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Imitation Jewellery vs. Artificial Jewellery — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Published on November 29, 2023
Imitation jewellery replicates specific, typically high-end designs using non-precious materials. Artificial jewellery, often synonymous, involves any jewelry made with non-precious materials, not necessarily replicating luxury designs.
Imitation Jewellery vs. Artificial Jewellery — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Imitation Jewellery and Artificial Jewellery


Key Differences

Imitation jewellery fundamentally implies a certain kind of duality in its creation. This category of ornamentation seeks to emulate or “imitate” the aesthetic and design of genuine, often luxurious, jewelry items using less expensive, non-precious materials. It can be said that the concept of "imitation" pivots upon recreating the look of high-end or real jewelry without utilizing the original, valuable constituents.
Artificial jewellery, on the other hand, while broadly interchangeable with imitation jewelry, doesn’t necessarily have the implication of replicating a specific high-end item or design. This term encompasses any type of jewelry that is made from materials that are not considered precious or semi-precious. So, artificial jewelry denotes all kinds of non-authentic, non-precious materials without necessarily trying to copy a specific precious piece.
Both imitation and artificial jewellery are vital within fashion and accessory markets, offering affordable and stylish options for consumers. They provide accessibility to styles and designs that may otherwise be unreachable in original, precious forms. Thus, imitation jewelry specifically makes certain elite, high-end designs accessible, while artificial jewelry broadens the spectrum, providing trendy, inventive designs without the high cost of precious materials.
It is critical to understand that the distinction between imitation and artificial jewelry is quite nuanced and can be somewhat fluid in everyday language and consumer markets. In several contexts, the terms might be used interchangeably as both essentially represent jewelry created from non-precious materials. Both categories offer accessibility, variety, and creativity in jewelry design without the hefty price tag of genuine, precious items.
In the vast and varied world of jewellery, imitation and artificial pieces hold their distinct places, often overlapping, within the realm of accessible, non-precious adornments. While imitation jewelry typically aims to bring elite designs to wider audiences, artificial jewelry may or may not aim to replicate, but simply to create attractive pieces without employing precious materials.

Comparison Chart


Non-precious, inexpensive materials
Non-precious materials

Design Inspiration

Often mimics high-end, precious jewellery designs
May not necessarily mimic other designs


To replicate the look of specific, expensive pieces
To create affordable, attractive pieces


Generally affordable
Typically affordable


Often for special occasions to mimic a luxe look
Can be for everyday or special wear

Compare with Definitions

Imitation Jewellery

Imitation jewellery emulates high-end designs.
Her imitation jewellery perfectly mirrored a famous designer’s piece.

Artificial Jewellery

Artificial jewellery isn’t limited to mimicking real pieces.
Her artificial jewellery includes unique, imaginative designs not found in precious collections.

Imitation Jewellery

Imitation jewellery uses non-precious materials.
Imitation jewellery allows her to wear trendy pieces without the hefty price.

Artificial Jewellery

Artificial jewellery encompasses diverse designs.
Artificial jewellery enables a vast array of styles and colors.

Imitation Jewellery

Imitation jewellery can be crafted with great detail.
Her imitation jewellery featured intricate designs and impressive craftsmanship.

Artificial Jewellery

Artificial jewellery utilizes non-precious substances.
Her artificial jewellery collection includes vibrant plastic and metal pieces.

Imitation Jewellery

Imitation jewellery mimics genuine jewelry aesthetics.
It’s hard to tell the difference between her imitation jewellery and real gold.

Artificial Jewellery

Artificial jewellery can be worn on various occasions.
From picnics to parties, artificial jewellery offers suitable choices.

Imitation Jewellery

Imitation jewellery is accessible and affordable.
Imitation jewellery offers an economical alternative to genuine diamond necklaces.

Artificial Jewellery

Artificial jewellery provides economical fashion options.
With artificial jewellery, she enjoys the latest trends without straining her budget.

Common Curiosities

Is Imitation Jewellery always cheaper than real jewellery?

Generally, yes. Imitation jewellery is made from affordable materials, making it less expensive than real jewellery.

What defines Imitation Jewellery?

Imitation jewellery refers to pieces designed to mimic high-end, precious jewellery using non-precious materials.

What does Artificial Jewellery mean?

Artificial jewellery refers to ornaments made from non-precious materials, not strictly imitating high-end designs.

Can Artificial Jewellery come in various styles and designs?

Absolutely, artificial jewellery offers a wide range of styles and designs to suit various fashion tastes and occasions.

Why might someone choose Imitation Jewellery?

Imitation jewellery allows wearers to sport luxurious-looking pieces without the accompanying high cost of real precious items.

How durable is Artificial Jewellery?

While often stylish, artificial jewellery tends to be less durable than genuine jewellery due to the materials used.

Can Artificial Jewellery be repaired if damaged?

It depends on the damage. Some pieces can be repaired, while others might not be worth the cost of repair.

Can Imitation Jewellery contain real precious stones or metals?

Typically, no. Imitation jewellery is crafted to look like real jewellery but does not contain actual precious materials.

How can I distinguish between Imitation Jewellery and real jewellery?

Expert advice, hallmarks, and sometimes simple visual inspection can help differentiate between imitation and genuine pieces.

How should Artificial Jewellery be cared for?

Keeping it dry, avoiding chemicals, and storing it properly will prolong the life of artificial jewellery.

Can Imitation Jewellery cause allergic reactions?

Yes, some imitation jewellery may contain allergens like nickel, which could cause reactions in sensitive individuals.

What are common materials used in Artificial Jewellery?

Common materials include plastic, glass, and non-precious metals, offering versatile and affordable jewellery options.

Can Imitation Jewellery tarnish or change color?

Yes, the materials used in imitation jewellery can tarnish or alter in color over time and with exposure to various elements.

Is Imitation Jewellery suitable for all occasions?

While versatile, imitation jewellery is often used in settings where the risk of loss is mitigated due to its lower cost.

What is a key benefit of wearing Artificial Jewellery?

Artificial jewellery allows wearers to frequently change their accessories, aligning with trends without significant expense.

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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