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Incomplete vs. Incompleted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Incomplete vs. Incompleted — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Incomplete or Incompleted

How to spell Incomplete?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Incomplete Definitions

Not complete.
(Football) Not caught in bounds or intercepted
An incomplete forward pass.
A grade indicating that the requirements for an academic course or assignment have not been met.
Not complete; not finished
(botany) Of a flower, wanting any of the usual floral organs.
Something incomplete.
(Usenet) A multipart file posted to Usenet that is incomplete and thus unusable.
(Internet) A multiplayer game that is abandoned because one player disconnects.
A designation of being incomplete.
He got four incompletes out of five courses last semester.
Not complete; not filled up; not finished; not having all its parts, or not having them all adjusted; imperfect; defective.
A most imperfect and incomplete divine.
Wanting any of the usual floral organs; - said of a flower.
Not complete or total; not completed;
An incomplete account of his life
Political consequences of incomplete military success
An incomplete forward pass
Lacking one or more of the four whorls of the complete flower--sepals or petals or stamens or pistils;
An incomplete flower
Complete flowers
Not yet finished;
His thesis is still incomplete
An uncompleted play

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