Horizontal?


Which article is used with Horizontal?

"The" as in "the horizontal plane".

Is Horizontal an adverb?


Is Horizontal an abstract noun?


Is Horizontal a negative or positive word?


Is the word Horizontal imperative?


Is the word Horizontal a Gerund?


What part of speech is Horizontal?


What is the first form of Horizontal?

Horizontal does not have verb forms.

How do we divide Horizontal into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Horizontal?

"This" as in "this horizontal line".

How is Horizontal used in a sentence?

"The horizontal bar was set high for the athletes to clear."

Is Horizontal a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, containing both vowels and consonants.

Is Horizontal a countable noun?


What is a stressed syllable in Horizontal?


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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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