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Inappropiate vs. Inappropriate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 29, 2024
Inappropiate is an incorrect spelling of the word inappropriate. Inappropriate refers to something not suitable or proper in a particular situation.
Inappropiate vs. Inappropriate — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Inappropiate or Inappropriate

How to spell Inappropriate?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Use mnemonic: In a PROPER iate, there are two P’s.
Recall that "inappropriate" is the opposite of "appropriate" with the prefix "in-" indicating negation.
"In" + "appropriate" - both parts of the word have correct spellings in them.
Count the p’s. Inappropriate has two p’s, just like "proper".
Think of the root word "appropriate," then add the prefix "in-".

How Do You Spell Inappropriate Correctly?

Incorrect: The joke he told at dinner was inappropiate for young children.
Correct: The joke he told at dinner was inappropriate for young children.
Incorrect: His comments were deemed inappropiate for the workplace.
Correct: His comments were deemed inappropriate for the workplace.
Incorrect: Inappropiate behavior will not be tolerated at school.
Correct: Inappropriate behavior will not be tolerated at school.
Incorrect: I received an inappropiate message from a stranger online.
Correct: I received an inappropriate message from a stranger online.
Incorrect: She wore an inappropiate dress to the formal event.
Correct: She wore an inappropriate dress to the formal event.

Inappropriate Definitions

Not suitable or proper in the circumstances.
Wearing jeans to a formal event is inappropriate.
Not fitting or in accord with established norms.
His comment was inappropriate for the occasion.
Not in keeping with one's needs or purposes.
An inappropriate choice of song for a wedding.
Not fitting or pertinent.
Asked inappropriate questions during the interview.
Unsuitable or improper.
Not appropriate; not suitable for the situation, time, or place.
It is inappropriate to burp at a formal dinner.
The violent movie is inappropriate for school.
Improper; adult; sexual.
Kids saying inappropriate things
Not instrument (to); not appropriate; unbecoming; unsuitable; not specially fitted; - followed by to or for.
Not suitable for a particular occasion etc;
Noise seems inappropriate at a time of sadness
Inappropriate shoes for a walk on the beach
Put inappropriate pressure on them
Not conforming with accepted standards of propriety or taste; undesirable;
Incorrect behavior
She was seen in all the wrong places
He thought it was wrong for her to go out to work
Not in keeping with what is correct or proper;
Completely inappropriate behavior
Lacking propriety or decorum.
Made inappropriate jokes during the meeting.

Inappropriate Meaning in a Sentence

His comments were deemed inappropriate for the workplace.
The joke he told at dinner was inappropriate for young children.
I received an inappropriate message from a stranger online.
The movie contained inappropriate language for children.
She wore an inappropriate dress to the formal event.
Sending inappropriate emails at work can lead to disciplinary action.
It's important to avoid posting inappropriate content on social media.
Using inappropriate language in class is not allowed.
He apologized for making an inappropriate joke at the meeting.
She pointed out that his remarks were inappropriate and hurtful.
The teacher sent a note home about the student's inappropriate behavior.
It's inappropriate to ask personal questions in a job interview.
Publicly criticizing someone's work without their consent is inappropriate.
Discussing personal matters at work can be seen as inappropriate.
Wearing casual clothes to a job interview is inappropriate and unprofessional.
Bringing up controversial topics at a family dinner can be inappropriate.
Leaving an inappropriate voicemail can damage your professional reputation.
The company has a strict policy against sending inappropriate texts or emails.
Some advertisements have been criticized for being inappropriate and offensive.
He was reprimanded for his inappropriate conduct during the conference.
The book was banned from the school library for containing inappropriate themes.
Her response to the question was inappropriate and shocked the audience.
Sharing inappropriate memes in a professional setting is frowned upon.
They debated whether the art piece was thought-provoking or just inappropriate.
Laughing at someone else's misfortune is considered inappropriate.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of inappropriate?


Which vowel is used before inappropriate?

The vowel "i" is used before inappropriate.

What is the root word of inappropriate?

The root word is "appropriate."

What is the plural form of inappropriate?

Adjectives in English don't have plural forms.

What is the verb form of inappropriate?

There isn't a direct verb form of "inappropriate." However, the verb form of "appropriate" is "to appropriate."

What is the singular form of inappropriate?

Inappropriate is an adjective and does not have a singular or plural form. It remains "inappropriate."

Which preposition is used with inappropriate?

Typically, "for" is used, as in "inappropriate for the occasion."

Is inappropriate an abstract noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Why is it called inappropriate?

It's derived from the prefix "in-" (meaning not) + "appropriate," referring to something not suitable.

Which conjunction is used with inappropriate?

Any conjunction can be used with "inappropriate" depending on the sentence structure.

Which article is used with inappropriate?

The articles "an" or "the" can be used depending on the context.

Is inappropriate a collective noun?

No, it's not a collective noun.

Is the word inappropriate imperative?

No, it's an adjective.

How many syllables are in inappropriate?

Five syllables.

How do we divide inappropriate into syllables?


What is the first form of inappropriate?

Inappropriate does not have verb forms.

Is inappropriate an adverb?

No, it's not an adverb.

Is inappropriate a negative or positive word?

It's a negative word.

Is inappropriate a vowel or consonant?

"Inappropriate" is a word composed of both vowels and consonants.

What is a stressed syllable in inappropriate?

The stressed syllable is "pro."

What is another term for inappropriate?


What is the opposite of inappropriate?


Which determiner is used with inappropriate?

Determiners like "an" or "the" can be used.

Is inappropriate a noun or adjective?

Inappropriate is an adjective.

What part of speech is inappropriate?

It's an adjective.

What is the second form of inappropriate?

Inappropriate does not have verb forms.

Is inappropriate a countable noun?

No, it's an adjective.

Is the inappropriate term a metaphor?

No, it's not a metaphor.

What is the third form of inappropriate?

Inappropriate does not have verb forms.

How is inappropriate used in a sentence?

"Her remarks were inappropriate for such a formal event."

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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