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Inbroad vs. Abroad — Which is Correct Spelling?

Edited by Tayyaba Rehman — By Fiza Rafique — Updated on March 28, 2024
Correct spelling of Inbroad is Abroad. Abroad refers to being in or to foreign countries.
Inbroad vs. Abroad — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Inbroad or Abroad

How to spell Abroad?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

"Inbroad" is incorrect, while "Abroad" refers to being outside your home country.
Recall the common phrase “study abroad” to reinforce the correct spelling.
Picture the first letter, "A," pointing outward, indicating away from home.
When thinking of "Abroad," imagine A BROAD world you explore.

How Do You Spell Abroad Correctly?

Incorrect: Our company is expanding inbroad this year.
Correct: Our company is expanding abroad this year.
Incorrect: Inbroad experiences can be very enriching.
Correct: Abroad experiences can be very enriching.
Incorrect: She wants to study inbroad to learn new cultures.
Correct: She wants to study abroad to learn new cultures.
Incorrect: We're planning an inbroad trip next summer.
Correct: We're planning an abroad trip next summer.
Incorrect: He has relatives living inbroad he's never met.
Correct: He has relatives living abroad he's never met.

Abroad Definitions

In a wide area.
Seeds were scattered abroad by the wind.
Being in a foreign country.
She's living abroad in Spain.
To foreign countries.
He traveled abroad extensively.
Beyond boundaries.
The news spread abroad quickly.
Out of one's own country.
In a foreign country or countries.
Away from one's home.
In circulation; at large.
Covering a large area; widely
"An epidemic is abroad in America" (Richard M. Smith).
(Archaic) Not on target; in error.
A foreign country or countries in which to live or travel
"Do you like abroad or hate it?" (John le Carré).
Beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries.
(dated) At large; widely; broadly; over a wide space.
A tree spreads its branches abroad.
(dated) Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode.
(dated) Before the public at large; throughout society or the world; here and there; moving without restriction.
Not on target; astray; in error; confused; dazed.
(sports) Played elsewhere than one's home grounds.
Countries or lands abroad.
Throughout, over.
At large; widely; broadly; over a wide space; as, a tree spreads its branches abroad.
The fox roams far abroad.
Without a certain confine; outside the house; away from one's abode; as, to walk abroad.
I went to St. James', where another was preaching in the court abroad.
Beyond the bounds of a country; in foreign countries; as, we have broils at home and enemies abroad.
Before the public at large; throughout society or the world; here and there; widely.
He went out, and began to publish it much, and to blaze abroad the matter.
In a foreign country;
Markets abroad
Overseas markets
To or in a foreign country;
They had never travelled abroad
Far away from home or one's usual surroundings;
Looking afield for new lands to conquer
In a place across an ocean
Outside of oneself.
His fame is abroad in the world.

Abroad Meaning in a Sentence

He moved abroad to pursue his career in science.
Studying abroad offers a chance to explore different cultures.
Many people dream of traveling abroad at least once in their lives.
Working abroad can add valuable experience to your resume.
The opportunity to live abroad was too good to pass up.
They traveled abroad during their gap year to gain new experiences.
Her goal is to volunteer abroad and help communities in need.
They have family abroad, so they often travel during holidays.
Learning a language is easier when you're living abroad.
The conference attracts participants from all over, some coming from abroad.
Eating local cuisine is one of the joys of traveling abroad.
She documented her adventures abroad in a blog.
They adopted a child from abroad, expanding their family.
Sending packages abroad can be quite expensive.
Adjusting to life abroad can take time, but it's often rewarding.
His work involves frequent trips abroad to meet clients.
Retiring abroad has become a popular option for many.
Staying connected with family while living abroad is easier with technology.
Exploring abroad markets is crucial for our business expansion.
The museum's abroad collection includes artifacts from ancient civilizations.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of Abroad?

Abroad is pronounced as /əˈbroʊd/.

What is the root word of Abroad?

The root word of Abroad is the Middle English “abrood.”

Which preposition is used with Abroad?

"In" or "to" can be used as prepositions with Abroad (study in/to abroad).

Which vowel is used before Abroad?

Generally, "a" is used before Abroad (a journey abroad).

Why is it called Abroad?

"Abroad" originates from the Middle English word "abrood," meaning widely, broadly spread.

What is the verb form of Abroad?

Abroad is not a verb and does not have a verb form.

Is Abroad a vowel or consonant?

Abroad is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is Abroad a countable noun?

No, Abroad is not a countable noun; it's an adverb.

Is Abroad a collective noun?

No, Abroad is not a collective noun.

Is the Abroad term a metaphor?

No, Abroad is not typically used as a metaphor.

What is the singular form of Abroad?

Abroad does not have singular or plural forms.

What is the plural form of Abroad?

Abroad does not have a plural form.

Which article is used with Abroad?

Typically, the definite article "the" is not used with Abroad.

Is Abroad an abstract noun?

No, Abroad is not an abstract noun.

How many syllables are in Abroad?

Abroad has two syllables.

What is a stressed syllable in Abroad?

The second syllable ("broad") is stressed in Abroad.

What is the opposite of Abroad?

Home can be considered the opposite of Abroad.

Which conjunction is used with Abroad?

No specific conjunction is always used with Abroad.

Is Abroad an adverb?

Yes, Abroad is an adverb.

Is the word Abroad is imperative?

No, Abroad is not imperative.

Is the word “Abroad” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

Abroad generally does not function as a direct or indirect object.

What is another term for Abroad?

Overseas can be another term for Abroad.

Is Abroad a negative or positive word?

Abroad is neutral; it is not negative or positive.

Is the word Abroad is Gerund?

No, Abroad is not a gerund.

How do we divide Abroad into syllables?

Abroad is divided as a-broad.

What part of speech is Abroad?

Abroad is an adverb.

Which determiner is used with Abroad?

No specific determiner is consistently used with Abroad.

What is the first form of Abroad?

Abroad does not have verb forms.

What is the third form of Abroad?

Abroad does not have verb forms.

Is Abroad a noun or adjective?

Abroad is an adverb.

What is the second form of Abroad?

Abroad does not have verb forms.

How is Abroad used in a sentence?

She decided to study abroad for a semester to learn a new culture.

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Written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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