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Immulate vs. Emulate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
"Immulate" is incorrect, while "Emulate" is correct, meaning to imitate with effort to equal or surpass.
Immulate vs. Emulate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Immulate or Emulate

How to spell Emulate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Emulate sounds like "imitate," and they have similar meanings.
“Eagle” and “Emulate” both begin with “E” and eagles are often emulated for their strength and freedom.
Remember “M” is the second letter in Emulate.
Emulate begins with an "E", just like Equal, and it's about trying to be equal to or exceed others.
Memorize this: Eager minds eagerly emulate.

How Do You Spell Emulate Correctly?

Incorrect: Young artists often immulate the techniques of the masters.
Correct: Young artists often emulate the techniques of the masters.
Incorrect: The startup tried to immulate the business model of its competitors.
Correct: The startup tried to emulate the business model of its competitors.
Incorrect: She tried to immulate her brother's success in sports.
Correct: She tried to emulate her brother's success in sports.
Incorrect: Many students immulate their favorite celebrities' fashion styles.
Correct: Many students emulate their favorite celebrities' fashion styles.
Incorrect: He attempted to immulate his teacher’s calm demeanor.
Correct: He attempted to emulate his teacher’s calm demeanor.

Emulate Definitions

To strive to equal or excel, especially through imitation
An older pupil whose accomplishments and style I emulated.
To compete with successfully; approach or attain equality with.
(Computers) To imitate the function of (another system), as by modifications to hardware or software that allow the imitating system to accept the same data, execute the same programs, and achieve the same results as the imitated system.
To attempt to equal or be the same as.
To copy or imitate, especially a person.
People are endlessly fascinating, even if you'd never want to emulate them.
(obsolete) To feel a rivalry with; to be jealous of, to envy.
(computing) of a program or device: to imitate another program or device
(obsolete) Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous.
Striving to excel; ambitious; emulous.
To strive to equal or to excel in qualities or actions; to imitate, with a view to equal or to outdo, to vie with; to rival; as, to emulate the good and the great.
Thine eye would emulate the diamond.
Strive to equal or match, especially by imitating;
He is emulating the skating skills of his older sister
Imitate the function of (another system), as by modifying the hardware or the software
Compete with successfully; approach or reach equality with;
This artists's drawings cannot emulate his water colors
Emulate means to strive to equal or surpass, often by imitation.
She sought to emulate her mentor’s success.

Emulate Meaning in a Sentence

The software was designed to emulate the human thought process.
The company aimed to emulate the success of other tech giants.
Young writers try to emulate the style of their literary heroes.
Players often emulate the skills of professional athletes.
Schools try to emulate the best teaching practices from around the world.
She hopes to emulate her sister’s academic achievements.
Entrepreneurs emulate the strategies of successful businesses.
The app aims to emulate the experience of reading a real book.
Many chefs emulate techniques from famous culinary experts.
He tries to emulate his father’s work ethic.
Students emulate their teachers in hopes of learning more.
The robot was programmed to emulate human movements.
Young entrepreneurs emulate the success stories of industry leaders.
They tried to emulate the community spirit of small towns.
Artists often emulate the styles of those who influence them.
Filmmakers often emulate the techniques of the great directors.

Emulate Idioms & Phrases

Set a standard to emulate

To establish a high level of performance or quality that others should try to achieve.
The championship team set a standard to emulate for future players.

Emulate in one’s footsteps

To follow closely in someone’s path or methods.
He emulates in the footsteps of his mentor, aiming for similar achievements.

Emulate the greats

To imitate the successful attributes or techniques of highly respected individuals.
Aspiring musicians should try to emulate the greats of their genre.

Common Curiosities

Which vowel is used before Emulate?


What is the pronunciation of Emulate?


Why is it called Emulate?

Called "emulate" because it stems from the Latin “aemulatus”, meaning to strive to equal or excel.

What is the root word of Emulate?

Latin root “aemulatus”.

What is the verb form of Emulate?


What is the singular form of Emulate?

Emulate (it's not countable).

Which preposition is used with Emulate?

None specifically. It could be used with various prepositions depending on the context.

What is the plural form of Emulate?

Emulate remains the same.

Is Emulate a negative or positive word?


What is a stressed syllable in Emulate?


What part of speech is Emulate?


Which conjunction is used with Emulate?

Not specific. Any conjunction can be used depending on the sentence.

Which determiner is used with Emulate?

No specific determiner is always used with emulate.

Which article is used with Emulate?

Either "a" or "the," depending on the context.

Is the word Emulate imperative?

It can be used in an imperative sentence.

Is the word Emulate a Gerund?

"Emulating" is the gerund form.

How do we divide Emulate into syllables?


What is the opposite of Emulate?


What is the first form of Emulate?


How is Emulate used in a sentence?

"He tried to emulate his teacher's painting style."

Is Emulate a noun or adjective?


Is Emulate an abstract noun?


Is Emulate a vowel or consonant?

It is a word.

Is Emulate a countable noun?

No, it's a verb.

Is Emulate a collective noun?


What is another term for Emulate?


What is the second form of Emulate?


What is the third form of Emulate?


Is Emulate an adverb?


Is the Emulate term a metaphor?


Is the word “Emulate” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

It can be either, depending on sentence structure.

How many syllables are in Emulate?


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Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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