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Immoral vs. Unmoral — Which is Correct Spelling?

Immoral vs. Unmoral — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Immoral or Unmoral

How to spell Immoral?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Immoral Definitions

Not conforming to accepted standards of morality
Unseemly and immoral behaviour
Contrary to established moral principles.
Breaching principles of natural law, rectitude, or justice, and so inconsistent with the demands of virtue, purity, or "good morals"; not right, not moral. Compare unethical, illegal.
Not moral; inconsistent with rectitude, purity, or good morals; contrary to conscience or the divine law; wicked; unjust; dishonest; vicious; licentious; as, an immoral man; an immoral deed.
Concerned with principles of right and wrong or conforming to standards of behavior and character based on those principles;
Moral sense
A moral scrutiny
A moral lesson
A moral quandary
Moral convictions
A moral life
Not adhering to ethical or moral principles;
Base and unpatriotic motives
A base, degrading way of life
Cheating is dishonorable
They considered colonialism immoral
Unethical practices in handling public funds
Morally unprincipled;
Immoral behavior
Characterized by wickedness or immorality;
Led a very bad life
Marked by immorality; deviating from what is considered right or proper or good;
Depraved criminals
A perverted sense of loyalty
The reprobate conduct of a gambling aristocrat

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