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Ice Cream vs. Frozen Dairy Dessert — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on January 3, 2024
Ice cream is a frozen dessert with at least 10% milkfat, while frozen dairy dessert is a similar product with less milkfat and more air, often using vegetable oils.
Ice Cream vs. Frozen Dairy Dessert — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Ice Cream and Frozen Dairy Dessert


Key Differences

Ice cream is a classic frozen dessert made from dairy products, primarily cream and milk, and must contain at least 10% milkfat according to U.S. FDA standards. Frozen dairy dessert, on the other hand, is a more modern variation that typically contains less milkfat than ice cream, often substituting vegetable oils, and generally has more air whipped into it during production.
The texture of ice cream is rich and creamy, owing to its higher fat content. The process of making ice cream involves churning at a relatively slow speed, which incorporates less air. In contrast, frozen dairy desserts are churned at higher speeds, incorporating more air (referred to as overrun), which results in a lighter, softer texture.
In terms of flavor, ice cream tends to have a denser, more pronounced dairy taste due to the higher cream content. Frozen dairy desserts may have a lighter taste and are often used as a base for adding various flavors and mix-ins, which can mask the lower dairy content.
Nutritionally, ice cream generally has a higher calorie count and fat content per serving than frozen dairy desserts. However, frozen dairy desserts can contain added sugars and stabilizers to compensate for reduced fat and to maintain texture and flavor.
From a legal and labeling perspective, the terms "ice cream" and "frozen dairy dessert" are regulated differently. Products that do not meet the minimum milkfat requirement for ice cream must be labeled differently, often as "frozen dairy dessert" or similar terms.

Comparison Chart

Milkfat Content

At least 10%
Less than 10%, often uses vegetable oils


Rich and creamy
Lighter, softer

Production Process

Lower overrun (less air)
Higher overrun (more air)


Dense dairy flavor
Often lighter, used with various flavors and mix-ins

Nutritional Profile

Higher in fat and calories
Often lower in fat, but may have added sugars

Compare with Definitions

Ice Cream

Cream-based dessert
Vanilla ice cream is a classic favorite.

Frozen Dairy Dessert

Low milkfat
Frozen dairy desserts often use vegetable oils instead of cream.

Ice Cream

High milkfat
Ice cream is made with at least 10% milkfat.

Frozen Dairy Dessert

Light dessert
This frozen dairy dessert is a lighter alternative to ice cream.

Ice Cream

Rich texture
This chocolate ice cream is particularly creamy and rich.

Frozen Dairy Dessert

Soft texture
The frozen dairy dessert is soft and easy to scoop.

Ice Cream

Dairy flavor
The ice cream has a strong, creamy dairy taste.

Frozen Dairy Dessert

Flavor variety
Frozen dairy desserts come in many unique flavors.

Ice Cream

The ice cream is churned slowly for a dense texture.

Frozen Dairy Dessert

High overrun
This dessert has more air, giving it a fluffy texture.

Ice Cream

A sweet, smooth, frozen dessert made from dairy products such as cream or milk, sugar or other sweeteners, and flavorings.

Ice Cream

A serving of this dessert
At the ball game, I bought an ice cream.

Ice Cream

Alternative spelling of ice cream

Common Curiosities

Can lactose-intolerant people eat frozen dairy desserts?

It depends on the ingredients; some may still contain lactose.

Can I make ice cream at home?

Yes, with cream, sugar, and an ice cream maker or similar method.

Is ice cream considered unhealthy?

In moderation, it can be part of a balanced diet.

Are frozen dairy desserts vegan?

Not necessarily, they can still contain dairy derivatives.

Is all gelato considered ice cream?

Gelato is a type of ice cream with less fat and more density.

Is frozen yogurt a type of frozen dairy dessert?

Yes, it's a variant with yogurt instead of cream.

Can diabetics eat frozen dairy desserts?

They should check for sugar content, as it can be high.

Are frozen dairy desserts cheaper than ice cream?

Often, due to lower dairy content and cheaper ingredients.

Is it possible to find organic ice cream?

Yes, organic ice creams are available in the market.

Are there dairy-free ice creams?

Yes, made with alternatives like almond or coconut milk.

Can ice cream cause allergies?

Yes, for those allergic to dairy.

Do frozen dairy desserts melt slower than ice cream?

They can, due to stabilizers and less fat content.

Is sorbet the same as ice cream?

No, sorbet is fruit-based and dairy-free.

Do frozen dairy desserts have preservatives?

They may contain stabilizers and preservatives for texture.

Can ice cream be fat-free?

Fat-free versions exist but are not true ice creams by definition.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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