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Horrid vs. Monstrous — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on October 24, 2023
Horrid means extremely unpleasant or horrifying, while Monstrous refers to something unnaturally large or grotesque, often implying excess or immorality. They diverge in scope and implication.
Horrid vs. Monstrous — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Horrid and Monstrous


Key Differences

Horrid and Monstrous are adjectives describing differing aspects of negativity and aversion. Horrid usually refers to something extremely unpleasant, horrifying, or repulsive. It implies a strong emotional response of disgust or fear. Monstrous, in contrast, generally denotes something abnormally large, grotesque, or immoral, often reflecting excessiveness or abnormality.
Horrid can apply to various situations, objects, or behaviors that provoke intense displeasure or horror. For example, a horrid smell or a horrid act of cruelty. Monstrous, meanwhile, is more likely to be used to describe entities or actions that are extreme in size, form, or character, such as a monstrous creature or a monstrous injustice.
In terms of scope, Horrid is typically more focused on the immediate emotional reaction to unpleasantness, primarily involving feelings of disgust or horror. Monstrous is broader, covering aspects of size, form, morality, and abnormality, implying something that deviates significantly from the norm or acceptable standards.
The emotional responses elicited by Horrid and Monstrous also differ. Horrid usually induces strong feelings of repulsion or fear due to its immediate unpleasantness. Monstrous tends to evoke feelings of awe or dread, often due to its excessive or abnormal nature, which can be physically, morally, or ethically disproportionate.
In conclusion, while Horrid and Monstrous both carry negative connotations, Horrid emphasizes the extremely unpleasant or horrifying aspects, whereas Monstrous underscores abnormality, excess, and grotesqueness, often related to size, form, or morality.

Comparison Chart


Extremely unpleasant or horrifying
Something unnaturally large, grotesque, or immoral


Focused on immediate emotional reaction to unpleasantness
Broader, encompassing size, form, morality, and abnormality

Implied Reaction

Provokes disgust or fear due to unpleasantness
Induces awe or dread due to excess or abnormality


Applied to situations, objects, or behaviors provoking displeasure
Used to describe entities/actions extreme in size or character

Contextual Focus

Emphasizes extremely unpleasant or horrifying aspects
Underscores abnormality, excess, and grotesqueness

Compare with Definitions


Extremely unpleasant or disagreeable.
The food had a horrid taste that made everyone grimace.


Extremely and unnaturally large.
The monstrous tree towered over the other plants in the forest.


Provoking horror; horrifying.
The crime scene was horrid, with signs of struggle everywhere.


Having the qualities or appearance of a monster.
The monstrous creature emerged from the shadows, sending shivers down our spines.


Causing a strong aversion or dislike.
His horrid behavior at the party upset many guests.


Enormous in degree or extent; outrageous.
The monstrous injustice of the system caused widespread outrage.


Causing horror; dreadful.


Shockingly brutal or cruel.
The dictator’s monstrous actions led to widespread suffering.


Extremely disagreeable; offensive.


Deviating greatly from the norm in appearance or structure; abnormal.
The scientist created a monstrous hybrid that frightened the whole town.


(Archaic) Bristling; rough.


Shockingly hideous or frightful in appearance.


(archaic) Bristling, rough, rugged.


Of or resembling a fabulous monster.


Causing horror or dread.


Exceptionally large; enormous
A monstrous tidal wave.


Offensive, disagreeable, abominable, execrable.
Horrid weather
The other girls in class are always horrid to Jane.


Extremely immoral or cruel
A monstrous dictator.
Monstrous behavior.


Rough; rugged; bristling.
Horrid with fern, and intricate with thorn.


(Archaic) Deviating greatly from the norm in appearance or structure; abnormal.


Fitted to excite horror; dreadful; hideous; shocking; hence, very offensive.
Not in the legionsOf horrid hell.
The horrid things they say.


Hideous or frightful.


Exceedingly bad;
When she was bad she was horrid


Enormously large.
A monstrous height


Grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror;
Subjected to outrageous cruelty
A hideous pattern of injustice
Horrific conditions in the mining industry


Freakish or grotesque.


Very ugly or unattractive.
The painting was horrid, with mismatched colors and distorted shapes.


Of, or relating to a mythical monster; full of monsters.


Marked by extreme misfortune or distress.
They went through a horrid time when the storm hit their village.


(obsolete) Marvellous; exceedingly strange; fantastical.


Marvelous; strange.


Having the qualities of a monster; deviating greatly from the natural form or character; abnormal; as, a monstrous birth.
He, therefore, that refuses to do good to them whom he is bound to love . . . is unnatural and monstrous in his affections.


Extraordinary in a way to excite wonder, dislike, apprehension, etc.; - said of size, appearance, color, sound, etc.; as, a monstrous height; a monstrous ox; a monstrous story.


Extraordinary on account of ugliness, viciousness, or wickedness; hateful; horrible; dreadful.
So bad a death argues a monstrous life.


Abounding in monsters.
Where thou, perhaps, under the whelming tideVisitest the bottom of the monstrous world.


Exceedingly; very; very much.
And will be monstrous witty on the poor.


Abnormally large


Shockingly brutal or cruel;
Murder is an atrocious crime
A grievous offense against morality
A grievous crime
No excess was too monstrous for them to commit


Distorted and unnatural in shape or size; abnormal and hideous;
Tales of grotesque serpents eight fathoms long that churned the seas
Twisted into monstrous shapes

Common Curiosities

Can Horrid refer to behavior?

Yes, Horrid can describe extremely unpleasant or deplorable behavior.

Can Monstrous describe actions?

Yes, Monstrous can refer to actions that are shockingly cruel or morally reprehensible.

Is Monstrous always about physical size?

No, Monstrous can also imply moral or ethical abnormality and excess, not just physical proportions.

Does Monstrous always imply negativity?

Typically, yes, Monstrous usually carries negative connotations, often relating to size, cruelty, or abnormality.

Can Monstrous refer to moral deviations?

Yes, Monstrous can describe moral deviations, indicating shockingly immoral or unethical behavior or actions.

Do Horrid and Monstrous mean the same thing?

No, Horrid implies extreme unpleasantness or horror, while Monstrous typically refers to abnormal size, grotesqueness, or immorality.

Can Horrid describe smells?

Yes, Horrid can describe extremely unpleasant smells, indicating disgust.

Can Monstrous describe deformity?

Yes, Monstrous can refer to something greatly deviating from the norm in appearance or structure, suggesting deformity.

Is Horrid synonymous with frightening?

It can be; Horrid can describe something that is horrifying or provoking horror.

Is Horrid used to describe appearance?

Yes, Horrid can be used to describe very ugly or unattractive appearances.

Does Horrid imply intense displeasure?

Yes, Horrid usually implies intense displeasure, disgust, or horror.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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