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Inauspicious vs. Auspicious — What's the Difference?

By Fiza Rafique & Maham Liaqat — Updated on April 27, 2024
Inauspicious indicates unfavorable or unlucky circumstances, while auspicious suggests favorable or lucky conditions.
Inauspicious vs. Auspicious — What's the Difference?

Difference Between Inauspicious and Auspicious


Key Differences

Inauspicious refers to situations or omens that are considered unfavorable or likely to lead to a negative outcome, whereas auspicious is used to describe scenarios that are seen as favorable or conducive to success.
In many cultures, certain days or events are labeled as inauspicious, suggesting they are not suitable for initiating important activities, while auspicious days are chosen for weddings or business openings due to their positive associations.
The term inauspicious often carries a sense of gloom or doom, hinting at potential failure or difficulties; on the other hand, auspicious implies a positive vibe, increasing expectations of good outcomes and success.
In literature, an inauspicious setting can be used to foreshadow hardship or tragedy in a narrative, whereas an auspicious setting might hint at forthcoming prosperity or joy.
In astrology, planets or stars in certain alignments are considered inauspicious, believed to predict challenges, while auspicious alignments are thought to forecast favorable times.

Comparison Chart


Indicating unfavorable prospects
Indicating favorable prospects

Cultural Associations

Often linked with bad luck and caution
Commonly associated with good luck

Impact on Events

Suggests a higher chance of problems
Suggests a likelihood of success

Usage in Literature

Used to foreshadow negative outcomes
Used to foreshadow positive outcomes

Astrological Associations

Alignments predicting difficulties
Alignments predicting good fortune

Compare with Definitions


Not conducive to success.
The dark clouds on their wedding day seemed an inauspicious start.


Finding a four-leaf clover is seen as an auspicious sign.


His inauspicious remarks during the meeting soured the mood.


Signifying good fortune.
The auspicious symbols at the entrance bode well for the family.


The broken mirror was taken as an inauspicious sign.


The sunny weather on their graduation day was auspicious.


Not conducive to success; unpromising
Following this inauspicious start the British, outnumbered, withdrew


Her arrival was considered auspicious by all her colleagues.


Not favorable; not auspicious.


Conducive to success; favourable
It was not the most auspicious moment to hold an election


Not auspicious; ill-omened


Presenting favorable circumstances or showing signs of a favorable outcome; propitious
An auspicious time to ask for a raise.


Not auspicious; ill-omened; unfortunate; unlucky; unfavorable.


Of good omen; indicating future success.


Not auspicious; boding ill


Conducive to success.
This is an auspicious day.


Contrary to your interests or welfare;
Adverse circumstances
Made a place for themselves under the most untoward conditions


Marked by success; prosperous.


Presaging ill-fortune;
Ill omens
Ill predictions
My words with inauspicious thunderings shook heaven
A dead and ominous silence prevailed
A by-election at a time highly unpropitious for the Government


Having omens or tokens of a favorable issue; giving promise of success, prosperity, or happiness; predicting good; as, an auspicious beginning.
Auspicious union of order and freedom.


Choosing that path proved to be an inauspicious decision.


Prosperous; fortunate; as, auspicious years.


Portending bad fortune.
The inauspicious sound of the howling wind worried them all night.


Favoring; favorable; propitious; - applied to persons or things.


Attended by favorable circumstances;
An auspicious beginning for the campaign


Tending to favor or bring good luck;
Miracles are auspicious accidents
Encouraging omens
A favorable time to ask for a raise
Lucky stars
A prosperous moment to make a decision

Common Curiosities

Can a day be both auspicious and inauspicious?

Yes, depending on cultural or personal beliefs, a day could have both qualities.

What does inauspicious mean?

It means not favorable or unlucky.

What makes a time auspicious for starting a business?

Good weather, favorable astrological conditions, or culturally significant dates can make a time auspicious.

What role does inauspiciousness play in business?

Many businesses consider astrological or cultural factors to avoid inauspicious timings for important decisions or launches.

How can someone avoid inauspicious circumstances?

Many cultures use rituals, specific calendar dates, or amulets to ward off inauspicious circumstances.

What does auspicious mean?

It refers to something that is favorable or lucky.

What are typical symbols of auspiciousness?

Symbols like the swastika in Hinduism, four-leaf clovers in Western cultures, and red envelopes in Chinese tradition signify auspiciousness.

What impact does auspiciousness have on social events?

Auspiciousness can greatly influence the planning and success perception of social events like weddings, festivals, and community gatherings.

How can an event be considered inauspicious?

Events can be considered inauspicious based on timing, omens, or previous experiences.

How does one determine if a day is auspicious or inauspicious?

This can be determined through astrological charts, cultural calendars, or traditional practices specific to a community or region.

Are there specific colors associated with auspiciousness?

Yes, red is commonly associated with luck and auspiciousness in Asian cultures, while white might be seen as auspicious in Western weddings.

What practical steps can be taken to enhance auspiciousness in daily life?

Practices such as choosing specific dates for activities, decorating with lucky symbols, and following positive rituals are common ways to enhance auspiciousness.

Is the concept of auspiciousness universal?

While the concept is widely recognized, what is considered auspicious can vary significantly across different cultures and traditions.

Can the inauspiciousness of an object change over time?

Yes, perceptions of an object’s auspiciousness or inauspiciousness can change based on new experiences, changes in cultural context, or reassessment of traditional beliefs.

Can a location be considered inauspicious?

Yes, certain places can be deemed inauspicious due to historical events, beliefs, or recurring misfortunes.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Maham Liaqat

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