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Indestructable vs. Indestructible — Which is Correct Spelling?

By Tayyaba Rehman — Updated on April 2, 2024
"Indestructable" is an incorrect spelling, while "Indestructible" is correct, denoting something that cannot be destroyed.
Indestructable vs. Indestructible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Indestructable or Indestructible

How to spell Indestructible?


Incorrect Spelling


Correct Spelling

Key Differences

Visualize: "A structure that's indestructible is built with -ible."
Think of the base word “destruct,” and just add “in-” for negative and “-ible” for the adjective form.
Associate "Indestructible" with the word "possible" both ending in "-ible".
Remember "Indestructible" has the common "-ible" ending, like "edible" or "audible."
Use mnemonic: "It's incredible to be indestructible."

How Do You Spell Indestructible Correctly?

Incorrect: She believed the love they shared was indestructable.
Correct: She believed the love they shared was indestructible.
Incorrect: The toy is made from an indestructable material.
Correct: The toy is made from an indestructible material.
Incorrect: He's searching for an indestructable phone case.
Correct: He's searching for an indestructible phone case.
Incorrect: Their bond seemed indestructable by any challenge.
Correct: Their bond seemed indestructible by any challenge.
Incorrect: This material is nearly indestructable.
Correct: This material is nearly indestructible.

Indestructible Definitions

Indestructible refers to something that cannot be destroyed or broken down.
The toy was made of indestructible material, surviving many falls.
Indestructible denotes enduring strength or permanence.
Their indestructible bond grew stronger each year.
Indestructible is something that maintains its form or integrity despite external forces.
The fortress was considered indestructible, even by modern standards.
Indestructible describes an object's resistance to wear, damage, or decay.
The ancient artifact remained indestructible over millennia.
Indestructible signifies an unyielding or persistent nature.
Her indestructible spirit inspired everyone around her.
Impossible to destroy
Indestructible furniture.
Indestructible faith.
Not destructible; incapable of decomposition or of being destroyed; invincible.
Not destructible; incapable of decomposition or of being destroyed; as, the Russian harvesters had primitive electronics, but they were built so sturdily they were almost indestructible.
Not easily destroyed
Very long lasting;
Less durable rocks were gradually worn away to form valleys
The perdurable granite of the ancient Appalachian spine of the continent

Indestructible Meaning in a Sentence

They've designed an indestructible container for hazardous materials.
The legend spoke of an indestructible sword.
The superhero's shield is said to be indestructible.
Her indestructible optimism inspired everyone around her.
They're marketing the new device as completely indestructible.
The company claims this glass is nearly indestructible.
He wore an indestructible helmet for safety.
The ancient city's walls were once considered indestructible.
Her indestructible spirit helped her overcome many obstacles.
Their friendship proved to be indestructible over the years.
Scientists are searching for indestructible compounds.
The vehicle's indestructible armor withstood the explosion.
The indestructible nature of the data storage is crucial for archival purposes.
This indestructible bridge has survived many natural disasters.
The team developed an indestructible material for space exploration.
The concept of an indestructible ecosystem is a myth.
This type of rubber is virtually indestructible.
Despite numerous attempts, the code remained indestructible.
She has an indestructible faith in humanity's potential.
Indestructible toys are preferred by pet owners.
The indestructible bond between the siblings was admirable.
Researchers aim to create indestructible packaging to reduce waste.
They built an indestructible fortress to protect the kingdom.
The mythological creature was believed to be indestructible.
The indestructible quality of the material makes it perfect for outdoor gear.

Common Curiosities

Why is it called Indestructible?

It's called "Indestructible" because it describes something that cannot be destroyed.

What is the pronunciation of Indestructible?

It is pronounced as [in-duh-STROOK-tuh-buhl].

What is the root word of Indestructible?

The root word is "destruct."

Which preposition is used with Indestructible?

Various prepositions can be used with "indestructible," such as "of," "by," or "against," depending on context.

Is Indestructible a negative or positive word?

Generally, "indestructible" has a positive connotation, indicating strength or resilience.

Which vowel is used before Indestructible?

Typically, "an" is used before "indestructible" due to the vowel sound that starts the word.

Is Indestructible an adverb?

No, "indestructible" is not an adverb.

What is the singular form of Indestructible?

"Indestructible" itself is singular.

What is the verb form of Indestructible?

There isn't a direct verb form of "Indestructible." However, the related verb is "to destruct."

What is the plural form of Indestructible?

The term "Indestructible" doesn't have a plural form, as adjectives don't change for number in English.

Which article is used with Indestructible?

Both "a" and "an" can be used, but "an" is most appropriate due to the vowel sound: "an indestructible material."

Is Indestructible a noun or adjective?

"Indestructible" is an adjective.

Is Indestructible an abstract noun?

No, "indestructible" is not a noun, it's an adjective.

Is the word Indestructible imperative?

No, "indestructible" is not in the imperative mood; it's an adjective.

Is Indestructible a countable noun?

"Indestructible" is not a noun; it's an adjective.

How do we divide Indestructible into syllables?

It divides as: In-des-truc-ti-ble.

Which conjunction is used with Indestructible?

Any conjunction can be used with "indestructible" depending on sentence structure; e.g., "and," "or," "but."

How many syllables are in Indestructible?

"Indestructible" has five syllables.

Is Indestructible a collective noun?

No, "indestructible" is an adjective.

Is the Indestructible term a metaphor?

It can be used metaphorically to describe something with enduring strength or resilience.

Is Indestructible a vowel or consonant?

"Indestructible" is a word, not a single letter. It contains both vowels and consonants.

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Written by
Tayyaba Rehman
Tayyaba Rehman is a distinguished writer, currently serving as a primary contributor to As a researcher in semantics and etymology, Tayyaba's passion for the complexity of languages and their distinctions has found a perfect home on the platform. Tayyaba delves into the intricacies of language, distinguishing between commonly confused words and phrases, thereby providing clarity for readers worldwide.

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