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Indefinate vs. Indefinite — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman & Fiza Rafique — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Indefinate" is incorrect, while "indefinite" correctly spells the idea of being without fixed or clear limits. It describes something vague or not precisely defined.
Indefinate vs. Indefinite — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Indefinate or Indefinite

How to spell Indefinite?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Associate "indefinite" with endless or boundless, emphasizing the "i" in infinite.
Remember "finite" is in "indefinite," signaling clear limits are absent.
Note the prefix "in-" (not) + "definite" to reinforce the correct spelling.
Use "in-definite" to recall it opposes "definite," meaning not clearly defined.
Create a mnemonic: "I Need Definitely Finite Ideas," highlighting the "i" in "indefinite."

How Do You Spell Indefinite Correctly?

Incorrect: The end date for the project seems to be indefinate.
Correct: The end date for the project seems to be indefinite.
Incorrect: We're stuck in an indefinate loop of revisions.
Correct: We're stuck in an indefinite loop of revisions.
Incorrect: The length of the meeting is indefinate.
Correct: The length of the meeting is indefinite.
Incorrect: Indefinate plans can be frustrating for people who like to schedule.
Correct: Indefinite plans can be frustrating for people who like to schedule.
Incorrect: He gave an indefinate answer when asked about his summer vacation.
Correct: He gave an indefinite answer when asked about his summer vacation.

Indefinite Definitions

Lasting for an unknown or unstated length of time.
She's staying abroad for an indefinite amount of time.
Applicable to any one of a class.
The word books is an indefinite term.
Not clear or precisely defined.
The meeting was postponed for an indefinite period.
Vague or uncertain in nature.
The plans for the project are still indefinite.
Unclear; vague.
Lacking precise limits
An indefinite leave of absence.
Uncertain; undecided
Indefinite about their plans.
Without limit; forever, or until further notice; not definite.
Vague or unclear.
She gave an indefinite answer which nobody really understood.
Undecided or uncertain.
I'm still indefinite about what I'm going to study at college.
(mathematics) Being an integral without specified limits.
(linguistics) Designating an unspecified or unidentified person or thing or group of persons or things
The indefinite article
(grammar) A word or phrase that designates an unspecified or unidentified person or thing or group of persons or things.
Not definite; not limited, defined, or specified; not explicit; not determined or fixed upon; not precise; uncertain; vague; confused; obscure; as, an indefinite time, plan, etc.
It were to be wished that . . . men would leave off that indefinite way of vouching, "the chymists say this," or "the chymists affirm that."
The time of this last is left indefinite.
Having no determined or certain limits; large and unmeasured, though not infinite; unlimited; as, indefinite space; the indefinite extension of a straight line.
Though it is not infinite, it may be indefinite; though it is not boundless in itself, it may be so to human comprehension.
Boundless; infinite.
Indefinite and omnipresent God,Inhabiting eternity.
Too numerous or variable to make a particular enumeration important; - said of the parts of a flower, and the like. Also, indeterminate.
Vague or not clearly defined or stated;
Must you be so indefinite?
Amorphous blots of color having vague and indefinite edges
He would not answer so indefinite a proposal
Not decided or not known;
Were indefinite about their plans
Plans are indefinite
Not having exact limits; undefined.
His role in the project is indefinite.

Indefinite Meaning in a Sentence

The amount of time it takes to learn a language is indefinite.
The weather forecast is indefinite, so pack both your sunhat and raincoat.
The expiration date on the coupon was indefinite, so it could be used anytime.
The outcome of the experiment is indefinite until we analyze all the data.
His commitment to the project was indefinite, making it hard to rely on him.
She left the duration of her trip indefinite, wanting to feel free.
The return of the TV show remains indefinite, leaving fans in suspense.
They kept the guest list for the party indefinite to possibly include more friends.
The schedule for the music festival is still indefinite; bands keep getting added.
The end of the story was left indefinite, allowing readers to imagine what happens next.
The deadline for the competition is indefinite, so there's no rush to finish.
The completion date for the new building is indefinite due to funding issues.
Their stay in the country is indefinite; they might move back home or to another country.
The rules for the game were indefinite, leading to a lot of confusion.
His support for the cause was indefinite, sometimes strong and other times weak.
The location for the picnic remains indefinite because of the unpredictable weather.
Their agreement was indefinite, with terms that could change over time.
The length of the performance is indefinite; it varies each night.
The plans for the weekend are indefinite, so I'm open to suggestions.
The storyline of the book is indefinite, leaving a lot to the imagination.
The number of chapters in the novel is indefinite; the author keeps adding more.
The exact size of the universe is indefinite, and scientists continue to explore its vastness.
Her interest in the subject seemed indefinite, fluctuating often.
The duration of the flight seemed indefinite as we circled the airport waiting to land.
The teacher's return from leave is indefinite, and we'll have a substitute until then.

