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Hundredth vs. Hundred — What's the Difference?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Maham Liaqat — Updated on March 16, 2024
Hundredth indicates a part of a whole divided into 100, while a hundred refers to the numerical quantity of 100.
Hundredth vs. Hundred — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Hundredth and Hundred


Key Differences

Hundredth is a fractional term used to denote one part of a whole that is divided into 100 equal parts, emphasizing its role in precise measurements and percentages. On the other hand, hundred is a cardinal number representing a specific count, often used in general quantities and counting.
Hundredth is commonly used in contexts where minute, detailed distinctions are crucial, such as in mathematics, statistics, and measurements, highlighting its significance in precision. Whereas hundred is utilized in a wide array of contexts, from financial transactions to population counts, showcasing its versatility.
In language and expression, hundredth is often associated with milestones and minor divisions, like the hundredth anniversary of an event, underlining its association with precision and specificity. Conversely, hundred can signify large quantities or round numbers, used in expressions like "hundreds of people," indicating abundance or approximation.
Hundredth, due to its fractional nature, is pivotal in calculations involving percentages, interest rates, and scientific measurements, where accuracy is paramount. Hundred, with its cardinal nature, is fundamental in creating larger numerical values and is a building block in the decimal system.
Hundredth's usage extends to the decimal system, where it represents the second place to the right of the decimal point, crucial in financial transactions, such as currency exchange rates. Hundred, however, is a cornerstone in the base-10 numbering system, essential for constructing numbers and understanding quantities in a scalable manner.

Comparison Chart




Precision, percentages, and minor divisions
General counting, quantities, and rounding


Measurements, statistics, and specific milestones
Broad contexts like finance, population, and approximation


Precision in detailed calculations
Foundational in numbering and creating larger quantities

Decimal System Role

Represents the second decimal place
Key component in base-10 numbering

Compare with Definitions


Representing one part of a whole divided into 100.
The hundredth part of a meter is a centimeter.


A numerical value equal to 100.
She saved a hundred dollars for her trip.


Indicative of a precise position in a sequence.
His name was listed on the hundredth page of the directory.


Used to indicate a large, round number.
Hundreds of people attended the concert.


Used in percentages to denote a specific, minor division.
She completed the last hundredth of the race with great effort.


Versatile in various contexts, from finance to population.
The small town has a population of a few hundred.


Employed in commemorating specific, minor milestones.
The company celebrated its hundredth anniversary with a small ceremony.


Essential in forming larger numerical values.
Four hundred is twice as much as two hundred.


Applied in scientific measurements for accuracy.
The experiment required measurements accurate to the hundredth of a gram.


Fundamental in mathematical operations and counting.
Adding two hundreds gives you two hundred.


In arithmetic, a hundredth is a single part of something that has been divided equally into a hundred parts. For example, a hundredth of 675 is 6.75.


The cardinal number equal to 10 × 10 or 102.


The ordinal number matching the number 100 in a series.


The number in the third position left of the decimal point in an Arabic numeral.


One of 100 equal parts.


A one-hundred-dollar bill.


The ordinal form of the number one hundred.


Hundreds The numbers between 100 and 999
An attendance figure estimated in the hundreds.


The person or thing in the hundredth position.


An administrative division of some counties in England and the United States.


One of a hundred equal parts of a whole.


A numerical value equal to 100 (102), occurring after ninety-nine.
Hundreds of places, hundreds of thousands of faces
A hundred, one hundred
Nineteen hundred, one thousand nine hundred


Coming last of a hundred successive individuals or units.


(24-hour clock) The pronunciation of “00” for the two digits denoting the minutes.


Forming one of a hundred equal parts into which anything is divided; the tenth of a tenth.


A hundred-dollar bill, or any other note denominated 100 (e.g. a hundred euros).


One of a hundred equal parts into which one whole is, or may be, divided; the quotient of a unit divided by a hundred.


(historical) An administrative subdivision of southern English counties formerly reckoned as comprising 100 hides (households or families) and notionally equal to 12,000 acres.


Position 100 in a countable series of things


Similar divisions in other areas, particularly in other areas of Britain or the British Empire


One part in a hundred


(cricket) A score of one hundred runs or more scored by a batsman.
He made a hundred in the historic match.


The ordinal number of one hundred in counting order


The product of ten multiplied by ten, or the number of ten times ten; a collection or sum, consisting of ten times ten units or objects; five score. Also, a symbol representing one hundred units, as 100 or C.
With many hundreds treading on his heels.


A division of a country in England, supposed to have originally contained a hundred families, or freemen.


Ten times ten; five score; as, a hundred dollars.


Ten 10s


Being ten more than ninety

Common Curiosities

Can 'hundredth' be used in everyday language?

Yes, 'hundredth' is used in contexts requiring precision, like percentages or specific milestones.

What is the hundredth?

The hundredth is one part of a whole divided into 100 equal parts, used for precision and detail.

How important is the concept of 'hundredth' in mathematics?

'Hundredth' is crucial for precision in calculations, especially in percentages and measurements.

How is 'hundred' different from 'hundredth'?

'Hundred' is a cardinal number indicating the quantity of 100, while 'hundredth' is a fractional term denoting one part of a hundred.

Are there specific contexts where 'hundredth' is more relevant?

'Hundredth' is particularly relevant in scientific, statistical, and measurement-related contexts.

Do 'hundred' and 'hundredth' have different grammatical forms?

Yes, 'hundred' is primarily used as a noun and adjective, while 'hundredth' can also be an ordinal number.

Is 'hundred' only used for exact counts?

No, 'hundred' can also signify approximation, as in "hundreds of people."

Can 'hundredth' refer to a position or rank?

Yes, 'hundredth' can denote a specific position in a sequence, like the hundredth page.

Is 'hundred' used globally?

Yes, 'hundred' is a universally recognized number in the base-10 numbering system.

How does 'hundredth' impact financial transactions?

'Hundredth' is vital in transactions requiring high precision, like currency exchange.

Does 'hundred' have significance beyond counting?

Yes, 'hundred' is foundational in the decimal system and helps construct larger numbers.

Can 'hundred' be used to denote groups or quantities?

Yes, 'hundred' can indicate groups or approximate quantities, as in "a hundred apples."

What role does 'hundred' play in the decimal system?

'Hundred' is a key component, essential for understanding and creating larger quantities in the base-10 system.

Is 'hundredth' used in commemorations?

Yes, 'hundredth' is used to mark specific minor milestones, like a hundredth anniversary.

How does 'hundredth' contribute to scientific accuracy?

'Hundredth' allows for precise measurements and calculations, essential in scientific accuracy.

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Written by
Maham Liaqat
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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