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Inadvertantly vs. Inadvertently — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on March 25, 2024
"Inadvertantly" is incorrect. The correct spelling is "Inadvertently," meaning without intention or awareness.
Inadvertantly vs. Inadvertently — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Inadvertantly or Inadvertently

How to spell Inadvertently?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Remember the word "advert" is buried inside "inadvertently."
Use spellcheck! It's there to catch common errors like this one.
Think of "advert," as in advertising, and then add "in-" and "-ently" to spell it correctly.
The correct spelling has 'ent' which sounds like "intent," helping you remember that it's about unintentional action.
Use a mnemonic like "In ADVERTently, the E is ENTertaining."

How Do You Spell Inadvertently Correctly?

Incorrect: The email was sent to the wrong person inadvertantly.
Correct: The email was sent to the wrong person inadvertently.
Incorrect: She inadvertantly insulted her friend with her comment.
Correct: She inadvertently insulted her friend with her comment.
Incorrect: He inadvertantly revealed the surprise party to her.
Correct: He inadvertently revealed the surprise party to her.
Incorrect: The mistake was made inadvertantly by the team.
Correct: The mistake was made inadvertently by the team.
Incorrect: I inadvertantly stepped on his foot during the concert.
Correct: I inadvertently stepped on his foot during the concert.

Inadvertently Definitions

Done unintentionally.
I inadvertently deleted the file.
Without deliberate planning.
We inadvertently took the wrong road.
By accident or oversight.
He inadvertently left his keys at home.
Without conscious awareness.
She inadvertently solved the puzzle.
Without premeditation.
He inadvertently insulted her.
Marked by or resulting from carelessness; negligent
An inadvertent error.
An inadvertent omission.
Not deliberate or considered; unintentional
An inadvertent remark.
Inadvertent humor.
Not intending to be so; unwitting
"Physicians have already begun to take on the role of gatekeepers, inadvertent agents of selection ... deciding on the relative value of different human lives" (Robert Pollack).
Unintentionally; because of an oversight.
Without knowledge or intention;
He unwittingly deleted the references

Inadvertently Meaning in a Sentence

The secret was inadvertently disclosed during the meeting.
He inadvertently locked himself out of the house.
The typo was inadvertently added to the document.
The information was inadvertently omitted from the report.
He inadvertently stepped on the dog's tail.
She inadvertently deleted the important file.
His remark inadvertently caused a misunderstanding.
She laughed, inadvertently spitting out her drink.
He inadvertently cut the conversation short.
The message was inadvertently sent to the entire company.
The document was inadvertently signed without a thorough review.
The door was inadvertently left unlocked.
They inadvertently booked their flights for the wrong day.
The email was inadvertently marked as spam.
The teacher inadvertently omitted a student from the list.
They had inadvertently left the window open during the storm.
The virus was inadvertently spread through shared devices.
The actor inadvertently spoiled the ending of the movie during the interview.
The camera was turned on and inadvertently recorded the conversation.
She inadvertently wore the same dress as her friend to the party.
The policy change was inadvertently beneficial to small businesses.
The announcement was made public inadvertently before the official release.
His comment was made jokingly but inadvertently hurt her feelings.
He inadvertently gave her the wrong impression.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Inadvertently?

It's derived from "advert," meaning to turn attention to, with the prefix "in-" indicating the opposite and the suffix "-ly" making it an adverb.

Which vowel is used before Inadvertently?

Context-dependent. Could be "an" as in "an inadvertently made mistake."

What is the root word of Inadvertently?

The root word is "advert."

What is the pronunciation of Inadvertently?


What is the singular form of Inadvertently?

"Inadvertently" is an adverb, so it doesn't have singular or plural forms.

Is Inadvertently a negative or positive word?

Neutral, though it often appears in contexts where an unintended mistake or oversight is discussed.

Which preposition is used with Inadvertently?

Prepositions like "to," "by," and "in" can be used, depending on the sentence.

What is the verb form of Inadvertently?

There is no verb form; it's an adverb.

What is the plural form of Inadvertently?

It doesn't have a plural form.

Is Inadvertently a countable noun?

No, it's an adverb.

Which conjunction is used with Inadvertently?

Any conjunction can be used, depending on the sentence.

How do we divide Inadvertently into syllables?


Which determiner is used with Inadvertently?

Varies by context; could be "this," "that," "his," "her," etc.

What is the third form of Inadvertently?

Inadvertently does not have verb forms.

Is Inadvertently a vowel or consonant?

It's a word made up of both vowels and consonants.

What is the first form of Inadvertently?

Inadvertently does not have verb forms.

What is the second form of Inadvertently?

Inadvertently does not have verb forms.

Is Inadvertently an adverb?


Is Inadvertently a collective noun?


Is the word Inadvertently imperative?


How many syllables are in Inadvertently?


What is the opposite of Inadvertently?


Is Inadvertently an abstract noun?


What part of speech is Inadvertently?


What is another term for Inadvertently?


How is Inadvertently used in a sentence?

"He inadvertently spilled coffee on the documents."

Which article is used with Inadvertently?

Either "a" or "an," depending on the following noun or adjective, e.g., "an inadvertently made error."

Is Inadvertently a noun or adjective?

Neither. It's an adverb.

Is the Inadvertently term a metaphor?


What is a stressed syllable in Inadvertently?

The stress is on the third syllable: "vert."

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Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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