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Indivisible vs. Undivisible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Indivisible vs. Undivisible — Which is Correct Spelling?

Which is correct: Indivisible or Undivisible

How to spell Indivisible?


Correct Spelling


Incorrect Spelling

Indivisible Definitions

Incapable of undergoing division.
(Mathematics) Incapable of being divided without a remainder
The number 15 is indivisible by 7.
Incapable of being divided; atomic.
(arithmetic) Incapable of being divided by a specific integer without leaving a remainder.
That which cannot be divided or split.
(geometry) An infinitely small quantity which is assumed to admit of no further division.
Not divisible; incapable of being divided, separated, or broken; not separable into parts.
Not capable of exact division, as one quantity by another; incommensurable.
That which is indivisible.
By atom, nobody will imagine we intend to express a perfect indivisible, but only the least sort of natural bodies.
An infinitely small quantity which is assumed to admit of no further division.
Impossible of undergoing division;
An indivisible union of states
One nation indivisible

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