Indefinite Idioms & Phrases

For an indefinite period

For a duration that has not been specified or decided.
The library will be closed for an indefinite period due to renovations.

Leave something indefinite

To not specify something clearly or to leave something undecided.
They decided to leave their plans indefinite until they had more information.

An indefinite amount of time

A duration that is not specifically defined or known.
She's been living abroad for an indefinite amount of time.

Remain indefinite

To stay unclear or undecided.
The details of the agreement remain indefinite until both parties can meet again.

Common Curiosities

What is the pronunciation of indefinite?

The pronunciation of "indefinite" is /ɪnˈdɛfɪnɪt/.

What is the root word of indefinite?

The root word of "indefinite" is "definite," with the prefix "in-" meaning not.

Which conjunction is used with indefinite?

Conjunctions are not specific to "indefinite"; usage depends on sentence structure.

Why is it called indefinite?

It is called "indefinite" because it describes something that lacks clear, defined, or precise limits or boundaries.

Which preposition is used with indefinite?

Prepositions like "for" or "until" can be used with "indefinite," depending on context.

What is the verb form of indefinite?

"Indefinite" does not have a direct verb form as it is an adjective.

Which vowel is used before indefinite?

The vowel "i" is used before "n" in "indefinite."

What is the plural form of indefinite?

"Indefinite" does not have a plural form as it is an adjective.

Is indefinite a negative or positive word?

"Indefinite" is neutral, neither inherently negative nor positive.

Is indefinite a noun or adjective?

"Indefinite" is an adjective.

Is indefinite a vowel or consonant?

"Indefinite" is a word, not a vowel or consonant.

Is the indefinite term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically but is not inherently a metaphor.

Is indefinite an adverb?

No, "indefinite" is not an adverb.

What is a stressed syllable in indefinite?

The second syllable "def" is stressed in "indefinite."

What is the singular form of indefinite?

The singular form is "indefinite."

Which article is used with indefinite?

"An" or "the" can be used, depending on whether it's specific or nonspecific context.

Is indefinite a collective noun?

No, "indefinite" is not a collective noun.

Is the word indefinite Gerund?

No, "indefinite" is not a gerund.

Is indefinite an abstract noun?

No, "indefinite" is an adjective, not a noun.

Is the word indefinite imperative?

No, "indefinite" is descriptive, not imperative.

How do we divide indefinite into syllables?

"In-def-i-nite" is how "indefinite" is divided into syllables.

What is the opposite of indefinite?

The opposite of "indefinite" is "definite."

How is indefinite used in a sentence?

"The duration of the contract remains indefinite due to unforeseen circumstances."

Is indefinite a countable noun?

"Indefinite" is not a noun; it's an adjective.

Is the word “indefinite” a Direct object or an Indirect object?

"Indefinite" is neither; it is an adjective used to describe nouns.

How many syllables are in indefinite?

There are four syllables in "indefinite."

What part of speech is indefinite?

"Indefinite" is an adjective.

What is another term for indefinite?

Another term for "indefinite" could be "uncertain" or "vague."

Which determiner is used with indefinite?

Indefinite articles "a" or "an" can be determiners with indefinite nouns.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.
Co-written by
Fiza Rafique
Fiza Rafique is a skilled content writer at, where she meticulously refines and enhances written pieces. Drawing from her vast editorial expertise, Fiza ensures clarity, accuracy, and precision in every article. Passionate about language, she continually seeks to elevate the quality of content for readers worldwide.

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