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Iced Coffee vs. Iced Latte — What's the Difference?

By Urooj Arif & Fiza Rafique — Updated on August 16, 2024
Iced coffee is simply coffee served over ice, often stronger in flavor, while an iced latte involves espresso mixed with cold milk over ice, offering a creamier texture.
Iced Coffee vs. Iced Latte — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Iced Coffee and Iced Latte


Key Differences

Iced coffee is brewed coffee that is cooled down and then poured over ice. It can be made from any coffee brewing method, including drip, pour-over, or French press. The result is a refreshing, strong coffee flavor that can be adjusted with sugar or milk according to taste. An iced latte, on the other hand, is specifically made with espresso and cold milk, poured over ice. The ratio of milk to espresso is higher in an iced latte than in an iced coffee, giving the latte a creamier texture and a more diluted espresso flavor. The espresso used in lattes is typically richer and more concentrated than regular brewed coffee.
Both beverages are served cold, while the preparation method significantly affects their flavor and texture. Iced coffee tends to be more robust and coffee-forward, suitable for those who enjoy the taste of coffee itself. Iced lattes provide a smoother, milder experience due to the significant amount of milk, which also adds a creamy consistency.
The choice between iced coffee and iced latte often comes down to personal preference for milk and texture. Those preferring a milkier, creamier drink might opt for an iced latte, while those who appreciate the pure taste of coffee might lean towards iced coffee.
In terms of customization, both drinks can be tailored to individual tastes. Iced coffee can be sweetened or flavored with syrups, and milk or cream can be added. Iced lattes, meanwhile, can be customized with different types of milk, syrups, or even flavored espresso shots, offering a wide range of taste experiences.

Comparison Chart

Base Ingredient

Brewed coffee

Milk Content

Optional, usually minimal
High, essential component


Can be more watery or robust
Creamier due to milk

Flavor Intensity

Stronger coffee flavor
Milder, balanced by milk


Cooled brewed coffee over ice
Espresso mixed with cold milk over ice


Sugar, milk, or syrups can be added
Varies with type of milk, syrups, flavored espresso

Compare with Definitions

Iced Coffee

Allows for various brewing methods.
She made iced coffee using her French press for a rich flavor.

Iced Latte

Favored for its creamy consistency.
The creamy consistency of an iced latte makes it a popular summer drink.

Iced Coffee

Can be strong and bitter if served black over ice.
He prefers his iced coffee black to maintain its robust flavor.

Iced Latte

Features a high ratio of milk to espresso.
His iced latte had a smooth texture from the generous amount of milk.

Iced Coffee

A cold beverage made from brewed coffee and ice.
Iced coffee is my go-to drink for a hot day.

Iced Latte

Espresso base makes it rich and flavorful.
The espresso in her iced latte provided a concentrated coffee essence.

Iced Coffee

Customizable with sweeteners or milk.
I added vanilla syrup to my iced coffee for a sweet twist.

Iced Latte

Versatile with milk options and flavors.
She ordered an iced latte with almond milk and caramel syrup.

Iced Coffee

Often preferred by coffee purists.
Coffee enthusiasts enjoy iced coffee for its pure coffee taste.

Iced Latte

A creamy cold beverage made with espresso and milk over ice.
An iced latte is perfect for those who like their coffee milky.

Common Curiosities

Which has more caffeine, iced coffee or iced latte?

The caffeine content varies depending on the coffee and espresso shot size, but generally, iced coffee can have more caffeine due to the larger volume of coffee used.

Can I make iced coffee or iced latte decaffeinated?

Yes, both can be made decaffeinated by using decaf coffee beans for brewing or decaf espresso shots.

Can I use any type of milk for an iced latte?

Yes, iced lattes can be made with any type of milk, including dairy and plant-based alternatives like almond, soy, or oat milk.

Can I add flavors to both drinks?

Absolutely, both iced coffee and iced latte can be customized with a variety of syrups or flavor shots to suit your taste preferences.

Can I make an iced latte without an espresso machine?

Yes, you can use strongly brewed coffee as a substitute for espresso in an iced latte, though the flavor might be slightly different.

What's the main difference between iced coffee and iced latte?

The main difference lies in the base ingredient and milk content; iced coffee is brewed coffee over ice, possibly with a bit of milk, while an iced latte is made with espresso and a higher amount of milk.

Is iced latte sweeter than iced coffee?

An iced latte can be sweeter due to the milk's natural sweetness and any added syrups, while iced coffee's sweetness depends on added sugar or syrups.

How do I choose between iced coffee and iced latte?

Your choice might depend on your preference for milk content and texture; if you prefer a creamier, milder drink, go for an iced latte. If you enjoy the taste of strong coffee, iced coffee is likely your best bet.

What is the best way to sweeten iced coffee or iced latte?

Sweeten iced coffee or iced latte with simple syrup, as it dissolves better in cold beverages compared to granulated sugar.

Is it better to use filtered water for brewing coffee and espresso for iced beverages?

Yes, using filtered water can improve the taste of your coffee and espresso by removing impurities that might affect the flavor, especially noticeable in iced beverages.

What type of coffee beans are best for making iced coffee or iced latte?

Medium to dark roast beans are often preferred for iced coffee for their robust flavor, while espresso roasts are ideal for iced lattes due to their concentrated flavor profile.

How do I prevent my iced coffee or iced latte from becoming diluted?

Use coffee or espresso ice cubes instead of regular ice cubes to keep the flavor concentrated even as the ice melts.

Can I prepare iced coffee or iced latte in advance?

Iced coffee can easily be prepared in advance and stored in the refrigerator. Iced lattes can also be pre-made, but it's best to add the milk and ice just before serving to maintain the best texture and temperature.

How does the milk to espresso ratio in an iced latte compare to that of a hot latte?

The milk to espresso ratio in an iced latte is similar to a hot latte, though some prefer slightly more milk in an iced latte to balance the espresso's strength when cold.

Can I add toppings to an iced coffee or iced latte?

Yes, toppings like whipped cream, a drizzle of caramel or chocolate syrup, and a sprinkle of cinnamon or cocoa powder can be added to enhance the flavor.

Is there a difference in calorie content between iced coffee and iced latte?

Yes, generally, an iced latte will have more calories due to the higher milk content compared to iced coffee, which may have minimal to no milk.

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Written by
Urooj Arif
Urooj is a skilled content writer at Ask Difference, known for her exceptional ability to simplify complex topics into engaging and informative content. With a passion for research and a flair for clear, concise writing, she consistently delivers articles that resonate with our diverse audience.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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