Ask Difference

However vs. Whatever — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on May 7, 2024
"However" introduces a contrast or exception, while "whatever" indicates any choice or thing, often showing indifference or emphasizing freedom.
However vs. Whatever — What's the Difference?

Difference Between However and Whatever


Key Differences

"However" is an adverb or conjunction that introduces a contrast to a previous statement. For example, "She wanted to go to the beach; however, it was raining." It shows a shift or exception to the initial idea. "Whatever," as a pronoun or adjective, refers to anything or any one of several options, indicating no specific preference. For instance, "Take whatever you want from the table." It emphasizes freedom of choice or expresses indifference.
In a different sense, "however" can also indicate a degree or method, as in "however much you like." This usage refers to any extent or manner. "Whatever" can convey a similar meaning when used as an adjective, such as "whatever amount you need."
When expressing emphasis or acceptance, "whatever" conveys indifference or dismissal, often used informally. In contrast, "however" maintains a more formal tone.

Comparison Chart

Part of Speech

Adverb, conjunction
Pronoun, adjective, adverb


Introduces contrast, exception
Refers to any choice or thing, indifference


Contrasts with a previous statement
Emphasizes freedom, non-preference




"I wanted to go; however, I stayed."
"Take whatever you need."

Compare with Definitions


In contrast or nevertheless.
He didn't feel well; however, he still went to work.


Any option or thing that may be chosen.
Pick whatever book you'd like to read.


In whatever manner or to whatever extent.
Finish the task however you see fit.


Expressing lack of restriction or limitation.
You can bring whatever supplies you think are necessary.


Regardless of how.
However long it takes, we'll complete the project.


Showing indifference.
Whatever, it's not a big deal.


In spite of that; nevertheless; yet
The book is expensive.
However, it's worth it.


No matter what.
We'll help you out, whatever happens.


On the other hand; by contrast
The first part was easy.
The second, however, took hours.


Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing or amount, no matter what
Do whatever you like
Take whatever action is needed


To whatever degree or extent
"The prospect of success, however remote, was tantalizing" (Stephen Baker).


Used for emphasis instead of ‘what’ in questions, typically expressing surprise or confusion
Whatever is the matter?


In what way. Used as an intensive of how
However did you get here so soon?.


Used to emphasize a lack of restriction in referring to any thing or amount, no matter what
Take whatever action is needed
Do whatever you like


In whatever manner or way that
Dress however you like.


At all; of any kind (used for emphasis)
They received no help whatever


(Archaic) Notwithstanding that; although
"Howe'er thou art a fiend, / a woman's shape doth shield thee" (Shakespeare).


No matter what happens
We told him we'd back him whatever


(conjunctive) Nevertheless; yet, still; in spite of that.
He told me not to do it. However, I did it anyway. / I did it anyway, however. / I, however, did it anyway.
She wanted to go; however, she decided against it.
I didn't argue with him; I still think, however, that he is wrong.


Said as a response indicating a reluctance to discuss something, often implying indifference
‘I'll call you later.’ I shrugged. ‘Whatever.’


(conjunctive) In contrast.
The conference itself went very well. The party afterwards, however, was a disaster.


Of any number or kind; any
Whatever requests you make will be granted.


(degree) To whatever degree or extent.
However clear you think you've been, many questions will remain.


All of; the whole of
She applied whatever strength she had left to the task.


In any way that one likes or chooses; in a haphazard or spontaneous way.
I don't care; just do it however.
Nothing was really planned; things just happened however.


Of any kind at all
No campers whatever may use the lake before noon.


(interrogative) How ever: an emphatic form of how, used to ask in what manner.
I thought it was impossible. However were you able to do it?


Used to indicate indifference to or scorn for something, such as a remark or suggestion
We're having pizza tonight.—Whatever. I don't care.


(obsolete) In any case, at any rate, at all events.


(interrogative) What ever; emphatic form of 'what'.
Good heavens! Whatever time is it?!


Regardless of the way in which.
Let me know when you've had your interview, however it goes.
However we do this, it isn't going to work.


Regardless of the ... that; for any ... that.
Whatever choice you make, there will be consequences.
I will stick with you, whatever fate befalls us.


In any way in which.
She offered to help however she could.
Wear your hair however you want.


Any ... that; of no matter what type or kind that.
Whatever doubts I had were quickly dispelled.
Write down whatever thoughts come into your mind.


