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Incoherent vs. Noncoherent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Incoherent vs. Noncoherent — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Incoherent or Noncoherent

How to spell Incoherent?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Incoherent Definitions

Lacking cohesion, connection, or harmony; not coherent
Incoherent fragments of a story.
Unable to think or express one's thoughts in a clear or orderly manner
Incoherent with grief.
Not coherent.
Not making logical sense; not logically connected or consistent.
When we confronted her, she gave us a hasty, incoherent explanation.
After just a few drinks, he becomes incoherent.
(obsolete) Not holding together physically; loose; unconnected.
Not cohering socially, not united.
Not coherent; wanting cohesion; loose; unconnected; physically disconnected; not fixed to each; - said of material substances.
Lacking logical coherence or agreement; incongruous; inconsistent; having no dependence of one part on another; logically disconnected; rambling; - of speech or discourse.
Exhibiting incoherent{2} speech or thought; - of people; as, a confused and incoherent accident victim.
Lacking harmony or congruity of parts.
Without logical or meaningful connection;
A turgid incoherent presentation
Unable to think or express your thoughts in a clear or orderly manner;
Incoherent with grief
Unable to express yourself clearly or fluently;
Felt tongue-tied with embarrassment
Incoherent with grief

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