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Hundered vs. Hundred — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 3, 2024
Hundered is an incorrect spelling of the word "hundred." Hundred correctly refers to the number 100.
Hundered vs. Hundred — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Hundered or Hundred

How to spell Hundred?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "hun" with a shortened form of "hunger" – you're always "hun"gry for "hun"dred.
Envision a 100-dollar bill and remember it’s spelled “hundred,” not “hundered.”
Recall the phrase “a hundred dollars” to remember the double 'd' and not the double 'n'.
Remember, "red" is at the end. There's no "n" after the "u" – it's hun+red.
Think of "hundred" as "hun-dred" – you "dred" going to "hun" (like hunting).

How Do You Spell Hundred Correctly?

Incorrect: She ran a hundered meters in just ten seconds.
Correct: She ran a hundred meters in just ten seconds.
Incorrect: Hundered dollars is a lot of money.
Correct: Hundred dollars is a lot of money.
Incorrect: I have hundered reasons to be happy today.
Correct: I have hundred reasons to be happy today.
Incorrect: They waited for hundered minutes before getting served.
Correct: They waited for hundred minutes before getting served.
Incorrect: He collected hundered stamps from around the world.
Correct: He collected hundred stamps from around the world.

Hundred Definitions

A division of a country in England historically used for administrative or military purposes.
He lived in the Dover hundred.
Signifying a multitude or emphasizing quantity.
I’ve told you a hundred times.
A century, especially when referencing ages or anniversaries.
Grandma lived to a hundred.
Used to indicate a perfect score, typically out of 100.
He scored a hundred on his test.
The cardinal number equal to 10 × 10 or 102.
The number in the third position left of the decimal point in an Arabic numeral.
A one-hundred-dollar bill.
Hundreds The numbers between 100 and 999
An attendance figure estimated in the hundreds.
An administrative division of some counties in England and the United States.
A numerical value equal to 100 (102), occurring after ninety-nine.
Hundreds of places, hundreds of thousands of faces
A hundred, one hundred
Nineteen hundred, one thousand nine hundred
(24-hour clock) The pronunciation of “00” for the two digits denoting the minutes.
A hundred-dollar bill, or any other note denominated 100 (e.g. a hundred euros).
(historical) An administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides (households or families) and notionally equal to 12,000 acres.
Similar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empire
(cricket) A score of one hundred runs or more scored by a batsman.
He made a hundred in the historic match.
The product of ten multiplied by ten, or the number of ten times ten; a collection or sum, consisting of ten times ten units or objects; five score. Also, a symbol representing one hundred units, as 100 or C.
With many hundreds treading on his heels.
A division of a country in England, supposed to have originally contained a hundred families, or freemen.
Ten times ten; five score; as, a hundred dollars.
Ten 10s
Being ten more than ninety
A numerical value equivalent to 100 units.
I have a hundred apples.

Hundred Meaning in a Sentence

She ran a hundered meters in just ten seconds.
She ran a hundred meters in just ten seconds.
Hundered dollars is a lot of money.
He collected hundred stamps from around the world.
They waited for hundered minutes before getting served.
They waited for hundred minutes before getting served.
A hundred books filled the shelves, leaving no space empty.
It takes a hundred steps to get from the bottom to the top of the hill.
The farmer planted a hundred new trees on his property this year.
Hundred dollars is a lot of money.
I have hundred reasons to be happy today.
I have hundered reasons to be happy today.
A hundred people signed up for the marathon, a new record.
He collected hundered stamps from around the world.
She baked a hundred cookies for the school bake sale.
A hundred ideas came to her mind for the new project.
The garden was home to a hundred different types of flowers.
He aimed to make a hundred friends during his first year at college.
The challenge was to read a hundred pages a day.
They raised a hundred dollars for charity with their lemonade stand.
She practiced her speech a hundred times before the competition.
A hundred students gathered in the auditorium for the assembly.
A hundred volunteers came together to clean up the beach.
The recipe called for a hundred grams of sugar.
A hundred birds flew over the lake at sunset, creating a beautiful scene.
The puzzle had a hundred pieces, but one was missing.
The old clock has been ticking for over a hundred years.
The museum showcased a hundred works of art from around the world.
He had visited over a hundred countries in his lifetime.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of hundred?


Which vowel is used before hundred?

The vowel "a" is typically used before "hundred" (e.g., "a hundred").

Why is it called hundred?

It is derived from Old English "hundræd," which means a unit of 100.

What is the root word of hundred?

The root word is the Old English "hundræd."

What is the plural form of hundred?

The plural form is "hundreds."

Is hundred an adverb?

No, hundred is not an adverb.

Is hundred a negative or positive word?

Neutral. It simply denotes a quantity.

Is hundred a noun or adjective?

Hundred can be both a noun and an adjective.

What is the verb form of hundred?

Hundred does not have a verb form; it's a noun.

Which preposition is used with hundred?

"Of" is commonly used with hundred (e.g., "hundreds of people").

Is hundred a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Is the word hundred imperative?

No, it's not an imperative verb.

What is the singular form of hundred?

The singular form is "hundred."

Which conjunction is used with hundred?

No specific conjunction is used exclusively with "hundred." Common ones like "and" can be used (e.g., "three hundred and fifty").

Is the term hundred a metaphor?

Not inherently, but it can be used metaphorically in certain contexts.

How many syllables are in hundred?


What is the opposite of hundred?

There isn't a direct opposite, but "zero" is the absence of quantity.

Which determiner is used with hundred?

Common determiners include "a," "the," and numbers like "three" (as in "three hundred").

Which article is used with hundred?

The indefinite article "a" is used with hundred (e.g., "a hundred").

How do we divide hundred into syllables?


Is hundred a countable noun?

Yes, it represents a specific countable amount.

What is the second form of hundred?

Hundred doesn’t have verb forms. As a noun, its form is still "hundred."

What is the third form of hundred?

Again, hundred doesn’t have verb forms. It remains "hundred."

How is hundred used in a sentence?

She saved up three hundred dollars for the trip.

What part of speech is hundred?

It's primarily a noun, but can also be used as an adjective.

Is hundred an abstract noun?

No, it represents a specific quantity and is not abstract.

Is hundred a vowel or consonant?

It's a word, not a single letter, so it contains both vowels and consonants.

What is the stressed syllable in hundred?

The first syllable, "hun."

What is another term for hundred?

Century, when referring to years.

What is the first form of hundred?

Hundred does not have verb forms. As a noun, its form is "hundred."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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