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Idiosyncrasy vs. Idiosyncracy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Idiosyncrasy vs. Idiosyncracy — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Idiosyncrasy or Idiosyncracy

How to spell Idiosyncrasy?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Idiosyncrasy Definitions

An idiosyncrasy is an unusual feature of a person (though there are also other uses, see below). It can also mean an odd habit.
A mode of behaviour or way of thought peculiar to an individual
One of his little idiosyncrasies was always preferring to be in the car first
An abnormal physical reaction by an individual to a food or drug.
A structural or behavioral characteristic peculiar to an individual or group.
A physiological or temperamental peculiarity.
An unusual individual reaction to food or a drug.
A behavior or way of thinking that is characteristic of a person.
A language or behaviour that is particular to an individual or group.
(medicine) A peculiar individual reaction to a generally innocuous substance or factor.
A peculiarity that serves to distinguish or identify.
He mastered the idiosyncrasies of English spelling and speech.
A peculiarity of physical or mental constitution or temperament; a characteristic belonging to, and distinguishing, an individual; characteristic susceptibility; idiocrasy; eccentricity.
The individual mind . . . takes its tone from the idiosyncrasies of the body.
A behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual

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