(proscribed) But, yet, though, although.


Any; of no matter what type or kind.
I must obtain it at whatever cost.


In whetever manner, way, or degree.
However yet they me despise and spite.
Howe'er the business goes, you have made fault.


(interrogative) What ever; emphasised form of 'what', used to ask which thing, event, circumstance, etc.
Whatever do you mean?


At all events; at least; in any case.
Our chief end is to be freed from all, if it may be, however from the greatest evils.


Regardless of anything that.
Whatever he does, he will still lose the game.
Whatever happens, stay calm.


Nevertheless; notwithstanding; yet; still; though; as, I shall not oppose your design; I can not, however, approve of it.
In your excuse your love does little say;You might howe'er have took a better way.


(fused relative) Anything that; all that.
Do whatever works.
I’ll do whatever I can.


Despite anything to the contrary (usually following a concession);
Although I'm a little afraid, however I'd like to try it
While we disliked each other, nevertheless we agreed
He was a stern yet fair master
Granted that it is dangerous, all the same I still want to go


(informal) Anything; thing(s) of unspecified kind, or no matter what kind; sometimes used to indicate that the speaker does not care about options.
I don't need any of this stuff, so take whatever.


By contrast; on the other hand;
The first part was easy; the second, however, took hours


At all; in any way; whatsoever.
There is no point whatever in going on with this discussion.


To whatever degree or extent;
The results, however general, are important
They have begun, however reluctantly, to acknowledge the legitimacy of some of the opposition's concerns


(interrogative) In what way; to what extent.
Whatever does it matter now?


In whatever way or manner;
Victory, however it was brought about, was sweet
However he did it, it was very clever


(colloquial) A holophrastic expression used to dismiss something that the speaker doesn't care about, doesn't think important, or doesn't want to consider or discuss any further.
So you don't like Mrs Jones. Whatever. What's that got to do with my question?
I wonder which I'm supposed to take ... whatever, I'll just pick any one.
Go brush your teeth. – Whatever!


In what way or manner or by what means (`however' is sometimes used as an intensive form of `how');
How did you catch the snake?
He told us how he did it
However did you get here so soon?


(colloquial) Unexceptional or unimportant; blah.


(colloquial) Something whose exact kind or nature is unimportant; a thingy.


Anything soever which; the thing or things of any kind; being this or that; of one nature or another; one thing or another; anything that may be; all that; the whole that; all particulars that; - used both substantively and adjectively.
Whatever fortune stays from his word.
Whatever Earth, all-bearing mother, yields.
Whatever be its intrinsic value.


One or some or every or all without specification;
Give me any peaches you don't want
Not any milk is left
Any child would know that
Pick any card
Any day now
Cars can be rented at almost any airport
At twilight or any other time
Beyond any doubt
Need any help we can get
Give me whatever peaches you don't want
No milk whatsoever is left

Common Curiosities

Is "whatever" used formally?

"Whatever" is often used informally, especially to express indifference.

Can "whatever" replace "anything"?

Yes, "whatever" can replace "anything" in contexts emphasizing unlimited choice.

Is "whatever" always negative?

No, it depends on context. It can also mean "anything" positively.

Does "however" have synonyms?

Yes, synonyms include "nevertheless," "nonetheless," and "yet."

Can "however" be used at the start of a sentence?

Yes, "however" can start a sentence when introducing a contrasting idea.

Is "however" always separated by commas?

Only when it's used as a contrast conjunction. As an adverb, it's placed mid-sentence.

Are "however" and "nevertheless" interchangeable?

Yes, both introduce a contrast, but "however" is more versatile.

Does "however" mean "despite"?

Not exactly. "However" introduces contrast, while "despite" shows contradiction.

Is "whatever" considered dismissive?

Sometimes, particularly in informal speech when expressing indifference.

Does "however" indicate disagreement?

Not necessarily. It presents contrast but doesn't always imply disagreement.

Can "whatever" be used as a question?

Yes, e.g., "Whatever did you do with my keys?"

Can "whatever" refer to people?

Not directly, it's better suited for things or ideas.

Is "however" used only for written English?

No, it's common in spoken English, though less informal than "but."

Are "however" and "but" the same?

They are similar in showing contrast, but "however" has additional usages.

Can "whatever" mean "regardless of"?

Yes, "whatever" can convey disregard, like "whatever you do."

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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