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Immortal vs. Invincible — What's the Difference?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on October 27, 2023
Immortal means not subject to death, while Invincible means incapable of being defeated or overcome.
Immortal vs. Invincible — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Immortal and Invincible


Key Differences

Immortal primarily refers to entities or beings that live forever and are not subject to death. On the other hand, Invincible describes someone or something that cannot be defeated, subdued, or overcome.
When considering mythical beings, Immortal creatures like gods live forever without aging or dying, while Invincible beings might be vulnerable to aging or mortality but can't be defeated in battle or conflict.
In literature, Immortal often refers to characters or legends that live on through stories or memories, ensuring they never truly 'die' in cultural memory. Invincible characters, conversely, might face numerous adversaries but always emerge victorious.
Philosophically, Immortal ideas or teachings persist across generations and don't 'die out' with time. In contrast, Invincible beliefs or principles stand firm, facing challenges or opposition but never faltering.
From a human perspective, while no person is truly Immortal in the physical sense, certain legacies or memories can be. However, no person is truly Invincible either, as everyone has vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

Comparison Chart

Primary Meaning

Not subject to death
Incapable of being defeated

Context in Mythology

Creatures that live forever
Beings that can't be defeated in battle

Literary Usage

Characters that live on in stories
Characters that always emerge victorious

Philosophical Implication

Ideas that persist across generations
Beliefs that stand firm despite challenges

Human Condition

Legacies or memories that live on
Everyone has vulnerabilities or weaknesses

Compare with Definitions


Not subject to death or decay.
Many myths feature immortal gods and goddesses.


Unyielding; steadfast.
Her invincible determination was admirable.


Living forever, without aging.
The elixir granted him immortal life.


Too powerful to be overcome or subdued.
With his new armor, the knight felt invincible.


Continuing indefinitely.
Their love was said to be immortal.


Impossible to defeat or prevent.
The team's invincible strategy led them to the championship.


Not subject to death
Immortal deities.
The immortal soul.


Not susceptible to suffering or harm.
Superheroes often seem invincible to threats.


Never to be forgotten; everlasting
Immortal words.


Incapable of being conquered or defeated.
The army felt invincible after their series of victories.


Of or relating to immortality.


Incapable of being overcome or defeated; unconquerable.


(Biology) Capable of indefinite growth or division. Used of cells in culture.


To defeat, destroy, or kill; too powerful to be defeated or overcome.


One not subject to death.


Someone or something that cannot be defeated, destroyed, or killed.


One whose fame is enduring.


Incapable of being conquered, overcome, or subdued; unconquerable; insuperable; as, an invincible army, or obstacle.
Lead forth to battle these my sonsInvincible.


Not susceptible to death; living forever; never dying. Category:en:Immortality


Incapable of being overcome or subdued;
An invincible army
Her invincible spirit


Never to be forgotten; that merits being always remembered.
His immortal words


Connected with or relating to immortality.


(obsolete) Exceedingly great; excessive; grievous.


One who is not susceptible to death.


A member of an elite regiment of the Persian army.


A member of the Académie française.


(Internet) An administrator of a multi-user dungeon.


Not mortal; exempt from liability to die; undying; imperishable; lasting forever; having unlimited, or eternal, existance.
Unto the King eternal, immortal, invisible.
For my soul, what can it do to that,Being a thing immortal as itself?


Connected with, or pertaining to immortality.
I have immortal longings in me.


Destined to live in all ages of this world; abiding; exempt from oblivion; imperishable; as, immortal fame.
One of the few, immortal names,That were not born to die.


Great; excessive; grievous.


One who will never cease to be; one exempt from death, decay, or annihilation.


A person (such as an author) of enduring fame;
Shakespeare is one of the immortals


Any supernatural being worshipped as controlling some part of the world or some aspect of life or who is the personification of a force


Not subject to death


Preserved forever; undying.
Shakespeare's works are immortal.


A being that lives forever.
In the story, she was an immortal with powers beyond imagination.

Common Curiosities

Are there any truly Immortal beings?

In mythology, there are beings considered Immortal, but in reality, nothing is truly Immortal.

Can a memory or legacy be Immortal?

Yes, memories or legacies that live on indefinitely can be considered Immortal.

How does Invincible differ from Immortal?

Invincible means incapable of being defeated, while Immortal means not subject to death.

What does Immortal primarily signify?

Immortal primarily denotes living forever; not subject to death.

Can someone be Immortal and not Invincible?

Yes, someone might live forever (Immortal) but still be vulnerable to defeat (not Invincible).

Is there a literal Invincible entity?

Nothing is truly Invincible; every entity has vulnerabilities or weaknesses.

Can beliefs be Invincible?

Yes, beliefs that stand firm despite challenges can be considered Invincible.

Does Invincible mean without any weaknesses?

Essentially, yes. Invincible refers to being unable to be defeated, often implying no weaknesses.

How is Invincible often used in sports context?

In sports, a team or individual might be called Invincible if they remain undefeated.

How are Immortal and Invincible used in literature?

Immortal often refers to characters or ideas that live on, while Invincible characters always win battles or conflicts.

How is the word Immortal used in relation to time?

Immortal can denote continuing indefinitely in the context of time.

Can a person be physically Immortal?

No, in reality, no person is physically Immortal.

Can art or literature be Immortal?

Yes, art or literature that persists and remains relevant over time can be considered Immortal.

Which word relates to unyielding determination, Immortal or Invincible?

Invincible can relate to unyielding determination.

Between Immortal and Invincible, which implies an inability to be harmed?

Invincible implies an inability to be harmed or defeated.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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