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How About vs. What About — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Published on December 31, 2023
"How About" often suggests a proposal or alternative, while "What About" is commonly used to inquire or bring attention to a new subject.
How About vs. What About — What's the Difference?

Difference Between How About and What About


Key Differences

"How About" is a colloquial phrase often employed when offering a suggestion or proposing an alternative. In contrast, "What About" is frequently used to redirect attention or pose an inquiry about a distinct topic, ensuring both topics get due consideration.
When someone uses "How About," they often follow with a specific suggestion, making the conversation more solution-oriented. "What About," on the other hand, tends to be more exploratory, pushing for more information or clarity on a subject.
For example, if someone is dissatisfied with a plan, they might use "How About" to present an alternative. If they're more focused on understanding all aspects, "What About" might be more suitable to address any overlooked areas.
In a scenario where a group is deciding on a restaurant, "How About Italian?" can be seen as pitching a particular choice. Conversely, "What About John's allergies?" is a reminder of a factor that needs consideration.
At times, the distinction between "How About" and "What About" can blur, especially in casual conversations. It's essential to understand the context in which they're being used, as both can sometimes be used interchangeably depending on the situation.

Comparison Chart

Primary Use

Proposing an alternative
Inquiring or redirecting focus



Typical Follow-up

Specific suggestion
A new topic or overlooked point

In Conversations

More solution-oriented
More exploratory


Sometimes with "What About"
Sometimes with "How About"

Compare with Definitions

How About

Introduces a new idea or proposal.
How About trying a new recipe this weekend?

What About

To steer a conversation to a new or different subject.
I understand your point, but What About the costs involved?

How About

Indicating an alternative option.
How About reading a book if you're bored?

What About

Used to seek clarity or additional information.
I got the tickets, but What About the timing?

How About

Used to offer a suggestion.
How About we go to the movies tonight?

What About

Used to pose an inquiry or question.
What About your sister? Is she coming too?

How About

Can be employed when gauging someone's feelings or opinion on a topic.
How About that new restaurant? Did you like it?

What About

Indicating concern or consideration.
We have chips, but What About drinks?

How About

Used to shift the focus of a conversation.
We've discussed the budget, How About the timeline?

What About

Highlighting an overlooked point or topic.
We discussed the design, but What About the color scheme?

Common Curiosities

Can "How About" and "What About" be used interchangeably?

Sometimes, depending on the context, but they do have distinct primary uses.

What is the primary use of "How About"?

"How About" is mainly used to suggest or propose an alternative.

Is "What About" used to seek more information?

Yes, "What About" often seeks clarity or additional information.

Which phrase can check someone's feelings about a recent event?

"How About" can be used, like "How About the concert last night?"

Which phrase is more suggestive: "How About" or "What About"?

"How About" has a more suggestive tone.

Is "What About" used to bring up concerns?

Yes, "What About" can highlight concerns or considerations.

How is "What About" typically used in a conversation?

"What About" is often used to inquire, redirect attention, or highlight overlooked points.

Can "What About" indicate an overlooked detail?

Yes, "What About" can bring attention to overlooked or neglected details.

How can "How About" be used in planning?

"How About" can introduce a new idea or alternative during planning.

Can "How About" gauge someone's opinion on a subject?

Yes, for example, "How About that game last night?" seeks an opinion.

When discussing multiple topics, which phrase can shift focus?

"How About" can be used to shift the focus in discussions.

Which phrase is more likely to precede a specific proposal?

"How About" typically introduces a specific proposal.

Which phrase is more exploratory in nature?

"What About" is more exploratory and inquisitive.

Is "How About" more solution-oriented in conversations?

Yes, "How About" tends to be more solution-oriented.

Can "What About" be used in problem-solving scenarios?

Yes, "What About" can highlight points that need consideration in such scenarios.

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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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